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toms of the masculine culture in the structure of its families and clans as well as in its forms of administration and of state and in its system of trades and professions. The Hamitic (Arabian) culture on the contrary shows its main characteristics in a system of castes, generated by feminine choice and voting. Among the Ethiopians woman is the incarnation of motherhood, the respected head of the family, the mother. Among the Hamitic races woman represents the incarnation of love, she is its priestess, she is the mistress par excellence. Her influence is patent in tribal and state affairs.

Peoples in the same group are capable of assimilating each other. Such assimilations are wholesome only if every element that remains physically or psychically inherently alien is eliminated. Occasionally, the compulsion of external circumstances leads to the intermixture of unassimilable elements. Such combinations are inevitably a source of danger. To avoid such combinations is the object of race hygiene, a subject of vital consequence to the United States.

One man's meat is another's poison. This holds true of nations. How many peoples, in the bloom of their youth, have succumbed to the inoculation of alien cultures which were to them just so much poison? For instance Prussia! Frobenius is of the opinion that "by his admiration for French culture (Voltaire), Frederick the Great unwittingly inoculated western French ideas, French language, French spirit into his subjects, for whom they were poison, without harming the king per

sonally himself. Thus Frederick's Prussia was sabotaged with the disastrous results of Jena and Auerstädt heralding the total collapse of the country and monarchy. In 1848 Frederick William IV. conceded to the revolution the introduction of the western Anglo-French constitution with parliamentary horizontal customs and traditions. This again was the inoculation of western culture on totally unprepared, politically uneducated Prussians. Result: Western feminine parliamentary system sabotaged the purely vertical masculine, monarchical structure of Prusso-Germany which led to the collapse of November 9, 1918." In both cases he notes the infiltration of western feminine cultural elements into the eastern masculine system, with disaster for the latter!

A feminine culture ingrafted upon an essentially masculine people is likely to lead to serious disorders. Germany's troubles to-day are due in a large degree to the inoculation of her mind by the feminine culture of the Latins. This, I repeat, does not imply that the Latin culture is necessarily inferior. It merely means that it is different, too different to flourish on German soil. In spite of calamitous experiences, the science of race hygiene is unfortunately still in its swaddling clothes.

The example of the United States shows that race assimilation is possible. But the degree to which it is possible is a question yet to be solved by a new science basing its researches upon the growth and decline of many cultures and civilizations. The assimilations of heterogeneous elements on the shores of the Mediterranean in historical times, glaringly

reveals the dangers arising from the unrestricted and arbitrary intermingling of peoples. Its product, the Levantine type, is a source of constant troubles to itself and its neighbors.

The most interesting experiment in race amalgamation is taking place in the Atlantic world. There is no possibility of predicting what is likely to happen there. The racial omelet in Latin America cannot be unscrambled. Latin America displays all the earmarks of the mixed cultures of the Mediterranean blending with certain traits assimilated from the aboriginal population. Latin America, unlike northern America, has not yet developed a stable and unified type. This fact makes it difficult for Europe as well as for the United States to deal with the Latin-Americans. It makes some of their governments peculiarly unstable and sometimes even explosive.

A Renaissance of Culture in the United States The American melting pot offers many surprises. It also offers extraordinary possibilities for the future. In northern America no assimilation with natives occurred. Hardly a drop of Indian blood flows in the veins of the northern Americans. In contrast to this there is a highly interesting process of consolidation drawing upon all European nations, going on in the United States.

The product of the American melting pot is surprisingly distinctive. It is impossible to overlook the fact that it bears the stamp of the AngloSaxon. The question whether AngloSaxon is masculine, or mixed is answered by Frobenius as follows:

"There is never anything absolute

in the organism of cultures. They are neither purely masculine, nor purely feminine. Our study of human character confirms the feeling that there is nothing absolute in it. On the contrary we continually discover masculine features in woman and feminine features in man. I, therefore, must pray the student to refrain from misusing our symbols relative to cultures for mathematical classification. This must not be overlooked, especially when we consider such young organisms as the Anglo-Saxon cultures of to-day. Some of these develop hermaphroditical qualities, others allow us to discern a clear difference of sex."

The Anglo-Saxon tradition, in connection with a certain unbending influence in the American environment, very quickly recasts the immigrant. At present the result must be considered a type of Anglo-Saxon civilization. It is not a definite, independent culture with specific characteristics of its own.

Civilization, I reiterate, is only one manifestation of culture. American civilization, I repeat, is Anglo-Saxon. The sources of its culture are, however, Germanic.

The development of civilization in America has been so impetuous and so overwhelming, that the creative impulses of the soul, the inner life, could manifest themselves only in isolated instances. The American is justly proud of his civilizing labor. This labor exhausts his faculties. Pride and a strong civic sense fortified by the idea of having wrested a new home from the wilderness and by the consciousness of a common destiny, were strong enough to level the racial antagonisms and idio

syncrasies prevailing among the different European members of the white race in the United States.

The spiritual reaction which is apt to ensue after a stormy period of material expansion, may bring to the surface the culture values of the world, mostly Germanic in origin, which, whether he likes it or not, the American carries in his blood. This phenomenon may usher in a new renaissance of culture in the United States. Such a renaissance may lead to severe social upheavals, if America disregards the law of race hygiene.

The idealistic principle is apt to prevail, in the end, over the materialistic. Prophecies of this type are, however, by no means infallible. Culture, power, economic conditions, are imponderable factors. Nevertheless, archæological research enables us to analyze their highly complex manifestations. There are times when one component predominates over the other, but all are present and effective under the surface. Stability is achieved only as long as nations respect the law of their culture circle. They must reject the influx of elements from alien cultural spheres. The consciousness of this fact explains the stubborn refusal of the Pacific States to admit the yellow race. It does not imply that every son of Nippon is necessarily inferior to every American. It merely means that America, in spite of her powerful absorptive apparatus, cannot digest the Asiatic.

Napoleon's Invisible Armies

After the Thirty Years' War, German civilization was threatened with utter extinction. The French influ

ences which saturated Prussia in the time of Voltaire led to the catastrophe of 1806. I have already referred to the effect of the absorption by Germans of Western ideas of government in the nineteenth century. Oswald Spengler, the brilliant author of "The Decline of the West" is justified in speaking of "the invisible army" which Napoleon left behind him on German soil after the battle of Jena so disastrous for Prussia.

In 1848 and again in 1918 the German people acted upon ideas absorbed from an alien circle of Western culture, irreconcilable with their own development. The continental people of Europe cannot tolerate imported Western forms of government. Such experiments are fatal to them.

The nations of Central and Eastern Europe in the zenith of their history, were always led and ruled by individuals. Look at their history! It does not matter what title the leaders assume; they may be khans, emirs, sultans, kaisers, czars, dictators, shahs, guildmasters or burgomasters. They, not representative assemblies or parliaments, chosen by general elections on the basis of existing social strata, stand at the helm of the ship of state. A man succeeded. by dint of his ability in his calling, was borne to the top by his own community. Apparently we are faced here by an inexorable law of the sphere of culture to which the Germans belong. This law cannot be disregarded by them if they desire to maintain their existence. They must adhere to this law, even if those belonging to other spheres decry it, or combat it, under the slogan of making the world safe for democracy!

A nation must rely upon its own deepest instincts. It cannot trust such vague fantastic conceptions as a "world spirit" or a "world conscience," shibboleths frequently cited by German Democrats. The deepest instinct of a people prescribes an intuitive respect for the innate, unwritten law of its own sphere of culture, history and traditions. It cannot violate this law if it hopes to


Why East Is East and West Is West in Europe The character of a nation and its form of government arise to a large extent from the same physical and geographical conditions. The culture of the East and the culture of the West derive their characteristics from their environment. There is a law for the East and a law for the West.

Certain forms of government are directly related to the masculine circle of culture, and others are closely associated with the feminine principle. Other elements enter likewise.

Another factor which influences state form is the law of rotation. Greek philosophers already assumed that political developments, too, are subject to certain natural laws. Forms of government seem to revolve in a circle. Aristotle describes the rotation of political forms as follows: Monarchy (The Rule of One), Aristocracy (The Rule of the Best), Oligarchy (The Rule of the Few), Democracy (The Rule of the People), Ochlocracy (The Rule of the Mob), Dictatorship (The Rule of a Tyrant).

Our own Goethe says: "I am not inimical to the masses, but when in

difficulties or when hard pressed they invariably try to exorcise the Devil, by invoking the aid first of knaves, then of tyrants."

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The so-called "age of reason" attempted to replace empiric conclusions based upon actual experience, by intellectual speculation or induction. However, culture and the state are corresponding organic growths. The forces comprising culture-language, imagination, cults, morals and art-spring from the innermost spiritual life of a people. This life is the aggregate of aggregate of its racial heritage, its national destiny, its geography and its climate.

Out of such associations arise definite forms of government. All great statesmen evolve specific forms of government from the autochthonous life of their people. The governments, to repeat, are products of growth, not of pure reason. There is no harsher tyrant than the tyrant of the syllogism! The logic of Wilson and the logic of Lenin are equally terrifying. Wilson failed because he attempted to solve the problem of Europe like any example in mathematics. His insistence upon definite formulas made him needlessly cruel. He sacrificed Germany and humanity to an equation.

The Russia of to-day is a frightful example of how the tyranny of inhuman logic destroys the very germ of life. The most ghastly oppressor of liberty is the man who rides a dogmatic hobby, and rides it to death! By submitting to this tyranny of logic, Russia violates the law of her cultural being and suffers for it.

The study of antiquity reveals real life, how it was lived by real people. To environment we must add the in

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