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Our Friends-The Enemy

Editors the friends of writers-Their consideration for new aspirants-Help editors by doing your work properly-How to prepare and send your manuscripts-Don't send needless letters-Type copy is preferred -The nom-deplume-Don't presume on editors.


Tools of the craft-Studying the dictionaryList of valuable text books-Keeping clippings for reference-Scrap books-Note books-Files of Journals-The subject book.


The Newspaper Reporters

A stepping stone-The training valuable for future literary work-Newspaper English-The newspaper a daily magazine-Division of labor -Necessary qualifications-Qualities for a reporter-How to write a news story-Valuable knowledge and acquaintance-Famous correspondents-Compensation-The reporter's field - Examples of reportorial work.

The above will suffice to show the general The book covers method and subject matter. completely every point brought up by any correspondence school charging as high as twenty dollars for a course. Other chapters deal with such vital topics as:

The Descriptive Article, Travel Writing, Feature Articles, Articles of Information, Juvenile Work, Trade Journals, Humorous Journals, Agricultural Journals, The Literary Hack, Verse Writing, Choosing a Market, Preparing Copy, Question of Timeliness, etc., etc.

Never sold for less than $3.00 up to this time. Enlarged by addition of chapters by London and Paine. Cloth bound, 8vo. A handsome book. Price, postpaid, $1.50


150 Nassau Street, New York

An ideal assistant to Teachers, Ministers, Authors and all Professional and Business Men..

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leading magazine wants new material.


supply does not nearly satisfy the demand. We train by mail for any branch of magazine and newspaper writing. Just as easy as A B C. Write to-day for particulars. Sprague Correspondence School of Journalism, 268 Majestie Building, Detroit, Mich.


This booklet contains articles by Jack London, Albert Bigelow Paine, Edward Broderick, Elliot Walker, Waldon Fawcett, Frank H. Sweet, Horatio Winslow, Amos R. Wells (Editor Christian Endeavor World). R. H. Davis (Editor Frank A. Munsey Company), Arthur T. Vance (Editor Woman's Home Companion). Frank Putnam (Editor National Magazine), James Knapp Reeve (Outing Publishing Company), Leslie W. Quirk (Editor THE EDITOR), etc.

The articles in this collection seem to us to be the most helpful ever set before the aspiring writers of this country. The price of the booklet is a quarter, postpaid. THE EDITOR,

150 Nassau St., New York

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