Puslapio vaizdai

His form is exceedingly slender, and fits him peculiarly for the greatest swiftness. His appearance shows him to be a creature made for speed. He runs by sight, and not by scent as other Dogs do. He is supposed to outlive all others of the Dog species.

The SHEPHERD'S DOG is principally found in the northern parts of Scotland; in some parts of England, France, and other European countries, it is occasionally seen.


In those large tracts of land, which, in many parts of Britain are solely appropriated to the feeding of sheep and other cattle, this sagacious animal is of the utmost importImmense flocks may be seen continually ranging over those extensive wilds, as far as the eye can reach, seemingly without control. Their only guide is the shepherd, attended by his Dog, the constant companion of his toils.

The BULL DOG is distinguished for his fierceness, strength,


and antipathy to the bull. He will fly at him, seize him by the nose, and such is his strength, that he will fasten the bull to the ground, without his power to escape. He is probably the most courageous of animals.

The SPANIEL is of Spanish extraction. He is remarka


ble for attachment to his master, and has been known to die of grief for his loss.

There are many varieties of the Spaniel: the Newfoundland Dog, the Dog of Mount St. Bernard, the Terrier, Bloodhound, and others are among them. They are all characterized by superior sagacity and fidelity.

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The SPANISH POINTER receives instruction with great facility, and is taught to point out game to the sportsman. such as partridges, pheasants, woodcocks, that may be crouching in their lurking places. Nothing can be more

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field. The English Pointer is similar to the Spanish, but is less easily taught.

The SETTER has similar aptitudes to those of the pointer. He is possessed of exquisite scent and great sagacity.


The TERRIER is a hardy Dog, and is a great enemy to rats and other vermin. His scent is very acute.


The COACH DOG is remarkable for beauty, it being white, elegantly and profusely marked with round black spots.

The BEAGLE is usually employed in hare-hunting. He is the smallest of Dogs used in the chase.

The HARRIER resembles the beagle, but is larger, stronger, and swifter. He is very ardent in the chase.


The SPRINGER is a very lively species of Dog, used


principally in starting woodcocks and other birds in swamps and marshes.

Besides these there are other varieties. The Dog of Mount St. Bernard, which is employed by the benevolent monks to save travellers who may be lost in the snows of the Alps, is an exceedingly interesting animal.

The ESQUIMAUX DOG, used by the Esquimaux for drawing sledges, is very valuable.

There are several other kinds of domestic Dogs, as well as a great variety of wild Dogs, of which I have not room to tell you now.

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The Esquimaux, a race of people inhabiting the most northerly parts of the American continent, and the adjoining islands, are dependent upon the services of their Dogs for most of the few comforts of their lives; for assistance in the chase; for carrying burdens; and for their rapid and certain conveyance over the trackless snows of their dreary plains.

The Dogs, subjected to a constant dependence upon

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