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-which he thought 'sounded ill for her respectability' and so he would have no more to do with her! The last of the three pretty ones was a very sad spectacle indeed; she was a gentle innocentlooking girl-not more than sixteenbrought in like a sheep to the slaughter by a wicked-faced devil-as to whose business in life there could not be two opinions. Gambardella hardly looked at the girl-but told the woman in a grave imperative manner that he was already suited-and the pair went off to seek a less scrupulous customerleaving me very much shocked upon my honour! I was at his house again yesterday-went with Carlyle to see the picture in its finished state-and stayed awhile behind him, helping the Unfortunate to concoct a new advertisement! more precise, and not so liable to misinterpretation as the first. In addition to the female help he is minded now to have a-tiger! Lady Morgan having laughed at him for having the door opened by a maid with a baby in her arms!! It is impossible to make him conduct himself like a reasonable being-and so he must flounder along like a very unreasonable one. The only comfort is that sort of headlong, unbalanced character has a wonderful knack of lighting always like a cat on its feet. There I must stop abruptly-Mazzini has been here and as it pours down rain I had best send the letters with him." To Jeannie Welsh. Mazzini was suffering from an abscess in his face. The story of it illustrates his calm fortitude as well as the affection he aroused in others.

"Wednesday [July, 1843]. "Now I hope to be better than I was before the going to bed

and do not you fancy that I would be either so forgetful of my promise or of my own interest as to be either 'dying or near dying' or at all seriously ill without telling you, and calling on you to come and help me though you were at the furthest end of the kingdombut I have always an inner feeling when I am seriously ill-quite different from that which attends a passing illness, however painful for the time being and I had none of that presentiment on this occasion. I knew that it was only a summing up of many things' (chiefly moral) as Mazzini declares his face to be—and that the rest and quiet of bed would bring me speedily round. Oh dear me, Babbie, I am very anxious and sorrowful about Mazzini. After many entreaties he has at last begun to take care-some care of himself, but God knows whether it be not too late. He went with Toynbee yesterday to a consultation with Hawkins, the chief surgeon of St. George's Hospital-who probed the wound and declared it to be already at the bone-and John Carlyle told me again last Sunday night 'that if it reached the bone nothing could hinder its becoming a cancer.' 'Well,' says Mazzini, 'but my dear-even if it does-there can still you know be an operation'! Such comfort! and this he said to me to-day as calmly as if he had been speaking of a hole in his coat! He went yesterday and had a tooth drawn by order of his new surgeon to see if Nature would turn the matter perhaps into that course and came here to-day all the way from Queen Square where he now lives! And when I scolded him for coming, he said 'Well, but since the tooth was pulled, upon my honour the wound has not discharged anything.' I could

not help crying half the time he stayed -he looks so emaciated and so calm! if his Mother were near or any human being to nurse him I should not mind so much but he has nobody but poor helpless me helpless because the accursed conventionalities of this world would make it disgraceful to go and nurse one's dearest friend if he happened to be a young man. A strange thing took place at the Association the other night-so pathetic and at the same time almost ridiculous. After Mazzini had made a short speechpleading his inability to speak more at one time a working-man took the chair and moved a resolution that 'Mr. Mazzini should be- laid under obligation to take care of himself! his life being not his own but Italy's property, that constraint should be exercised if necessary for his preservation'-the sensible working-man! And then he proceeded to move the details of his resolution-firstly for instance that if the doctor considered quiet necessary that an Italian guard should be in constant attendance at his door to prevent any one passing in to him-etc. etc., and this movement was followed by a deputation of Italian men waiting on Dr. Toynbee to ask what particulars of treatment he wished to have enforced. The only comfort is that he does now begin to feel himself the insanity of neglecting his health to the same extent as formerly. God grant the sense may not have come too late."

To Helen Welsh. As has been noted previously, Mrs. Carlyle was sometimes bored by the attentions of her devoted admirers, and snubbed them. Here is one who all too amiably turned the tables on her.

The call from Tennyson, who hated calls as such, was a great triumph.

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[Jan. 31, 1845.]

"I am tired to death to-day

and as stupid as two or three donkies for I did not get to sleep till after four this morning the consequence I suppose of having excited myself too much in doing the honours of a tea party. I do not remember when there was a party here by appointment beforeand I was forced into this one by an offer from the beautiful and deaf Mrs. Mackenzie to come and I dreaded having her all to myself, so asked Miss Wilson and her brother-and that bedevilled husband No. 2 whom I told you of. I did not ask his wife but he took it for granted that he might bring her. My programme when I last told you of them was to cut the lady and wean the gentleman away from the house-but neither would she be cut nor he be weaned. After I had treated him with the most marked coldness and even impertinence for many weeks, he came one day and finding I was alone sent away his carriage saying he would walk back-Humph!' thought I, 'heaven send we are not going to have an explanation!' So it was-presently he began to complain of my repulsive manner to him-he was persuaded I had the greatest dislike of him he thought it very unjust -he-they had always liked me so well! He had wearied his patient (oh!) wife with wonderings what I could mean &c. &c. &c. but the cruellest of all had been for him to see the other day my reception of Darwin!! 'When he contrasted my sunshiny cordial looks of welcome, and hearty shake of the hand for him—a person whom I really liked

with the apathetic air and the fingers presented to himself he felt finally convinced that I not only had a dislike to him but wished to mark it.' I was

quite touched with the weakness of this confessed jealousy of Darwin-and told him good humouredly that everybody could not expect to be received like Darwin-that I had known Darwin these ten years—and besides that Darwin was quite an exceptional man! -but that if he would not take on so about it, I would do my best in future to look pleased when he came in, and to shake his hand with a certain emphasis! He was quite comforted with this and since then I have not found it in my heart to treat him ill-for himself is really a good man-of considerable talents and acquirements besides the wife seems to have got ashamed of herself and is ready to make me all sorts of advances and submissions nowlast night she was quite endearing and be hanged to her! was going to have a dinner-party a fortnight hence and 'absolutely could not do without me'and then she laid hold of my arm and said 'Oh do do come we quite depend on you for helping us thro' it.' I daresay! for tho' very beautiful to look at she can no more entertain a dinner-party than my cat can—and it is the feeling of all that I suppose that she is not up to her husband or her position that makes her take into jealousies -so I must be sorry for her I suppose. I shall not however go to her partyfor her parties bore me to death.

"Carlyle went to dine at Mr. Chadwick's the other day and I not being yet equal to a dinner altho' I was asked to 'come in a blanket and stay all night'! had made up my mind for a nice long quiet evening of looking into the fire, when I heard a carriage drive up, and men's voices asking questions, and then the carriage was sent away!

and the men proved to be Alfred Tennyson of all people and his friend Mr. Moxon. Alfred lives in the country and only comes to London rarely and for a few days so that I was overwhelmed with the sense of Carlyle's misfortune in having missed the man he likes best, for stupid Chadwicks especially as he had gone against his will at my earnest persuasion. Alfred is dreadfully embarrassed with women alone for he entertains at one and the same moment a feeling of almost adoration for them and an ineffable contempt! adoration I suppose for what they might be-contempt for what they are! The only chance of my getting any right good of him was to make him forget my womanness-so I did just as Carlyle would have done, had he been there; got out pipes and tobacco-and brandy and water-with a deluge of tea over and above.-The effect of these accessories was miraculous-he professed to be ashamed of polluting my room, 'felt' he said 'as if he were stealing cups and sacred vessels in the Temple'-but he smoked on all the same for three mortal hours!-talking like an angel-only exactly as if he were talking with a clever manwhich-being a thing I am not used to -men always adapting their conversation to what they take to be a woman's taste strained me to a terrible pitch of intellectuality.

"When Carlyle came home at twelve and found me all alone in an atmosphere of tobacco so thick that you might have cut it with a knife his astonishment was considerable!Twenty kisses for your long amusing letter-the books came perfectly safe -love to all."

(The end of the first part of "Family Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle.")

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ADDER than a forgotten god is a
forgotten demon, and sadder than

a demon without a job are the dis-
used fools of his trade.. Fetishes and
charms, images and prayer-sticks,
burnt offerings and sacrificial stones,
all that are not destroyed lie buried in
some old cave or among the trash of
a hut corner. At last they sink so low
that only an ethnologist is mindful of
them. They are im-
mured from public sight
in those chilly tombs of
learning, our museums.
And the mask, the
most exalted and human
and demoniacal of all

the fetishes, escapes from the mausoleum only to become a pretty toy in some revue, or a theme for airy argument on the eccentricities of the theater of 1993.

Gordon Craig writes about the mask on the stage, and an impression of something rarefied and esoteric, something almost impossibly precious, floats into your mind. What a curious irony to think thus about the mask when your thoughts might be with Eschylus and earth-renewing Dionysus! The pythoness of Delphi, the master of the Eleusinian mysteries, a

A hero of the Javanese theater

negro medicine-man chanting voodoo, a Papuan cannibal blackmailing the unrighteous, an Aztec priest dancing in the skin and skull of a sacrificial victimall these are the sort of esthetes that made the mask. It is a robust, potent, and honored magic that it offers to the theater.

The mask is older

[graphic][merged small]

than the idol and almost as new as radio. For its beginnings you must search five hundred centuries. To find a race so primitive that it does not know false face or fetish, you must travel for tens of thousands of years back up the stream of culture till you reach Australia and its bushmen. At one time or another the cult of the mask has spread over all the rest of the world. To-day men worship by its means in Asia, Africa, the two Americas, and even Europe.

The mask holds a certain mystery, a certain terror, even for civilized man. Every masker is a potential Ku-Klux. The unknown and the irresponsible lie behind that false face. Imagine, then, the power of the mask with primitive man. He lived, he still lives, in a world of spirits. In every bush, in every brook, there is a spirit. In strange-shaped stones and lowering clouds lurk demons. These spirits, seen and unseen, come to harm him. His own soul wanders out of his body when he sleeps; the soul of another may steal in and possess him, or some

witch-doctor may catch his spirit and sell it to an enemy. The quick and the dead are demons together, and they do all manner of evil to one another. The happy man is the man who can learn how to balk the spirit of his enemy or to control the demon of some great dead chief. Out of such needs rises magic, the first science, and fetishism is born. Little images may receive the power to destroy rivals. The spirits of powerful demons may be propitiated by offerings to the carved sticks in which they find shelter. If a spirit will come into a tree or a post, giving the thing power, think how quickly it will take up its abode in a mask carved in its image. When a savage wears this mask, the demon enters into his body, and he is possessed.

In Africa the favorite form of masking is a kind of spiritualism. Young men give to the raising of the dead all the enthusiasm that goes to professional base-ball in America. Each Conan Doyle makes himself a mask emblematical of a dead relative. When the craze for séances sweeps the village, the bucks put on their headdresses and their costumes of leaves, and wander from house to house, talking with a strange accent through a reed mouthpiece and accepting gifts. To the casual white man these very material ectoplasms may seem a ridiculous piece of tomfoolery, but, if the traveler understands how ready the spirit world is to take shape in any passing fetish, he will see a complete and inevitable logic in the ghost-masks of Africa.

It takes something more than an idle fancy to get a negro into a mask in which he can fight the demons that lurk in forests. Here he is dealing

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