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F thou feekeft the Truth, with the Wildom of Refolution to Obey it, I hope thou wilt find herein what thou defireft: and to God alone give the Praife. But if thou art otherwife minded, I do not pretend to please thee with wisdom of words. Let me intreat thee to Confider feriously what thou readeft: for they are Matters of the Greatest Importance. I wish they were Duly handled with a better Pen. I pray God give thee understanding, and Confeffion of the Truth in all things.






GOD the King of Glory, who haft Exalted Thine only Son Jefus Chrift unto Thy Kingdom in Heaven; and by Him haft Promised unto Thy faithful People another Comforter, to abide with them for ever; Praised and Magnified be Thy Holy Name for this Thy Unfpeakable Mercy. And we moft humbly befeech Thee to leave us not in our comfortless contempt of the Means whereby Thou doft make us Partakers of fo great a Benefit. But, by our Honourable use of the Means Thou haft Ordained, grant us the moft Comfortable Aid of Thy Holy Spirit; that we may, as Thy Gospel requires, Abound in all Heavenly Virtues, more and more, until Thou doft Exalt us unto the fame Place whither our SAVIOUR is gone before: who liveth and Reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, one God, world without end. Amen.

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