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When you buy a pair of

President Suspenders

you find attached to them our trade-mark guarantee ticket. This guar-
antee ticket means to the purchaser that if that pair of suspenders is
defective or unsatisfactory in any way, you may send it to us and we will
make it as good as new, give you a new pair, or refund your money.
We make this guarantee for two reasons:

First, so that no one who wears President Suspenders can ever be dissatisfied with them, and second, that we may learn from time to time of any defect or weakness which may, unknown to us, develop in the suspenders.

We have employed this method so long that we believe we have corrected every defect, but we intend to guard closely the wearing qualities of President Suspenders. It does not matter where you bought the suspenders, should any defect appear, our guarantee ticket protects you so fully that, wherever you may be, all you need to do is mail the suspenders direct to us--we do the rest. No man who has been convinced that the President Suspender has the principle he wants, should hesitate for fear that principle will not work perfectly in practice.

Your dealer can supply President Suspenders if you will talk to him frankly but firmly and give him to understand that with you it is the President or nothing. If you fail, write to us.

The C. A. Edgarton Mfg. Co., Box 331, Shirley, Mass.

Hose Supporter

Pat. Dec. 5, 1899.

Perfect Supporter with
Dress or Negligee
Endorsed by leading physicians, phy
sical culturists, ladies of fashion.
Women who dress comfortably,
economically and healthfully krow
that much depends upon the Host
Supporter. Don't be talked into
anything but the "Foster." If your
dealer regards your satisfaction, be
1 eeps the best: "The Foster." If
he has only an eye to large profits,
he keeps the imitations. Guaran
tee with each pair. In many styles.
Price 50 cents up.

At reliable dealers or
Agents for U. S.
Arthur Frankenstein & Co.
514 and 516 Broadway, N. Y.
Write us for booklet, "Supporter

"The Name is on the Buckle."

C.H. Kaise Ribber Co. "The Col


It is a handsome, beautifully illus-
trated volume, entitled "The Test of
Time"-136 pages of interesting in-
formation and valuable suggestions
for the sake of comfort, health and
success with over 200 fine illustra-
tions. Write for it now while it is in

Look Out! Dealers who are not
our exclusive agents are trying to sell
the "just-as-good" kind. Ask to see
the name "OSTERMOOR" and our
trade-mark label sewn on the end.
Show them you can't and won't be

Ostermoor & Co.,

108 ELIZABETH New York


Canadian Agency: The Ideal Bedding Co., Ltd. Montreal.



"The Most Effective of the Natural Medicinal Waters
and "Strikingly Superior to Lithia Tablets" in
Bright's Disease,
Disease, Albuminuria, Renal
Calculi, Gout, Rheumatism, Etc.

Dr. I. N. Love, New York City, former Professor of Clinical Medicine and Diseases of Children College of Physicians and Surgeons and in Marion Sims College of Medicine, St. Louis, Vice-Presiden of American Medical Association, 1895, etc., in an article in Medical Mirror, February, 1901, says While being the most effective of the natural mineral waters, it is strikingly superion to emergency solutions of lithia tablets and pure water, even where the said solution is an exceedingly strong one."

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Dr. Alexander B. Mott, New York, Professor Surgery, Bellevue Hospital Medical College Surgeon Bellevue Hospital: "In the Gouty Diathesis, Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder, and othe diseases affecting the Urinary Organs, it may be relied on to give the most satisfactory results." The Late Prof. W. B. Towles, M. D., of the University of Virginia, had "no hesitancy what ever in saying that for Stone in the Bladder * I know of no remedy at all comparable to it." is for sale by the general drug and mineral water trade. Testi BUFFALO LITHIA WATER monials which defy all imputation or question sent to any address

Hotel at Springs Now Open.




"The Watchword and Truth

Is the brightest, most orthodox and helpful magazine that comes to my desk," says Dr. D. A. Blackburn, Pastor of the Church of The Strangers, New York, "I always push other papers aside and read WATCHWORD AND TRUTH. I wish every clergyman in America could take this paper. Its influence would be felt in many a pulpit and its truths would help to dispel the doubt and uncertainty that lurk in the minds of many clergymen and their parishioners." Edited by Robert Cameron, D.D. Price $1.00 a year. Samples free. Sent to FIVE new subscribers for six months' trial for $1.00. Address

WATCHWORD AND TRUTH 120 Boylston Street,

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