Puslapio vaizdai

Christian Faith; and To keep obediently God's Holy Will and Commandments, and to walk in the same all the days of his life.

This would be the way of Advancing the Glory of the Church, and of Preserving the Unity of it.

Then by Receiving the Holy Ghost the Comforter, Chriftians would find the Angelical Pleasures of True Chriftianity; they would be made Rich with Heavenly Treasure; and they would be highly Honour'd by God, and all his holy Angels.

Then would all Orders and Conditions of men be happy in one another. Christ's Church would have Lively Members : the King would have truly Loyal Subjects: Parents would have Dutiful Children: Masters would have Faithful Servants. And all by patient continuance in well-doing, would both feek for, and find glory, and honour, and immortality.

But to bring fuch things to pass, is the Marvellous Work of God alone.

Therefore may all, with Earnest Endeavour to do their several Parts, Devoutly Pray, That God would with his Favour behold our most Gracious Protestant Sovereign *, and all the Royal Family; and so replenish them with the Grace of bis Holy Spirit, that they may always incline to his Will, and walk in his Way; and endue them plenteously with Heavenly Gifts: That he would be pleased to Direct and Profper all the Confultations of the High Court of Parliament, and of the Venerable Convocation, to the Advancement of his Glory: And that he would send down upon our Bishops and Curates, and all Congregations committed to their Charge, the Healthful Spirit of his Grace; and that they may Truly Please him, pour upon them the continual Dew of his Blessing: That in his Infinite Mercy he would vouchfafe to grant this for the Honour of our Advocate and Mediator Jesus Chrift: To whom, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be all Honour and Glory for ever and ever. Amen.

* That permits nothing of the Pope's pretended power.



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