Caf. Prithee say true. Jago. I am a very Villain else. Caf. This is the Monkey'sown giving out: She is perfwaded I will marry her, Out of her own Love and Flattery, not out of my promife. Oth. Jago beckons me: Now he begins the Story. Caf. She was here even now; she haunts me in every place. I was the other Day talking on the Sea Bank with certain Venetians, and thither comes the Bauble, and falls me thus about my Neck---- Oth. Crying, oh dear Caffio, as it were: His gesture imports it. Caf. So hangs, and lolls, and weeps upon me, So shakes, and pulls me. Ha, ha, ha--- Oth. Now he tells how she pluckt him to my Chamber: Oh, I see that Nose of yours, but not that Dog I shall throw it to. Caf. Well, I must leave her Company. Jago. Before me; look where she comes. Enter Bianca. Caf. 'Tis fuch another Fitchew! marry, a perfum'd one: What do you mean by this haunting of me ? Bian. Let the Devil and his Damn haunt you; what did you mean by that same Handkerchief you gave me even now? I was a fine Fool to take it: I must take out the work? A likely piece of work, that you should find it in your Chamber, and know not who left it there. This is fome Minxe's token, and I must take out the work? There, give it your Hobbey-Horse: Wheresoever you had it, I'll take out no work on't. Caf. How now, my sweet Bianca ? How now? How now? Oth. By Heav'n, that should be my Handkerchief. Bian. If you'll come to Supper to Night, you may; if you will not, come when you are next prepar'd for. [Exit. Jago. After her, after her. Caf. I must, she'll rail in the Streets elfe. Jago. Will you Sup there? Fago Jago. Well, I may chance to fee you; for I would very fain speak with you. Caf. Prithee, come, will you? Jago. Go to, say no more. Oth. How shall I murther him, Jago ? [Exit Caf. Jago. Did you perceive how he laugh'd at his Vice ? Oth. Oh, Jago! Jago. And did you fee the Handkerchief? Oth. Was that mine? Jago. Yours by this Hand: And to see how he prizes the foolish Woman your Wife-She gave it him, and he hath given it his Whore. Oth. I would have him nine Years a killing: A fine Woman! a fair Woman! a sweet Woman! Jago. Nay, you must forget that. Oth. Ay, let her rot and perish, and be damn'd to Night, for she shall not live. No, my Heart is turn'd to Stone: I strike it, and it hurts my Hand. Oh, the World hath not a sweeter Creature She might lye by an Emperor's fide, and command him Tasks. Jago. Nay, that's not your way. Oth. Hang her, I do but say what she is fo de licate with her Needle An admirable Musician. Oh, she will fing the Savageness out of a Bear: Of so high a plenteous Wit, and Invention! Jago. She's the worfe for all this. Oth. Oh, a thousand, a thousand times: And then of fo gentle a Condition! Jago. Ay, too gentle. Oth. Nay that's certain. But yet the pity of it, Fago--- Oh, Fago, the pity of ir, Fago... Jago. If you are so fond over her Iniquity: Give her patent to offend, for if it touch not you, it comes near no Body. Oth. I will chop her into Messes: Cuckold me! Jago. Oh, 'tis foul in her. Oth. With mine Officer! Jago. That's fouler. Oth. Get me ifome Poison, Jago, this Night. I'll not expoftulate with her, left her Body and her Beauty un provide my Mind again: This Night, Jago. Nn 2 Jagu 1
T Jago. Do it not with Poison, strangle her in her Bed. Even the Bed she hath contaminated. Oth. Good, good: The Justice of it pleases; very good. Jago. And for Caffio, let me be his undertaker : Enter Lodovico, Desdemona, and Attendants. 'Tis Lodovico, this comes from the Duke. See, your Wife's with him. Lod. Save you, worthy General. Oth. With all my Heart, Sir. Lod. The Duke, and the Senators of Venice greet you. [Gives him a Letter. Oth. I kiss the Instrument of their Pleasures. Des. And what's the News, good Coufin Lodovico ? Jago. I am very glad to see you, Signior. Welcome to Cyprus. Lod. I thank you; how does Lieutenant Caffio ? Def. Coufin, there's faln between him and my Lord Def. My Lord ? Oth. This fail you not to do, as you will Def. My Lord. Oth. Are you wife ? Des. What, is he angry? Lod. May be the Letter mov'd him. Deputing Caffio in his Government. Def. Trust me, I am glad on't. Oth. Indeed! Des. My Lord! Oth. I am glad to fee you mad. Des. Why, sweet Othello ? Def. I have not desery'd this. Lod. My Lord, this would not be believ'din Venice, Though I should swear I faw't. Tis very much, Make her amends, she weeps. Oth. Oh Devil, Devil ! If that the Earth could teem with Woman's Tears, Out of my Sight Def. I will not stay to offend you. Lod. Truly obedient Lady: I do beseech your Lordship call her back. Oth. Mistress. Def. My Lord. Oth. What would you with her, Sir? Lod. Who I, my Lord? Oth. I! you did wish that I would make her turn: Sir, she can turn and turn, and yet go on, Goats and Monkies! 1 [Exit Def. Lod. Is this the Noble Moor, whom our full Senate Call all in all sufficient? Is this the Nature Could neither graze, nor pierce? Jago. He is much chang'd. Lod. Are his Wits safe? Is he not of light Brain? What he might be, if what he might, he is not, Lod. What, strike his Wife! [Exit. Nn 3 Fago. Jago. 'Faith that was not so well; yet would I knew That stroke would prove the worst. Lod. Is it his use ? Or did the Letters work upon his Blood, Jago. Alas, alas ! It is not honesty in me to speak What I have seen and known. You shall observe him, Lod. I am forry that I am deceiv'd in him. SCENE II. An Apartment. Enter Othello and Æmilia. Qth. You have seen nothing then ? Amil. Nor ever heard, nor ever did suspect. Each Syllable that breath made up between them. Oth. Nor fend you out o'th' way? Amil. Never. [Exeunt. Oth. To fetch her Fan, her Gloves, her Mask, nor nothing? Amil. Never, my Lord. Oth. That's strange! Amil. I durst, my Lord, to wager she is honest, There's no Man happy, the purest of their Wives, [Exit Æmilia. Oth. Bid her come hither, go; And yet she'll kneel, and pray; I have seen her do't. Enter |