Copyright, 1881, by THE CENTURY CO.
Prophecy and Science-The Influence of Congress-Copyright at Home and Abroad-American Magazines in England, 142; "SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY," Historical-Thomas Carlyle-Advertising Patent Medicines, 302; Our Charming Politics-The Comstock Laws-The Rich and the Poor, 455: The Bible Revision among the People-Bossism-Purchasable Health, 624; The Attack on the President-Southern Literature-The Scientific Poet, 784; Steps in the Right Direction- Literary Eccentricity, 944.
The Lashing of Admiral Farragut in the Rigging (J. Crittenden Watson)-"The Music of Niag- ara" (L. Y. Schermerhorn and Clarence M. Boutelle), with a rejoinder (Eugene Thayer)-The Rise of the Columbia River (W. D. Lyman)-English Correspondents at Plevna (Frederic Villiers), 306; The Comstock Postal-laws: A Reply (Courtlandt Palmer), 459: Mr. Theodore Thomas and Music in American Public Schools (H. E. Holt), 627; Mr. Courtlandt Palmer's Hasty Inferences (Henry C. Potter) -The Organ of the National Liberal League (Courtlandi Palmer)-Westmins- ter Boys in Politics (Thomas S. Oldham), 787; The Book of Mormon (Ellen E. Dickinson)- "Advertising Patent Medicines": A Reply (H. S. K.)-" Music in American Public Schools": A Reply (J. Spencer Curwen), 946.
Some Old-fashioned Things Worth Reviving: The Guitar, Stringed Instruments in Church Music, The Daguerreotype, The Old Valentines (Clarence Cook), 147; Young Men's Society for Home Study-Color in American Art and Dress (H. W. H.), 308; Mrs. Harr ison's "Woman's Handi- work in Modern Homes" (Doors, and How to Deal with Them-Oil-colors upon Silk or Satin- Oil-colors upon Plush-Water-color Painting on Satteen-Cashmere Shawls in Decoration), 464; Outdoor Parlors (Ella Rodman Church), 629; The Boys of the Family, VI.: The Progress of a Clerk (William H. Rideing), 789; Books on the Training of Children (Margaret A. Lake)- Letter-Writing (E. R. Scovil), 949.
"Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle"-Schouler's "History of the United States "-H. H.'s "Century of Dishonor"-Bevan's "Sermons to Students"-Susan Coolidge's "Verses," 150; Ward's Anthology of English Poetry-Henry George's "Progress and Poverty" and "The Irish Land Question "-Charles de Kay's "The Vision of Nimrod"-" A Fair Barbarian," by Mrs. Bur- nett, 309; Charles Barnard's "Coöperation"-Dr. Schliemann's "Ilios"-Three New York Poets (William Winter, George Arnold, Fitz-James O'Brien)-Whittier's "King's Missive"-The Metter- nich Memoirs-Guizot in Private Life-Boyesen's "Ilka on the Hill-top"-Storr's Oration on Wycliffe-The Correspondence of Goethe's Mother-Barnard's "Knights of To-day," 465; Rob- ertson Smith's "The Old Testament in the Jewish Church"-Talleyrand's Correspondence-John Burroughs's "Pepacton "-Norris's "Matrimony "-Dr. Robinson's "Studies in the New Testa- ment"-Palustre's "La Renaissance en France" - Scudder's "Stories and Romances"-An Ex- hibition of Wood-engravings, 630; Cable's "Madame Delphine"-Gosse's Selection of "English Odes"-Bastian on "The Brain as an Organ of Mind"-Preble's "History of the Flags of the United States"-Three "Round-robin" Novels-Francillon's "Under Slieve-Ban "-Mallock's "Romance of the Nineteenth Century"-Poynter's "Among the Hills"-Marion Harland's "Handicapped "-Lucy Larcom's "Wild Roses of Cape Ann, and Other Poems," 791; Letters of Mme. de Rémusat-Grimm's "Life and Times of Goethe "-Griffis's "Japanese Fairy World" -Coquelin's "The Actor and his Art"-Ingersoll's "Friends Worth Knowing"-Leroy and Renouard's "Pensionnaires du Louvre"- Miss Hale's "Peterkin Papers," 950.
Instantaneous Photography-Disposal of City Refuse "New Apartment-Houses," 156; Im- proved Iron Punch-Gas for Kindling (with diagram)-The Transformation of Light into Sound-Luminous Paint-Improved Window-shade, 316; Improved System of Ventilation- New Copying Processes-Photographic Enlargements-Gas Fuel-Combined Plow and Harrow, 477: Recent Progress in Iron-founding; Improvements in Boat-building-Regenerative Gas- burners-Counter-seat-Novel Gas-producer-Electrical Soldering-iron, 638; Recent Progress in Telephony (with two cuts)-Gas Fuel-Experiments in Crossing Wheat-Preservation of Iron Surfaces-Disposal of Kitchen Refuse, 797; Recent Progress in Photography, 957.
"Home, Sweet Home," with variations (fantasia by H. C. Bunner)-A Specimen of "Line Work" (drawing by Hopkins), 158; Love Amid the Barley (M. J. Wells)-A Provincial Idyl (Charles C. Soule)-The Boston Girl (David S. Foster)-Conjunctions (Mary Ainge De Vere) -In Explanation (Walter Learned)-A Sonnet by Benjamin Disraeli, 319; Observations of Rev. Gabe Tucker (J. A. Macon) - Mike's Confession (Sarah D. Clark)-Sonnets from the Afghanese (David L. Proudfit)-The Middy of 1881 (May Croly Roper), 479; Republican- ism (Margaret B. Harvey)-To a Critic (M. Montreal)-Aphorisms from the Quarters (J. A. Macon), 640; At Long Branch (Fitz-James MacCarthy) - Aphorisms from the Quarters (J. A. Macon)-Esthetic (Ella Wheeler), 800; The London "Punch" on Wood-Engraving (?)-How Io Died (Simeon Tucker Clark)-The Dame and the Critic (Caroline A. Mason)-Aphorisms from the Quarters (J. A. Macon)-Prevalent Poetry (Charles Follen Adams)-An Old Rondo (Frank D. Sherman), 959.
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