Puslapio vaizdai

offer'd by the Bishop, for the Graces of the Holy Spirit. And also they need not doubt of God's Bleffing upon their keeping Unity with the Church, and their dutiful Obedience to the good Laws of it. Eph. 6. 1, 2, 3.



The Honour due to Confirmation from those that Adminifter it. The great Neceffity and Benefit of Yearly Personal Visitations, as in the Primitive Church. What is to be done to Dissenters.


OD grant that the Honour due from them may be duly confider'd; That those Stewards whom their Lord hath

made rulers over his houshold, to give them their portion of meat in due season, may so do, as faithful and wife. Stewards: And that they may so rule the Lord's Housnold, as that all, through his Grace, may be ready in due time to receive their Great Portion: That the means whereby it is dispens'd and receiv'd, may be so Reverently and Orderly done, as becomes the Dignity of God's Holy Ordinance, and the Divine Majesty of his Holy Spirit, whose Grace is in a Bounteous measure communicated thereby, if Rightly done.

For these Blessed Ends, the late King George of Happy Memory, gave Direction to the Convocation to Confider of Rules for the Better Instructing and Preparing young persons for Confirmation, and for the more Orderly performance of that Office. To that Venerable Assembly it does belong to confider of these things. But, as for this Confideration, the single Members of it must tell each of them his opinion: So a Prefbyter that is not one of them, may: with humble Submiffion do the fame.

This therefore, with all humble Submiffion, is here freely done by one that has the greatest and most affectionate Reverence to the Epifcopal Order.

For those Blessed Ends, may it be consider'd, whether the way of Vifiting by the Bishops of the Primitive Apoftolick Church, is not surely the best.

- The Council of Toledo, in the year 633, ch. 35. says, Epifcopum per cunctas Diœcefes Parochiasque fuas, per fingulos annos

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ire opportet, A Bishop ought to go through all his Dioceses and Parishes every year.

By fo doing he may see, or by some means find what is now purposely conceal'd from him, even under the cloak of an Oath. And should he be so put off in what so much concerns the Glory of God, and the Salvation of great Flocks of Souls! He may see how both his Clergy, and the rest of the people committed to his Charge, do their Duty, particularly in Catechizing, and Preparation for Confirmation. He may have fufficient opportunity, which now he cannot have, to Examinethose that are brought to him, and to inform himself how they live according to the Catechism. He may also do that which now feems impracticable, that is, take effectual Care for due Decency and Order. By these means, instead of very few coming to God's Ordinance as they ought, all that can be done, may be done for its being Rightly receiv'd by all.

Other great Advantages there are of this Personal Visiting every Parish. They that through fickness or other weakness cannot travel, will not lose the opportunity. And by Yearly Visiting, and where need requires, Oftner, all will have this great Means of their Souls food in due Seafon, as Christ requires. What can be more unkind, than for a Spiritual Father to let any one of his dutiful Children stay long without it, any longer than absolute Necessity requires? They should neither Die nor Live without it. And if they are Dutiful children, they will chearfully go a journey to attend upon him at his place of refidence.

Another great Benefit there is of frequent Personal Visiting, little thought of. They who by sickness are confin'd to their beds or houses, may have the sure means of receiving the Holy Ghost the Comforter, in their greatest Need of him. But this was so thought of in the Ancient Church, that when in danger of death a Bishop was too far off, St. Jerom and many others would have his absence supply'd by an inferiour Minifter: as in the like Neceffity they would have Baptifm administred by a lay man *. Jesus Chrift went not only to the Synagogues, but to private houses: and so did his holy Apo


He went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their Synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. Matth. 9. 35. He did fo, altho he was fo far from having those conveniences for travelling which his Successors on earth now

* See Part 2, ch. 5.


have, that he went on foot. When he sent forth his Difciples, he sent them before his face into every city and place whi ther be himself would come. Luke 10. 1. And what can be more for the Honour of his Stewards, who have no need of his wearisome way of travel, (John 4. 6) than to follow the blessed Example of our Great Lord? He never stood upon punctilioes. To shew how far he was from that, he wash'd his Disciples feet, and that in such a manner, as if he were their real Servant. May any of his Servants then think any thing too much to do for the Souls that are his Members! When he has faid, I have given you an example that ye should do as I have done. Verily verily I say unto you, The fervant is not greater than his Lord, neither be that is fent, greater than be that fent him. If ye know these things, bappy are ye if ye do them. John 13. 15, 16, 17.

Here is worthy to be confider'd what Bishop Beveridge fays in his Preface to his Exposition of the Catechism. After having given good advice for the necessary Duty of Catechizing, and for enforcing all to do their parts, he adds these words: Nothing would then be wanting to compleat the Work, but that every Bishop go through his whole Diocese, as the Law requires, at least once in every three years, to see how it hath been done, and to Confirm those who have been thereby fitted and prepared for it. Without which all will come to nothing. For unless a Bishop doth his Duty, or in case of Neceffity procure it to be done by another, both his Clergy and the people will be apt to neglect theirs; and the fault will in great measure lie at bis door. Which therefore cannot be fuppofed of any, who are fenfible of the strict Account they must give at the last Day of all their actions, and especially of this, wherein the Glory of God, the Good of the Church, the Salvation of the Souls committed to their Care, and by consequence their own, is so highly concerned.

He says, at least once in every three years. But for the Reafons aforesaid, he might very well have said, Every year, and alfo Oftner where Need requires.

He says alfo, Unless a Bishop doth his Duty, or in case of Neceffity procure it to be done by another. For why should not this be done in a whole Diocess, as well as in any Parish?

For whatever a Bishop through any just Neceffity cannot do, why may not one of his Cathedral be Confecrated for a Suffragan; or more, if the largeness of the Diocese require it; and undertake fo Blessed a Work for the Revenues they already have; and therefore be Confecrated and admitted without fees? As it would certainly be most for the Good and Honour of the

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the Church, to have all the Ministers of Christ whatsoever, both Ordained and Placed in their several Stations, as freely as they were by Christ and his Apostles.

And I cannot but pray, and I hope many will pray with me, That in all his Majesty's Dominions, and in all places of the world, where any of the Church of England dwell, there may be of the Episcopal Order, those that shall be Disintangled, Resident, and Ready, as often as Need requires, to Confirm in due season; (that so far as is possible, none Prepared for it may die without it) and to do whatsoever else is needful to be done by them.

Where maintenance suitable to their Dignity cannot be had, they may be, as well as they can, as they were in the days of the Apostles; until their Flocks can be made sensible of the Command of Christ, To render unto God the things that are God's; and how their doing so is for the great Good, both of their Souls, (Gal. 6. 6 to 10) and also of their bodies. Prov. 3. 9, 10. Mal. 3. 8 to 13.

Sufficient has been now said, for the Personal and Yearly Visitations of the Most Reverend, and Right Reverend Fathers. And God Grant that all may acknowledge the Truth. And may those Fathers duly confider the Benefit to the Church of fuch Visitations; and withal what Reason there is for performing them with the Resolution of St. Paul, in the regions of Achaia. 2 Cor. 11. 9, 10.

May they also confider what Reason there is,

1, For their not giving short Warning, nor a few days Warning of the Day, nor, if it may be less than a full Month? that there may be Time enough for a Deliberate doing all that is to be done by the Minifter; that none through business or absence may lose the opportunity; and that all may be duly prepar'd.

2, For their Admitting. none to Confirmation, without a Satisfactory Account from their Minifter, 1, Not only of their faying the Catechism, but of their Understanding it, and Living according to it: 2, Of their having performed, and frequently performing the Work of Repentance; and their Believing that God, for Christ's fake, will grant to them the Promises of Baptifm, and of Confirmation: 3, Of their Understanding, and duly confidering the Vow, and the Prayers of Confirmation; that they may Devoutly make their Vow, and join in the Prayers..

3, For the Bishop himself to Examine carefully fome of them; and to do this before the beginning of the Service; And also before the beginning of the Service to hear the complaint of any who think their Minister refuses to present them without fufficient cause.


4, For the strict observing the Orders appointed by the Church, for every one to have a convenient Witness, for their being Placed in Order, and for every one to Answer audibly to the Demand of the Bishop, and that in Order one after another; and the Bishop, or one appointed by him, to fee the Answer so made.

5, If there be a great number, to divide them into companies, and the Bishop to make the Demand severally to each company, Reverently brought before him by their Minifter, and by him again brought to their places: and when he lays his hand upon them, for the Ministers to bring them again before him, and to their places, without suffering or enduring any to thrust themselves. Or if it be thought best to have the several companies brought but once before him; then together with the Demand to repeat the Responses and the first Prayer.


6, For taking care that all be present within Hearing the whole time; or Repeating the whole Office for those who cannot be within hearing: and if they be too many for his Strength, Dividing them for another part of the day, or rather for another Morning.

7, For taking effectual Care with the help of the Churchwardens, that the whole Congregation be in their proper Places, with quiet and decent Behaviour.

Whatever is the custom, too much Care cannot be taken, nor may any Care be thought a trouble, for the Right and Reverend Administration, and Receiving of this Holy Ordinance: That therein. due Honour may be paid to God, and to his Holy Spirit That we may shew our selves duly Thankful for the Inestimable Grace that is offer'd to us; And that it may be Obtain'd, and Fully obtain'd by every one.

Herein, both the utmost Care, and the utmost Vigour are little enough to gain any advantage over a Fatal Custom. And a Minifter that truly does his Duty, has the greatest need of all the Afsistance that can be given him.

Surely all that is here said of the Honour due to this Blessed Ordinance from the Reverend Fathers of the Church, is for their Honour, for their High and Everlasting Honour, Infinitely above any worldly honour whatsoever. And nothing would more secure their Dignity against the attempts of all their Enemies.

O then,

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