54843 ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, BY D. APPLETON & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Beyle, Marie Henri Bianca Capello, Story of..... BOOKS, NEW: Transcendentalism in New England. Homeric Synchronism: an Inquiry into the Time and Place of Homer. Life of Israel Putnam, Major-General in the Continental Army. Words: their Use and Abuse. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. A Story of Three Sisters. History of the Intellectual Development of Eu rope... A Study of Hawthorne. Fanshawe, and Other Pieces. The Dolliver Romance, and Other Pieces. New England a Hundred Years ago The Dwellers in Spiritualism, and Centennial Love Daniel Deronda. The Atonement of Leam Dundas. The Dilemma. Ida Craven. Ellen Story. The Pilot and his The Two Destinies. Rose Turquand. The Laurel-Bush. The Three Brides. My Own Child. Near to Nature's 94 190 286 380 477 574 145 215 360 450 432 74 150, 246 167 Croizette. From the French.. 45 Macaulay's Love of Children. The Pictures Others do not see. Shams. Ruskin on Dress. George Sand. Art-Opin- 90 186 The Art of not doing. Hudson River Steamboats. Country Stage-Coaches. Summer Resorts and Town Parks. Napoleon and his Valets. Decline of the Old Masters.. 283 Dull Sermons and Dull Listeners. Injustice to our Mechanics. Wagner's Triumph. The Tribulations of a PortraitSeeker. Sea-Baths in our Cities. Bret Hart's New Play... 376 Professor Huxley's Lectures. The Oyster-Season. Preparation for Technical Instruction. Fashions of Women. Monuments in New York. Foreigners' Criticisms. American Domestic Architecture. Pay of American Authors. The Centennial Exhibition. Transfusion of Blood. Finger-Rings. Wood Perry's "Hackling Flax.". |