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North American
American Review.

ALLEN, G. An American Wild Flower,


America, Early Man in, 338.
American Wild Flower, An, 296.
ANDERSON, G. Science and Prayer,

Astronomical Collisions, 350.

BLAKE, L. D. Dr. Hammond's Esti-
mate of Woman, 495.
Board of Trade Morality, 372.
Bread, Making it Dear, 118.
BROCKWAY, Z. R. Needed Reforms in
Prison Management, 40.

Brown, John, of Osawatomie, 435.
Caucus and the Primary, Facts about
the, 257.

Causes of Felicity, 536.
Church Attendance, 76.

Class Distinctions in the United
States, 231.

Collisions, Astronomical, 350.
Conversations with a Solitary. Part
III. 469.

CONWAY, M. D. The St. Patrick Myth,

COOLEY, T. M. State Regulation of
Corporate Profits, 205.
Coöperative Distribution, 327.
Crude Methods in Legislation, 158.
Cruelty to Children, 68.
DAWKINS, W. B. Early Man in Amer-
ica, 338.

Day of Judgment, The, 565.
Defense, National, 594.
Democracy and Moral Progress, 28.
Democracy in England, Some Aspects
of, 317.

DENSLOW, V. B. Board of Trade
Morality, 372.

| DICEY, A. V. Some Aspects of De-
mocracy in England, 317.
Distribution, Cooperative, 327.

Dr. Hammond's Estimate of Woman,

Drainage, Sanitary, 57.

Dynamite as a Factor in Civilization,

Early Man in America, 338.

England, Some Aspects of Democracy
in, 317.

Evils of the Sub-Treasury System,

Expenditures, Public, The Increase
of, 19.

Explosives, Modern, 459.

Facts about the Caucus and the Pri-
mary, 257.

Felicity, Causes of, 536.

Forces, Social, in the United States,

FRANKLIN, W. B. National Defense,

Freethinking, The Limitations of,

French Revolution, Histories of the,

FROTHINGHAM, O. B. Democracy and
Moral Progress, 28.

George, Henry. His Social Falla-
cies, 147.

GEORGE, H. Overproduction, 584.
GERRY, E. T. Cruelty to Children, 68.
Gold and Silver as Standards of Value,

Government, The, and the Telegraph,

Government Control of the Tele-
graph, 521.


GREEN, G. W. Facts about the Caucus

and the Primary, 257.
GREEN, N. The Government and the
Telegraph, 422.

HALE, E. E. Social Forces' in the
United States, 403.

HAMILTON, GAIL. The Day of Judg-
ment, 565.

HAMMOND, W. A. Woman in Poli-
tics, 137.

Hammond, Dr., his Estimate of
Woman, 495.

HARRISON, F. Histories of the French
Revolution, 388.

Henry George's Social Fallacies, 147.
HILL, N. P. Gold and Silver as Stand-
ards of Value, 307.

Histories of the French Revolution,

HODGE, A. A. Morality and Religion,

HOLMAN, W. S. The Increase of
Public Expenditures, 19.

Homes, The Unsanitary, of the Rich,

HUBBARD, G. G. Government Con-
trol of the Telegraph, 521.
Imagination, Science and the, 49.
Increase, The, of Public Expendi-
tures, 19.

Instruction, Moral, in the Public
Schools, 99.

JACKSON, J. Shooting at Sight, 247.
John Brown of Osawatomie, 435.
KASSON, J. A. Municipal Reform;


KIDDER, F. A. Morality and Religion,

Last Days, The, of the Rebellion, 8.
LAUGHLIN, J. L. Evils of the Sub-
Treasury System, 552.

Legislation, Crude Methods in, 158.
Limitations, The, of Freethinking,

Limited Suffrage in Rhode Island,

LLOYD, H. D. Making Bread Dear,

LOZIER, C. S. Dr. Hammond's Esti-
mate of Woman, 507.
Making Bread Dear, 118.
MALLOCK, W. H. Conversations with

a Solitary. Part III., 469.
Man, Early, in America, 338.
Modern Explosives, 459.
MORAIS, N. Dr. Hammond's Esti-
mate of Woman, 501.
Moral Instruction in the Public
Schools, 99.

Moral Progress, Democracy and, 28.
Morality and Religion, 610.

Municipal Reform, 218.
National Defense, 594.

Needed Reforms in Prison Manage-
ment, 40.

NEWTON, J. Modern Explosives, 459.
NEWTON, R. H. Moral Instruction in
the Public Schools, 99.

NEWTON, R. H. Coöperative Dis-
tribution, 327.

tendance, 76.

Osawatomie, John Brown of, 435.
Overproduction, 584.

PATTON, F. L. Moral Instruction in
the Public Schools, 109.

PERRY, T. S. Science and the Imagi-
nation, 49.

PHELAN, D. S. The Limitations of
Freethinking, 287.

Politics, Woman in, 137.
Prayer, Science and, 185.

Prison Management, Needed Reforms
in, 40.

Progress, Moral, Democracy and, 28.
Public Expenditures, The Increase
of, 19.

Public Service, Suggestions in Re-
gard to the, 488.

PULLMAN, J. H. Church Attendance,

Railroad and Public Time, 605.
RAUM, G. B. Suggestions in Regard
to the Public Service, 488.
Rebellion, The Last Days of the, 8.
Reform, Municipal, 218.

Reforms, Needed, in Prison Manage-
ment, 40.

Regulation, State, of Corporate Prof-
its, 205.

Religion and Morality, 610.

Rhode Island, Limited Suffrage in,


RICHARDSON, B. W. Causes of Felic-
ity, 536.

RYLANCE, J. H. Church Attendance,

St. Patrick Myth, The, 358.
Sanitary Drainage, 57.

Schools, Moral Instruction in the Pub-
lic, 99.

Science and the Imagination, 49.
Science and Prayer, 185.

SEELYE, J. H. Dynamite as a Factor
in Civilization, 1.

SHERIDAN, P. H. The Last Days of
the Rebellion, 8.
Shooting at Sight, 247.

Silver, Gold and, as Standards of
Value, 307.

Social Fallacies, Henry George's,


Social Forces in the United States, United States, Social Forces in the,

Solar Physics, 447.

Solitary, Conversations with a. Part
III., 469.

Some Aspects of Democracy in Eng-
land, 317.

State Regulation of Corporate Profits,


STERNE, S. Crude Methods in Legis-
lation, 158.

STEWART, B. Solar Physics, 447.
Sub-Treasury System, Evils of the,


[blocks in formation]


Unsanitary Homes, The, of the Rich,


[blocks in formation]

SEP 1S 1919

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