M. VIEUXBOIS (turning querulously). BABETTE! I say! BABETTE!-BABETTE! BABETTE (entering hurriedly). Coming, M'sieu'! If M'sieu' speaks M. VIEUXBOIS. Where have you been? ВАВЕТТЕ. Why M'sieu' knows :- April !... Ville-d'Avray !...Ma'am'selle ROSE! M. VIEUXBOIS. Ah! I am old, and I forget. Was the place growing green, Babette? ВАВЕТТЕ But of a greenness !—yes, M'sieu' ! (Lifting her apron to her eyes.) This poor Ma'am'selle! M. VIEUXBOIS. You're a good girl, BABETTE, but she,— She was an Angel, verily. Sometimes I think I see her yet Stand smiling by the cabinet; And once, I know, she peeped and laughed Betwixt the curtains . . ... Where's the draught? (She gives him a cup.) Now I shall sleep, I think, Babette ;— BABETTE (sings). "Once at the Angelus (Ere I was dead), Angels all glorious Came to my Bed ;- Crowned on the Head," M. VIEUXBOIS (drowsily). "She was an Angel "..." Once she laughed "... What, was I dreaming? Where's the draught? BABETTE (showing the empty cup). The draught, M'sieu'? M. VIEUXBOIS. How I forget! I am so old! But sing, BABETTE ! BABETTE (sings). "One was the Friend I left Stark in the Snow; One was the Love I lost How could she know?" M. VIEUXBOIS (murmuring). Ah, PAUL!...old PAUL!...EULALIE too! BABETTE (sings). "One had my Mother's eyes, Wistful and mild; |