Puslapio vaizdai

Anglo-Norman Period: specimens
of the language, 23; Norman con-
quest, 24; early Norman literature,
25; romances, 28; types of later
literature, 28; summary, 31; selec-
tions for reading, 32; bibliography,

Anglo-Saxon branch of literature, 8
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, The, 23, 9, 16
Anglo-Saxon Period: specimens of
the language, 9; epic of Beowulf,
9; early poetry, 14; later writings,
16; summary, 31; selections for
reading, 32; bibliography, 33
Annalists, Colonial, 347
Annie, For, 413

Annie Kilburn, 516, 519
Annuals, literary, 233, 393
Apelles' (ǎ pelēz) Song, 64
Apologie for Poetry, 104
Arcadia (är ka'dï ä), 105
Arden, Mary, 88

Areopagitica (ăr′ē ŏp ǎ jit ́ĭ cä), 123
Aristotle, 83

Arnold, Edwin, 286

Arnold, Matthew, 280, 170, 176, 223
Art, Ruskin's theory of, 333; Colo-
nial, 344, 345

"Art thou poor, yet hast thou golden
slumbers?" 65

Arthur, legends of, 27

Arthur Gordon Pym, Narrative of,

Arthurian romances, 28, 52, 53

"As the bird trims her to the gale,"

As You Like It, 91, 95, 96, 99
Ascham (ǎs'kam), Roger, 103
Astoria (ǎs tō'rï ä), 383
Atmosphere, stories of, 411

Audubon (a'du bon), John James, 532
Augustine (a'gus tin or a gus' tin),
Saint, 2

Austen, Jane, 245; life, 245; novels,
246; her field, 247; her influence,
248, 244, 410

Autobiography Franklin's, 356; Jeffer-
son's, 364

Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The,
457, 453, 455, 459
Autumn, To, Keats, 231

Bacon, Francis, 106; life, 107; works,
108; his view of life, 110; estimate
of, 111. 103

Bailey, Florence, 533

Ballads, 55; Whittier's variation of,
439, 440

Ballads and Sonnets, Rossetti, 283
Barchester Towers, 313
Barclay of Ury, 439
Bard, The, Gray, 174
Barlow, Joel, 359

Barnfield, Richard, 65

Barrett, Elizabeth (Mrs. Browning),
279, 271

Bartholomew Fair, 102

Battle of Brunanburh (bru'nan burch),

Battle of Maldon (mal'don), 15
Beaumont (bo'mont), Francis, 100
Beauty, sensuous and moral, 232;
Spenser's ideal, 77; Shelley's, 225;
Keats's, 232; Poe's, 408
Beddoes, Thomas, 234

Bede, the Venerable, 17, 19
"Behind him lay the gray Azores,"

Bell of Atri (ä'trē), The, 432
Belles-Lettres (bel'let'r), professor-
ships of, 422

Belling the Cat, fable of, 34

Bells of San Blas (sän bläs'), The,
Beowulf, 9; story of, 10; manuscript

of, 13; materials used in, 14

Bible, authorized version of the, 106
Bickerstaff Papers, The, 156
Biglow Papers, The, 450, 447
Birds of America, 532

Bivouac of the Dead, The, 417
Blackmore, Richard, 314
Blake, William, 187

Blithedale Romance, The, 495, 489
Boker, George H., 499
Bolles, Frank, 533

Book, root meaning of, 2
Book of the Duchess, The, 42, 48
Book of Snobs, The, 303

Books, of knowledge and of power,
3; first printed, 55; licensor of,

Border Beagles, The, 372
Boswell, James, 166
Boy actors, 82

Bracebridge Hall, 377

Bradford, William, 347, 344, 351, 354
Bradstreet, Anne, 349, 454

Bravo (brä'vō), The, 397, 398
Breakfast-Table series, Holmes, 457

[blocks in formation]

Browne, Thomas, 140
Brownell, Henry H., 499


Browning, Robert, 270; life, 271;
dramatic quality, 273;
poems, 274; estimate of, 277
Browning, Mrs. See Barrett
Brutus, English legends of, 27
Brut (broot), Layamon's, 29
Bryant, William Cullen, 386; life,
387; poetical works, 389; estimate
of, 392; compared with Lowell, 449.
350, 424

Building of the Ship, The, 422
Bunner, Henry C., 515, 531
Bunyan, John, 129; life, 130; works,
131. 115, 346

Burke, Edmund, 167; orations, 168;
method and style, 169. 361, 364
Burns, Robert, 179; life, 179; songs,
183; estimate of, 184. 149, 436,

Burns, Carlyle's essay, 325
Burroughs, John, 533
Butler, Samuel, 139

"By the rude bridge that arched the
flood," 481

Byrd, William, 347, 344
Byrhtnoth's (bircht'noth) Death, 15
Byron, Lord, 217; life, 217; poems,
219; two views of, 222. 202
Byronic hero, the, 222

[blocks in formation]


Carlyle, Thomas, 322; life, 322; works,
324; estimate of, 328; and Emer-
son, 477, 482; and Melville, 500.
287, 317, 332

Carver, Jonathan, 364

Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 524
Cavalier and Puritan, American, 347,

Cavalier verse, 137, 139
Cawein, Madison, 531

Caxton, William, 53, 40, 51

Celebrated Jumping Frog, The, 520
Centennial Exposition of 1876, 507,


Chambered Nautilus (na'ti lus), The,

Channing, William Ellery, 365, 421,

Chanticleer, Chaucer, 47, 49

Chapman's Homer, On, Keats, 230
Charles Egbert Craddock. See Murfree
Charles II, 115

Charleston School, the, 372, 375
Charlotte Temple, 365
Chatterton, Thomas, 187
Chaucer (cha'ser), Geoffrey, 37; life,

38; how to read, 40; early works,
42; Canterbury Tales, 44; charm
of, 47; contemporaries, 50; Sid-
ney's view of, 37; Dryden's estimate
of, 136. 3, 6, 28, 153, 348
Chaucer, Age of: specimens of the
language, 34; historical outline, 36;
Chaucer, 37; Langland, 50; Malory,
51; Caxton, 53; ballads, 55; sum-
mary, 58; selections for reading,
58; bibliography, 59

Child, Mrs. Lydia, 438

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 221, 218
Chingachgook (chin gach'gook), 397,


Chopin, Mrs. Kate, 515
Christ, The, Cynewulf, 21
Christabel, 214

Christmas Carol, A, 295

Christus: a Mystery, Longfellow, 431
Chronicle plays, 83, 85, 91
Churchill, Winston, 524

Circuit Rider, The, 501

Citizen literature, 361

Citizen of the World, The, 175
Civil War, American, 417, 420
Civil War of 1642, 114

Clarissa, 193, 195

Class poems of Holmes, 455

Classical drama, the, 82
Classicism in literature, 147
Classics, influence of the, 61
Clemens, Samuel L., 519

Cloister and the Hearth, The, 313, 54
Cobzar's (cob'zar) Last Song, The, 5
Coifi (koy'fee or kuf'ee), story of, 18
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 211; life,
212; anecdotes of, 213; works, 213.
202, 249

Colleges, early American, 344
Collins, William, 172

Colonial literature, quality of, 343, 345
Colonial Period, The, 346: annalists,
347; poets, 348; Indian narratives,
351; religious writers, 352; sum-
mary, 367; selections for reading,
368; bibliography, 369
Columbiad, The, 359

"Come up from the fields, father," 472
Comedy, popular, 81; definition of, 96
Commemoration Ode, Lowell, 448
Common Sense, 364, 168
Complete Angler, The, 141

Comus (ko'mus), 120; compared with
The Tempest, 121. 81, 116, 119
Conciliation with America, On, 168,
170, 364

Concord Hymn, 481

Condescension in Foreigners, On, 452
Confessions of an English Opium

Eater, 255

Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's
Court, A, 520

Conquest of Canaan, The, 359
Contemporary history and criticism,

Content, Dekker, 65

Contentment, Holmes, 457

Continental wars, England's, 146
Cook, Captain James, 147
Cooke, John Esten, 501
Cooke, Rose Terry, 515, 518
Cooper, James Fenimore, 394; life,
395; works, 398; scenes and char-
acters, 401; general characteristics,
402. 351, 367, 371, 373, 386, 413
Coriolanus (ko'ri ō la'nus or kō ri ō-
lä'nus), 95, 96

Correspondence of Carlyle and Emer-
son, 477

Cotter's Saturday Night, The, 180, 184
Courtship of Miles Standish, The, 428,

Cowper, William, 186, 245

Crane, Stephen, 521
Cranford, 312, 314
Crawford, Marion, 524

Crèvecœur (krāv ker'), Hector St
John de, 364

Crisis, The, Paine, 364
Cromwell, Oliver, 114, 118
Cross, John Walter, 308
Cross of Snow, The, 425
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, 469
Crown of Wild Olive, 335
Cuchulain (there is no English equiv-
alent for this Celtic name. An
approximate pronunciation is ku-
hoo'lin), 7

"Cupid and my Campaspe played,” 64
Curtis, George William, 537

Cycles, of romances, 28; of plays, 78
Cymbeline (sim'be lin), 90, 95
Cynewulf (kin'ě wulf), 20, 17

Dana, Richard H., Jr., 500
Dandelion, To a, 449
Danes in England, 21
Daniel Deronda, 309
Danvis Folk, 521

Darwin, Charles, 260, 317
David Copperfield, 294, 287, 288
Davidson, Betty, 181
Day of Doom, The, 349
Days, Emerson, 486

Deacon's Masterpiece, The, 456
Death, Whitman's poems on, 473
Declaration of Independence, A, 363,


Decline and Fall of the Roman Em-
pire, 171

Deerslayer, The, 400, 373, 395

Defoe, Daniel, 189; career, 190;
works, 191. 163

Dekker, Thomas, 65, 85, 102
Democracy, Whitman's poems on,

Deor's (da'or) Lament, 15

De Quincey, Thomas, 253; life, 254;
typical works, 255; style, 256
Deserted Village, The, 176

Detectives in fiction, 411

Diary, of Evelyn, 142; of Pepys, 142
Dickens, Charles, 287; life, 287;
works, 291; selected novels, 293;
estimate of, 295; compared with
Thackeray, 298, 302; with George
Eliot, 311. 50
Dickinson, Emily, 531


Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers,

Dictionary, Johnson's, 165

Diedrich Knickerbocker, 379, 380
Divine Comedy, Longfellow's transla-
tion of the, 425, 431

Doctor Faustus (fas'tus or fows'tus),
Marlowe, 86

Don Quixote (Spanish, don kē hō'tě;
English, don kwiks'ōt), 453
Drake, Joseph Rodman, 372
Drama, rise of the, 77; religious, 78;
secular, 80; classical and English,
83; Elizabethan, 84; types of, 91;
decline of, 100. See also Miracle,
Interlude, Masque, etc.
Dramatic monologues, 275
Dramatic "unities," 83
Drayton, Michael, 64
Dream Pedlary, 235

"Dreamer of dreams, born out of my
due time," 285

Driftwood Essays, Longfellow, 424,

Dryden, John, 133; life, 133; works,
134. 115, 156, 160
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence, 530
Dunciad (dun'sĭ ăd), The, 150
Dupin (de pong'), a fictitious char-
acter of Poe, 411
Dutchman's Fireside, The, 372
Dwight, Timothy, 359
Dyce, Alexander, 101

Each and All, 479

Early Spring, Wordsworth, 206
Earthly Paradise, The, 284
Ecclesiastical History, Bede, 17
Economics, Ruskin's view of, 334
Edgar Huntley, 367
Edgeworth, Maria, 244
Edward II, Marlowe, 86

Edwards, Jonathan, 353, 354, 486
"Eftsoones they heard a most melodi-
ous sound," 72
Eggleston, Edward, 501
Eighteenth-century Literature, 145:
historical outline, 145; classicism,
147; typical writers, 148; Johnson
and his Circle, 164; historians,
170; revival of romantic poetry,
172; early English novels, 188;
summary, 196; selections for read-
ing, 197; bibliography, 198. See
also Addison, Burns, Defoe, etc.


Elegy, Gray, 173, 268, 389
Elene (el ane'), Cynewulf, 21
Eliot, John, 348, 352, 354
Elizabethan Age, 60: historical back-
ground, 60; literary characteristics,
61; foreign influence, 62; lyrics,
64; dramatists, 77; prose writers,
103; summary, 112; selections for
reading, 112; bibliography, 113.
See also Bacon, Jonson, Shake-
speare, Spenser, etc.
Elsie Venner, 453, 458
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 475; life,
476; poems, 479; prose works, 481;
doctrine of, 483; estimate of, 486;
and Carlyle, 323, 325, 477, 482;
quoted, 87, 157, 205, 208, 394. 212,
269, 330, 420, 493

Empire, expansion of the, 146
Endymion (en dim'ĩ on), 228, 230
England's Helicon, 63

English, dialects of, 53; the King's,
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,

English Idyls, Tennyson, 268
English literature, beginnings of, 7;
tributaries of, 8. See also Anglo-
Saxon Period, Eighteenth-century,
Literature, Victorian Age, etc.
Enthusiasm, of Elizabethan age, 61;
of First National (American) period,
370, 371

Epicane (épi sen), or the Silent
Woman, 102

Epistle, An, Browning, 275
Epitaph on Charles II, 115
Epithalamium (ĕp'ĩ thā lā ́mĭ um), or
Marriage Hymn, 75

Essay on Criticism, Pope, 151, 145, 150
Essay on Man, Pope, 152, 176
Essayists, Victorian, 316

Essays, Bacon, 108; Addison, 162;
Lamb, 251; Macaulay, 320; Lowell,
452; Emerson, 482

Essays of Elia (ē'li ä), 251; 249
Eternal Goodness, The, 443, 444
Ethics of the Dust, 335

Ethiopia Saluting the Colors, 472
Euphues (ū ́fū ēz), or the Anatomy of
Wit, 103

Euphuism (u'fu ism) in Elizabethan
prose, 104

Evangeline (ẽ văn jě lin), 428

Evans, Mary Ann. See George Eliot

[blocks in formation]

Farm Ballads, Carleton, 529

Fates of the Apostles, The, 21
Father Abraham's Speech, 358

Faust (fowst), Goethe, 86, 221, 226;
Taylor's translation of, 499

Federalist, The, 363
Federalist party, 355
Female Quixotism, 366

"Few his words, but strong," 125
Fiction, beginning of American, 365
Field, Eugene, 530

Fielding, Henry, 194, 195, 196, 366
Fight at Finnsburgh, The, 15
Fingal, 186

First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, 95
First Snowfall, The, 449

Fiske, John, 534

Fletcher, John, 95, 101

Flint, Timothy, 374

Ford, Paul Leicester, 524

Forest Hymn, A, 390, 391, 443

Franklin, Benjamin, 356, 88, 110, 375,

Freedom, Bryant, 393

Freedom of the Will, Edwards, 354
French, Alice, 515

French Revolution. See Revolution
French Revolution, The, Carlyle, 326,

Freneau (frē nō'), Philip, 359, 351
Friendship, Of, Bacon, 109

"From jigging veins of rhyming
mother-wits," 85

Froude (frood), James Anthony, 324
"Full fathom five thy father lies," 61
"Full little knowest thou, that hast
not tried," 66

Gammelyn (găm ́ě lin), 99
Garland, Hamlin, 515

Garrison, William Lloyd, 436, 445
Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth, 312
Gentle Boy, The, 493
Geoffrey (jef'ri) Crayon, 379

Geoffrey of Monmouth (mon ́mŭth),

George Eliot, 305; life, 305; works,
308; estimate of, 310; compared
with Thackeray, 310; with Dickens,
311; with Hawthorne, 497
Gibbon, Edward, 170

Gibson, William Hamilton, 533
Gilder, Richard Watson, 531
Gleeman, the, 10, 11

Godfrey, Thomas, 349
Godwin, Mary, 224
Godwin, William, 224

Goethe (ger'tě), Johann Wolfgang
von, 87, 148, 122

Gold Bug, The, 411, 412

Golden Legend, The, Longfellow, 431
Golden Treasury, The, Palgrave, 66
Goldsmith, Oliver, 174; works, 175.
195, 196

Goodrich, Samuel, 374
Gookin, Daniel, 352

Gorboduc (gôr bō dŭk), 84
Gordon, George. See Byron
Gothic novel, the, 367, 410
Grace Abounding, 130, 131

Grandfather's Chair, Hawthorne, 490
Gray Champion, The, 493
Gray, Thomas, 173, 389
Great Stone Face, The, 493
Greene, Robert, 85
Grendel, legend of, II

Guardian Angel, The, 458

Gulliver's Travels, 157, 154, 156

Gutenberg (goo'ten berg), Johannes,


Hakluyt (hǎk'lot), Richard, 103
Hale, Edward Everett, 515, 537
Hall, James, 374

Hallam, Henry, 87, 108
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 372
Hamilton, Alexander, 362
Hamlet, 90, 94, 95, 96
Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 525
Hardy, Thomas, 315
Harris, Joel Chandler, 521
Harte, Francis Bret, 514, 511
Hartford Wits, the, 359

Hathaway, Anne, 88

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 487; life, 487 ;

short stories, 490; romances, 493;
characteristics, 495. 367, 412

Hay, John, 526, 531
Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 498
Hazard of New Fortunes, A, 519
Hazlitt, William, 101

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