A VIRTUOSO. BE seated, pray. "A grave appeal "? The sufferers by the war, of course; Ah, what a sight for us who feel,— Museums turned to hospitals! "And worse," you say; "the wide distress !" Alas, 'tis true distress exists, Though, let me add, our worthy Press Have no mean skill as colourists ;— Speaking of colour, next your seat There hangs a sketch from Vernet's hand; Some Moscow fancy, incomplete, Yet not indifferently planned; Note specially the gray old Guard, But, as regards the present war,— You hesitate. For my part, I— That "Charity begins at Home." My so-named "Hunt"? The girl's a gem; And look how those lean rascals snatch "But your appeal 's for home,"—you say,For home, and English poor! Indeed! I thought Philanthropy to-day Was blind to mere domestic need However sore-Yet though one grants That home should have the foremost claims, At least these Continental wants Assume intelligible names; While here with us- -Ah! who could hope To verify the varied pleas, Or from his private means to cope With all our shrill necessities ! Impossible! One might as well With these half-dozen Indian beads. Moreover, add that every one So well exalts his pet distress, 'Tis-Give to all, or give to none, you 'd avoid invidiousness. If Your case, I feel, is sad as A.'s, The same applies to B.'s and C.'s; By my selection I should raise An alphabet of rivalries; And life is short,-I see you look So, if I only hold you out An open though an empty hand, Why, you'll forgive me, I've no doubt. Nay, do not rise. You seem amused; K Believe me, on these very grounds. Good-bye, then. Ah, a rarity! That cost me quite three hundred pounds,That Dürer figure,-" Charity." LAISSEZ FAIRE. "Prophete rechts, Prophete links, GOETHE'S Diné zu Coblenz. To left, here's B., half-Communist, Who talks a chastened treason, And C., a something-else in "ist," B., from his "tribune," fulminates While C.'s peculiar coterie Some patent new Philosophy And yet-Why not? If zealots burn, Their zeal has not affected My taste for salmon and Sauterne, Or I might have objected : : |