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the World-Spirit, which knows how to bring about fulfillment of its behest even through the most bitter resistance and antipathy, whose method indeed is often to make a people do the very opposite of what it thinks it is doing.

And the thought may be here added that the higher development of national consciousness is to become fully aware of this World-Spirit, and harmonious with its purpose. War has been hitherto its means because of the ignorant and refractory nations with which it has dealt, and which have had to be disciplined into knowledge of its plan as well as into obedience to its command. Though in the History of the past, it has been largely unconscious in the people which has been its chosen bearer, its destiny is to become a conscious principle of national action, and perchance to have its place or representative in Government itself. Then the outer spectacle of the rise, bloom, and fall of Nations which has been heretofore the course of the World's History will cease, being taken up into the inner development of the single Nation and made the process of its perpetuity its decline being always counteracted by its new rise. And the World-Spirit is no longer to appear as an external Power over the Nations, but their internal Power, organized into their very Constitution. Such is the end toward which History is moving, seeking to get its deepest process inside the

Nation wholly, which process has been so largely outside of it hitherto, and hence destructive of it at last.

Racial freedom is, then, what the World-Spirit has enjoined upon the American Folk-Soul; moreover this racial freedom must be elevated out of mere caprice and barbarism, and made institutional, and that too made institutional in the American sense. The African is to be trained into a political consciousness which is State-producing, yea productive of the FreeState, even if he has no such consciousness developed at present. Such is clearly the injunction of the World-Spirit, never before laid upon any nation. The contest for freedom has indeed been perennial, springing up at the start of History and passing through many stages. But here the command is distinctively racial freedom, and that too of the humblest race. Of such freedom, moreover, the Hero has appeared, an Aryan Hero, the last and seemingly the greatest of a long line reaching back through the World's History, whose process may be seen through him to be getting more and more inside the Nation, thus freeing it of its own destroying Furies within and also without. An Aryan Hero we call him, yet also the Hero of another race different from his own, greater than Alexander or Caesar, military Heroes limited to their own race and determining it chiefly.

Thus the former slaves of the South having become freedmen and also citizens, have introduced a new world-historical problem whose working-out reaches far into the future. For the World's History as hitherto developed and recorded, has been chiefly confined to one race, we may call it uniracial. But at present many indications show that the World's History is expanding its limits to include the several races; hence we may call it multiracial. Within a dozen years the yellow race has joined the world-historical procession not merely of the Nations but of the Races, not being forced into it from the outside by a stronger Race, but entering it voluntarily through unsurpassed deeds of heroism. Using our nomenclature, which we hope our reader is beginning not only to apprehend but for the nonce to accept and even to enjoy, we may say that the World-Spirit took a great new step by starting to be multiracial during and after the American Ten Years' War. The supreme political units of European History have mainly been tribes and nations of the same general ethnic character, of the same Race, however different they may otherwise have been. But at present we see the beginnings of a vast change; the ultimate political units of History are getting to be racial, rising above and including Nations. It would seem, then, that the Races are to constitute together the supreme

process of the World's History, and to attain a new institutional unity of total Mankind, a new federation of some sort evolving out of yet different from the hitherto existent governmental forms known as State, Empire, Republic. Nationality has been great, but raciality seems destined to become greater.

So much in regard to African Slavery as racial, and its place and part in the world-historical movement of the Ages past and present, with tentative glimpses of the future. Coming back from such a far-extending journey of outlooks, we must recall the cleft American Folk-Soul with its Northern and Southern halves ever growing more disunited externally, yet internally revealing the mightier looming task that one side must assimilate the other in this deepest matter of slavery. The foregoing Classism is destined to be smitten to fragments, whereby the three great Classes of the South are to be broken up, their crystallized limits shivered to atoms politically, and a new organization begun. Each Class is to be in its own peculiar way liberated, though burdened with new duties. The Oligarchy with its minority rule in Nation, State and Class, is in these years challenging its fate through developing to maturity the germ of Secession, which, implicit in the Federal Union since its formation, now becomes explicit and puts forth its complete flower.



The general character of the three years before us (1858-1861) has been already designated as that of Separation, Antagonism, Disunion. We have just witnessed the development of the North and South into two opposing social and political systems, which have become so heterogeneous and mutually uncongenial that they can no longer live together. One must fundamentally transform the other in the matter of slavery, which is the ever-irritating source of difference. There can be no compromise, no half-way stopping-place: the North must metamorphose the South, or the South the North; or, in the words of Lincoln, which we have already cited as the key-note or leading-motive of the present period : "This Government cannot permanently endure half-slave and half-free. It will become all one thing or all the other." Just now the struggle

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