Impossible! One might as well With these half-dozen Indian beads. Moreover, add that every one So well exalts his pet distress, By my selection I should raise And life is short, -I see you look And life is short, you understand; An open though an empty hand, Why, you'll forgive me, I've no doubt. Nay, do not rise. You seem amused; One can but be consistent, Sir! 'Twas on these grounds I just refused Some gushing lady-almoner, K Believe me, on these very grounds. Good-bye, then. Ah, a rarity! That cost me quite three hundred pounds,That Dürer figure,-"Charity." LAISSEZ FAIRE. "Prophete rechts, Prophete links, Das Weltkind in der Mitten." GOETHE'S Diné zu Coblenz. O left, here's B., half-Communist, Who talks a chastened treason, And C., a something-else in "ist," B., from his "tribune," fulminates While C.'s peculiar coterie And yet-Why not? If zealots burn, My taste for salmon and Sauterne, Friend B., the argument you choose There 's but one creed, -that's Laissez faire; My dear, declamatory pair, Not your ephemeral hands, nor mine, TO Q. H. F. SUGGESTED BY A CHAPTER IN THEODORE MARTIN'S "HORACE." ("ANCIENT CLASSICS FOR ENGLISH READERS.") "Η ORATIUS FLACCUS, в.с. 8," There's not a doubt about the date, You're dead and buried : As you observed, the seasons roll; And 'cross the Styx full many a soul Since, mourned of men and Muses nine, And that was centuries ago ! You'd think we'd learned enough, I know, To help refine us, Since last you trod the Sacred Street, And tacked from mortal fear to meet The bore Crispinus; Or, by your cold Digentia, set The web of winter birding-net. |