Puslapio vaizdai


Subsidy acknowledged on 11.504 kilometres at $8000 per kilo


Paid for, cash.

In 3% Bonds...

Total payment....


$92,032 00

$83,000 00

9,032 00

$92,032 00

24. "TULA, ZACUALTIPAN" (State of Hidalgo), and TAMPICO

Subsidy on 70.000 kilometres at $8,000 per kilometre..

The whole amount paid for in 5% Bonds, of which $285,000 were outstanding on the 30th of June, 1896.

25. "MATAMOROS IZUCAR" (State of Puebla) and RAILWAY." (On the Pacific coast.)

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$111,370 62

877,405 87

$988,776 49

Subsidy under contract of March 22d, 1895, on 40 kilometres..
Paid as follows: cash, for the amount of 2% in-
terest annuities paid to the Company in
conformity with the original concession...
In 5% Bonds, according to the above con-

Total payment..

26. "LOWER CALIFORNIA RAILWAY."-(From the town of San Quintin to a point on the "Mexican Central," Chihuahua.)

Subsidy on 20 kilometres, payable in 6% Bonds at the rate of $8000 per kilometre, the said Bonds, afterwards converted

in conformity with the corresponding law of conversion,

were taken by the Company under 10% discount off their
nominal value....

$177.777 77

27. "MONTE ALTO RAILWAY."-(Starts from the town of Tlalnepantla, on the Salto branch of the "Mexican National," towards Alizapan and Villa del Carbon.)

Subsidy on 10 kilometres at $6000 per kilometre, payable in

6% Bonds taken by the Company at the rate of 90% of their

face value.....

$66,666 66

28. TEHUANTEPEC R. R.-(Between Coatzacoalcos on the Gulf of Mexico, and Salina Cruz, on the Pacific coast.)



CONTRACTORS, Edward LEARNED & Co.-(Contract of June 2d, 1879.)
35 kilometres, of which only 25 were paid
for, at $7500.......

The Learned contract was rescinded by
the Mexican Government on August
16th, 1882; but by agreement ad-
justed with J. Tyng, as representative
of the contractors, who received the
following payments:

$187,500 00

[blocks in formation]

2. CONTRACTOR, MR. DELPIN SANCHEZ.-(Agreement of October 5th, 1882.)

This contractor received from the Govern

$1,892,913 82

[blocks in formation]

3. MAC-MURDO Contract.—(Agreement approved by Decree of October 15th, 1888.)


For the completion of the construction and the furnishing of all the rolling material, etc., and for which the Contractors received in payment in 5% Bonds, special issue, principal and interests payable in sterling currency, £2,700,000,...


This contract was rescinded on the 13th of January, 1892,
when the contractors, in settlement of accounts, sur-
rendered to the Government the sum of about $2,000,-
000 as surplus proceeding from the sale of the said
bonds, and delivered, more or less, 250 kilometres of
the lines as built or repaired within the stipulations of
the said contract.

STANHOPE, HAMPSON & CORTHEL CONTRACT.—(Made under Decree of December 6th, 1893.)

For the construction of 59 kilometres and the completion of all the necessary works for the preservation and

$13,500,000 00

working of the whole line, for the fixed sum of,...... $1,483,035 00

Total cost of the line...

$19,181,173 72


In the first part of this paper I gave a brief statement of the different loans and liabilities which constitute the Mexican debt, and that statement will make it easy to understand the different issues and denominations of our bonds. Here I append a detailed statement of the National Debt of Mexico, up to June 30, 1896, submitted to Congress by the Secretary of the Treasury on the 14th of December, 1896, and a further statement containing the same data in a more concise form.

STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL DEBT OF MEXICO TO JUNE 30, 1896. Bonded Debt, Principal and Interest payable in Ster

ling currency.

Six per cent. interest bearing Bonds for the Loan of 1888,
%sinking fund, Capital and Interest....
Six per cent. interest bearing Bonds for the Loan of 1890,
with % sinking fund, Capital and Interest...
Six per cent, interest bearing Bonds for the Loan of 1893,
with % sinking fund, Capital and Interest..
Five per cent. interest bearing Bonds for the Construc-
tion of the Tehuantepec Railway, 1889, Capital....
Six per cent. (non converted balance) Bonds of the Loan,
contracted in London, 1851, Capital.....

Total amount of outstanding Bonds, payable
in Sterling currency....

Bonded Debt, Principal and Interest payable in Mexi-
can Silver currency.

Three per cent. interest bearing Bonds of the Interior
Consolidated Debt, Capital and Interest...
Five per cent. interest bearing Bonds of the Interior Re-
deemable Debt, first series, Capital and Interest....
Five per cent. interest bearing Bonds of the Interior Re-
deemable Debt, second series, Capital and Interest.
Subsidy Bonds, non converted balances, for sundry
works and railways, Capital..

$51,908,786 50

30,068,710 25

15,325,561 50

13,500,000 00
134,153 12

$52,464,927 60

19,995,689 48

987,127 15


9,792,865 75 83,240,609 98

219 17

Railway Construction Certificates, pending of conversion, Capital...

Balance-certificates corresponding to the fiscal years
comprehended between 1882 and 1894, Capital pend-
ing of conversion...

Total amount of bonded debt, payable in Mexi-
can Silver currency...

Grand Total of Bonded Liabilities..

Liabilities from various sources, and in forms, other than Bonds, payable in Mexican Silver currency. To Railway, Harbor Works and Drainage of the Valley of Mexico, Contractors.....

To Unpaid for Appropriations in the Budgets for the fiscal years between 1891 and 1896....

To other credits pending of settlement: on account of
the same Budgets....

To Balances in Account-current due various Contractors
with some of the Executive Departments...........
To sundry, cash or otherwise executed, Deposits, as
guarantee for pending contracts

329,221 91

$110,937,211 37

[blocks in formation]

To provisional certificates issued on account of the 1888, 1890 and 1893, Sterling Loans...

3,738,684 12

To cash or other values pending of classification in the corresponding accounts..

74,434 57

To cash Receipts on account of credits, other than fiscal and pending of payment to the corresponding offices. To Balance due to Mint-Lessees...

To outstanding Bills Payable...

Total Amount of Liabilities from various
sources and in forms other than Bonds....
Grand Total of the Mexican National Debt.....

[blocks in formation]


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I append a statement containing the number of post-offices, and postal agencies in each of the Mexican states in 1895, and the number of postal pieces transported by Mexican mails from the years 1878-1879 to 1894-1895. (See page 225.).

I have prepared a statement of the earnings and expenditures of the post-office and telegraph services in Mexico during the twentyseven fiscal years elapsed from July 1, 1869, to June 30, 1896. It was not possible to obtain full data of the earnings of the telegraph lines during the first ten years of that period, on account of the defective way in which the books were kept by the Federal Treasury of Mexico. With that exception the data embraced in the following statement is correct, as it has been taken from the official accounts. (See p. 224.)

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