The Multitude, beside themselves with fear, Ant. I doubt not of your Wisdom. Cas. Mark Antony Ant. Pardon me, Caius Caffius; Caf. I blame you not for praising Cafar so, Ant. Therefore I took your Hands, but was indeed : Sway'd Sway'd from the Point, by looking down on Cafar. Bru. Or else were this a savage Spectacle. Aut. That's all I seek; Bru. You shall, Mark Antony. Know you how much the People may be mov'd By that which he will utter ? Bru. By your Pardon, I will my felf into the Pulpit first, Ant. Be it fo; I do defire no more. Bru. Prepare the Body then, and follow us. OL. V. 1 f [Afide [Exeunt. Manet Manet Antony. Ant. O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of Earth, That I am meek and gentle with these Butchers. Thou art the Ruins of the nobleft Man That ever lived in the Tide of Times. Woe to the Hand that shed this costly Blood ! Enter Octavius's Servant. You ferve Octavius Cafar, do you not? Ant. Cafar did write for him to come to Rome. [Seeing the Body. Ant. Thy Heart is big, get thee apart and weep; Ser. Helyesto Night within seven Leagues of Rome. Here is a mourning Rome, a dangerous Rome, Hie hence, and tell him so. Yet stay a while, V In my Oration, how the People take Lend me your Hand. [Exeunt with Cæfar's Body. SCENE II. The Forum. Enter Brutus, and goes into the Pulpit; and Cashus, with the Plebeians. Pleb. We will be fatisfied; let us be fatisfied. Bru. Then follow me, and give me Audience, Friends. Caffius, go you into the other Street, And part the Numbers : Those that will hear me speak, let 'em stay here; Those that will follow Caffius, go with him, And publick Reasons shall be rendred Of Cafar's Death. I Pleb. I will hear Brutus speak. 2 Pleb. I will hear Caffius, and compare their Reafons, When feverally we hear them rendred. [Exit Caffius with some of the Plebeians. 3 Pleb. The Noble Brutus is ascended: Silence. Bru. Be Patient 'till the last. Romans, Country-men, and Lovers, hear me for my Cause, and be filent, that you may hear. Believe me for mine Honour, and have respect to mine Honour, that you may believe. Cenfure me in your Wisdom, and awake your Senfes, that you may the better judge. If there be any in this Assembly, any dear Friend of Casar's, to them I fay, That Brutus love to Cafar was no less than his. If then, that Friend demand, why Brutus rose against Cafar, this is my Answer: Not that I lov'd Cafar less, but that I lov'd Rome more. Had you rather Cafar were living, and dye all Slaves; than that Cafar were dead, to live all Free-men? As Casar lov'd me, I weep for him ; as he was Fortunate, I rejoyce at it; as he was Valiant, I honour him; but as he was Ambitious, I flew him. There is Tears for his Love, Joy for his Fortune, Honour for his Valour, and Death for his Ambition. Who is here fo base that would be a Bond-man? If any, speak; for him have Ο 2 have I offended. Who is here so rude, that would not be a Roman? If any, speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile, that will not love his Country ? If any, speak; for him have I offended. I pause for a Reply All. None, Brutus, none. Bru. Then none have I offended. I have done no more to Cafar than you shall do to Brutus. The Question of his Death is inroll'd in the Capitol; his Glory not extenuated, wherein he was worthy; not his Offences enforced, for which he suffered Death. Enter Mark Antony, with Cæsar's Body. Here comes his Body, mourn'd by Mark Antony; who though he had no hand in his Death, shall receive the Benefit of his dying, a Place in the Commonwealth; as which of you shall not? With this I depart, That as I flew my best Lover for the good of Rome, I have the same Dagger for my self, when it thall please my Country to need my Death. All. Live, Brutus, live, live. 1 Pleb. Bring him with Triumphhome unto his House. 2 Pleb. Give him a Statue with his Ancestors. 3 Pleb. Let him be Cafar. 4 Pleb. Cafar's better Parts Shall be crown'd in Brutus. 1 Pleb. We'll bring him to his House With Shouts and Clamors. Bru. My Countrymen 2 Pleb. Peace! Silence! Brutus speaks. 1 Pleb. Peace, Ho! Bru. Good Countrymen, let me depart alone, And, for my fake, stay here with Antony; I Pleb. Stay, Ho, and let us hear Mark Antony. We'll hear him: Noble Antony, go up. Ant. For Brutus's fake I am beholden to you. [Exis |