057 44THE CENTURY ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE VOL. LXVI NEW SERIES, VOL. XLIV Negaunee City THE CENTURY CO., NEW YORK BABYLON, THE FOUNDER OF. See "Hammurabi." BABY'S GODMOTHER, THE BRAYBROOK.. Pictures by Urquhart Wilcox. BAP SLOAN'S PISGAH... Pictures by George B. Waldo. BERLIN BOURSE, THE...... Pictures by Werner Zehme. BIRD, THE WILD, BY A NEW APPROACH.... Pictures from photographs by the author. BLANC, MADAME. See "Women." BOSS, THE STATE, AND HOW HE MAY BE DETHRONED. BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, THE. See "Sargent's." BOY, A, AN AUNT, AND A ROOSTER.. Boy's Loves, A... Pictures by Frederic Dorr Steele. CARTOONS... The Weather Prophet.. Altruism... The Doctor: A Summer Cold. Anti-Trust... DEACON, THE, TALKS ABOUT LYNCHINGS. Picture by Florence Scovel Shinn. B. R. Campbell. . Edward B. Edwards. .J. C. Leyendecker. DIPLOMATIC LIFE, MY, CHAPTERS FROM. First Mission to Ger- Andrew D. White..............591, 785 many, 1879-1881 .. With portrait. 904 EMPEROR, WHEN THE, PRAYS FOR RAIN Picture by Sydney Adamson. ENGINEERS, THE, THE WAY OF. A Story of the Upper Mississippi. Willis Gibson... GAME, BIG, PICTURES OF. I. A Young Monarch. II. Pumas in Search of Prey. III. A Patriarch.... Title-page by F. C. Gordon, with a portrait of the author. See also "Animals" and "Match." HAMMURABI? WHO WAS.. Pictures from J. Ménant's "Pierres gravées de la Haute-Asie" (Librairie Orientale et Américaine: J. Mai- Comtesse Angèle Potocka.... 933 Portrait from life by André Castaigne, and drawing by George T. Tobin after photograph. MARVELS, A PLACE OF: Yellowstone Park as It Now Is........ Pictures by Ernest L. Blumenschein. See also "Northwest." MATCH GAME, THE....... Pictures by Frederic Dorr Steele. MEMORANDA... MILK, PURE, A CITY'S CAMPAIGN FOR Pictures by Charlotte Harding. MINISTER'S DAY'S WORK, THE Pictures in color by the author. I. With the Sultan of Morocco Henry Norman....... G. C. Ashton Jonson... }177 Pauline King. 637 Frederic Courtland Penfield.. 351 Ray Stannard Baker....... 481 Edwin L. Sabin.... 741 Thomas Bailey Aldrich..... 614 Howard A. Bridgman...... 635 3 With Introduction by Talcott Williams. II. The Sultan of Morocco Journeys toward Fez. .... MOSQUITOS. See "Yellow Fever." ...... ........... 163 |