The Monthly Mirror: Reflecting Men and Manners: With Strictures on Their Epitome, the Stage ..., 6 tomas

Priekinis viršelis
proprietors, 1809

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99 psl. - To select a singular event, and swell it to a giant's bulk by fabulous appendages of spectres and predictions, has little difficulty; for he that forsakes the probable may always find the marvellous. And it has little use: we are affected only as we believe; we are improved only as we find something to be imitated or declined. I do not see that The Bard promotes any truth, moral or political.
24 psl. - ... fell asleep. Before he awoke, two ladies, who were foreigners, passed by in a carriage. Agreeably astonished at the loveliness of his appearance, they alighted, and having admired him (as they thought) unperceived, for some time, the youngest, who was very handsome, drew a pencil from her pocket, and having written some lines upon a piece of paper, put it with her trembling hand into his own.
102 psl. - ... interlude, tragedy, comedy, opera, play, farce or other entertainment of the stage...
170 psl. - And level pavement: from the arched roof, Pendent by subtle magic, many a row Of starry lamps and blazing cressets, fed With naphtha and asphaltus, yielded light As from a sky.
39 psl. - A WIFE, domestic, good, and pure, Like snail should keep within her door— But not like snail in silver'd track, Place all her wealth upon her back.
76 psl. - Is sillier than a sottish chouse, Who, when a thief has robb'd his house, Applies himself to cunning men, To help him to his goods again...
287 psl. - Oh thou ! with whom my heart was wont to share From Reason's dawn each pleasure and each care ; With whom, alas! I fondly hoped to know The humble walks of happiness below; If thy blest nature now unites above An angel's pity with a brother's love, Still o'er my life preserve thy mild...
27 psl. - ... laid against a king's life. He regularly joined the royal hounds, put himself foremost, and took the most desperate leaps, in the hope that William might break his neck in following him. One day, however, he accomplished one so imminently hazardous, that the king when he came to the spot shook his head and drew back.
227 psl. - Your trifle's no trifle, I ween, To customers prudent as I am ; Your peas in December are green, But I'm not so green as to buy 'em. • With ven'son I seldom am fed — Go bring me the sirloin, you ninny ; Who dines at a guinea a head Will ne'er by his head get a guinea...
171 psl. - A shout that tore Hell's concave, and beyond Frighted the reign of Chaos and old Night.

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