Puslapio vaizdai

i. Prov. xix. 5, 9.

k. Prov. xi. 13.
1. Titus iii. 2.
m. 2 Theff. iii.

11, 12.

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Here is to be re

membred, that the

IX. To tell no lies of any body i, nor fpiteful truth k, nor to give bad words /.

x. And not to defire other folks things; but to learn and work to get my living m.

keeping all the Commandments is not only for the love of God and our neighbour, but also for the true love of our felves. Deut. x. 13.

XVI. Q. You have done many faults against God's Commandments. What does God command you to do, that he may forgive you?

n. Pfalm cxix. 59. Lam. iii. 40. D. James iv. 8, 9, 10. Deut. xxxii. 6. Joel ii. 12, 13. p. That is tell with a fad heart. 4.1 John i. 9. Lev. xvi. 21. r. Mat. vi.

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12. s. Mat. xxii. 36, 37, 38. t. John

xiv. 15.

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A. God commands me to think of all my faults I can find n; and to be very forry in my heart for difpleafing my wonderful Good Father o; and to confefs p all my faults to him q, and beg of him to forgive mer; and to do all I can to love God s, and do his Commandments t.

XVII. Q What else does God command do, that he may forgive you ?

2. Matth. v. 23 to 27. God is the judge, that will punish him that neglects to feek forgiveness, and make amends for the wrong he has done.

x. Matth. vi. 14, 15.

you to

A. For my faults against my Father or my Mother, or against any body elfe; God commands me to commands me to pray them to forgive me, and to make them the best amends I can u. And he commands me to forgive every body that has done me any wrong x.

XVIII. When you have done all that God may forgive you, what must you do then?

3. Rom. iv. 5, 24, 25. I believe God will furely perform his pro

A. I must believe that God will forgive me for the fake of Chrift's dying for our faults y

mifes to forgive me (ver. 24. Luke xxiv. 47) for the fake of Chrift's Dying for our fins: because God raised him from the dead to call us to, and give us the fame forgiveness, As v. 31. chap. xxvi. 17, 18. This forgiveness is granted as foon as I have begun to repent truly. 2 Sam. xii. 13. Luke xv, 20. chap. xix. 8, 9. Provided I am not flack to perform my whole duty, Luke ix. 62.

XIX. Q. Let me bear how you confefs your faults.

z. Becaufe Chrift died upon the Crofs for our fins; and prays to God for our pars don. Rom. viii. 34. 4. Because Chrift by Dying for our fins, bought for us grace to forfake them; (Titus ii. 14.) and prays to God for for grace us, Heb. iv. 14, 15, 16. See 25

A Confeffion for a Child. A. O God, my wonderful Good Father, I have done wickedly against thy Commandments. I have not done that I fhou'd do and I have done that I fhou'd not do: Then I confefs my feveral faults: and then I fay) I pray thee forgive me, I pray thee forgive me for Jefus Chrift's fake z. And for his fake help me to do fo no more a.

Question. Every day thou must confefs with hearty forrow the fins thou haft done that day. Then God will forgive thee, as he commands thee to forgive thy brother, Luke xvii. 3, 4. If thou haft done any great fin, or any wilful fin, whether great or fmall as foon as thou doft think of it, thou must be earneftly forry for it, and confefs it, and beg forgiveness. Matth. xxvi. 75. On Fridays, or other Fafting days, once a week, if thou canft conveniently, (Matth. ix, 14, 15. Luke ii. 37) at least once a month; and without fail on every folemn Fast day, thou must confefs all the feveral forts of the fins of thy whole life, that thou canst remember. Lev. xvi. 21, 29. Joel i. 14. And remember always that chap. ii. 12 to 19. Jonah iii. the not doing any good, is fin, as well as the doing any evil. James iv. 17.

XX. Q. You


XX. Q. You cannot leave any of your faults, do any thing that is good without God's help b. must therefore always beg his help c. Let me how you pray to God.

A Prayer for a Child.

nor b. Johnv. You 4, 5... hear


c. Luke xi. 9 to 14. Eph.vi.18.

make me Use this more than Prayer unAnd help doft well

til thou

A. Our Father which art in heaven, and every body to love and fear thee all things. Do thou rule our hearts. s to do all thou wilt have us do. Give us that understand love thee what we have need of to day. And for- the Lord's give us our faults: for we forgive others their Prayer, faults against us. And let us not be tic'd nor driven to any naughtinefs: but keep us from all evil doing. Thou canst do all we pray for: for thou art the Great King of all the world for ever and d. Daniel ever d. And all we beg for Jefus Chrift his fake e. ii. 37.

e. Becaufe by his Dying for the fins of all the world, he has bought for every one all that God fees good for him; and prays to God for the fame. 1 Tim. ii, 1 to 7. Heb. ix. 12, 24, Pfalm ii. 8. See 25 Queftion.

XXI. Q. Why do you fay, for we forgive others their faults against us?

A. Because if we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us ƒ.

XXII. Q. What must you do when you pray to God?

A. Always when I pray to God I must give him thanks g.

f. Matth:

vi. 14, 15

g. Philiv 6.

XXIII. Q. Let me bear how you give thanks to Col. iv. 2)


A Thanksgiving for a Child.

A. Our moft Kind Father, who doft give us all we have, I thank, thee with all my heart for all

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thy Goodness to me, and to every body. I thank thee for making us, and for keeping us from hurt, and for giving us meat, drink and clothes, and all we have. But I thank thee most of all for thy moft wonderful love to give thine own Son to die upon the Crofs for our faults, to fave us; and for giving thy Holy Ghoft to help us to do what thou doft command us; and for bringing all that truly love thee to heaven. And I pray thee for b. Becaufe Jefus Christ's fake b, to make me and every body by his dy-as thankful as we ought to be for all thy Gooding for our nefs to us.

fins he has

bought for

་ ་་

us power to keep God's Commandments. (Titus ii. 14.) and prays to God for grace for us, John xvii. 20, 21. Pfalm ii. 8. See 25 Question.

XXIV. Q. What must you do that you may be fit to pray and give thanks unto God?

17, 18.

i. As Question 16, k. Pfalm ciii. 1, 2. Pfalm cxix. 2, 58, 145. 1. Heb. xii. 28. m. Because he has promised it, Matth.vii. 11. Mark xi. 24. John xvi. 23, 24

A. I muft do all that God commands me to do for the forgiveness of my faults i. I muft pray and give thanks heartily k, and with fear l. And I muft believe God will do what is best for me in every

thing I pray for m, for Jefus Chrift's fake.
XXV. Q. Why will God do all you pray for,

for Jefus Christ's fake?

n. By fin we loft and forfeited all good, and fell into all evil, Gen. ii. 17. ch. iii. 15 to 20. ch. viii. 21. Job xiv. 1, 4. Rom. v. 12. ch. v. 23. 2 Cor. v. 14.

A. Because all we pray for are the forgiveness, and the bleffings of forgivenefs which Chrift died for n, God for o.

Therefore when our


prays to

for the fake of Chrift's Dying for us, all good is given us again, and we are faved from all evil, as God fees fit.

fins are forgiven

And therefore

Chrift's Blood fhed for the forgiveness of our fins, is called his Blood of the New Teftament: Because in the fame forgiveness are contain'd all the Mercies promised in the New Teftament to them that obey all the Commands of it. For the fake of Chrift's Dying for every man, (Heb. ii. 9.) God fo far forgives every one, as to give him power to do what he expects from him, (Rom. v. 6, 8, 10. 1.Tim. ii. 4, 5, 6.) and to give him other good things and corrections to turn his heart to God. Matth. v. 45. Luke vi. 35. Jer. v. 3, 24. Rom. ii. 4. And every one that does what God expects from him, God fully forgives him, fo as to give him all good, and fave him from all evil, as God fees fit. Heb. xi. 6. o. Heb. vii. 25. ch. ix. 12, 24.

XXVI. Q. You faid you were made a Chriftian, and God's child, and an heir of heaven, when you were Chriften'd. How were you then made a Chriftian, and God's child, and an heir of heaven?

p. Matth. vii. 7. 4. As I ought to leave them, with truly repenting of them, Mat. iii. 6, 11. Acts ii. 38. word, and fo to believe his promises to forgive my fins, and give me the help of the Holy

r. To believe God's

A. The Minifter did pray with my friends for me p, and did wash me in token of my leaving my faults q, to believe r, and ferves God the Father, and his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghoft t. Then God for Chrift's fake u. did forgive my faults x, and give me the help of the Holy Ghoft to. believe and ferve him


Ghoft. See notes xy. s. Do all God's Commandments to the beft of my power, Matth. xxviii. 19, 20. t. Matth. xxviii. 19. Ats xix. 4. 1 Cor. i. 12, 13. I muft believe and ferve God the Father, and his Son Jefus Chrift, and the Holy Ghoft: because every one of them is God; and because all Three have taught us the Word and Commandments of God, Heb. i. 1, 2. chap. iii. 7 to 12. chap. x. 15, 16, 17. And the whole Word of God is the Word of all Three. John' xv. 26. chap. xvi. 15. 1 Cor. ii. 10, 11. u. Because Chrift Died for the forgiveness of our fins, (Matth. xxvi. 28.) and thereby bought for us power to leave them, Titus ii. 14. See 25 Question. xy. Titus iii. 5,7. Mark x. 14. 'Chrift promifes all the bleffings of the Gofpel to infants, (Luke xviii. 15.) by moft lovingly calling them to him for his blefing, and by.

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