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Holy Sacrament, we do moft earnestly pray for the Benefit of it, that Chrift will give us the Mercies he has bought for us, by taking away our fins by his Death: which his giving us thofe Mercies, is his feeding us with his Body and Blood.

Then fhall be faid or fung.

Thanks for Glori

ous Mercies, his giving his only Son to Die for us, and all the Infinite Benefits we

receive thereby. s And earth by the Death of his Son. t For his good will in giving his Son to Die for us, and

for his Bleffing on

Glory r be to God on high, and wards men. We praise thee u, in earth peace s, good will t towe bless thee v, we worship thee w, we glorify thee x, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory y, O Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty z.

in giving us all the Benefits of his Death. u We thank thee. We heartily thank thee. w We devoutly thank thee on our knees. We give thee our higheft thanksgiving. y Thy moft Glorious Mercy in giving thine only Son to Die for us, and in giving us all the Benefits of his Death, of which everlasting Glory is one. z We will therefore thankfully ferve and obey thee, our Heavenly King; and our Father Almighty, that is, our Father the mighty Lord of all.


See the Lord's Supper, 12, 13, 14 2

a Therefore O Lord God, who canft give us what we pray for. To take away our fins by thy Death; (John 1. 29) as lambs were offer'd for the Pardon of fins. Levit.

1. 4, 10. Ch. 4. 23, 32. Therefore thy Death is of Infinite Merits to take away

all our fins. d That by thy Death obtaineft pardon for the fins of the world. ef Grant

O Lord the only begotten Son a Jefu Chrift; O Lord God, Lamb of God b, Son of the Father c, that takeft away the fins of the world d, bave mercy upon us e. Thou that takest away the fins of the world have mercy upon us f. Thou that takeft away the fins of the world, receive our prayer g. Thou that fittest at the right hand of God the Father h, have mercy upon us i.



us pardon, and all the benefits of pardon. See the Creed, 44. 2g for pardon, and all the benefits of pardon.

To pray for us. Rom. 8. 34. Grant us pardon, and all the benefits of pardon.

To be worship ped as our Mediator." Our Mediator; that is, one that stands be

tween God and us, to obtain all good for us, and to give the same to


For thou only art Holy k; thou only art the Lord 1; thou only, O Chrift, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the Glory m of God the Father n. Amen. o.

Heb. 7. 25 m Godhead. Therefore we pray to thee, and to no other Mediator, as the Papifts do: because thou art our only Lord, and with the Father and the Holy Ghost, our only God. I give thanks and pray according to this Prayer.. Now See the Lord's Supper, 15, 16 Questions. Then the Prieft (or the Bifhop, if he be prefent) fhall let them depart with this Bleffing.

The bleffing of


God obtain'd by the Death of his Son. To know how great it is. Practical knowledge, that is, knowledge and obedience. 1 John 2. 3, 4. The one God,

who is Lord of all. t From whom is all bleffing. 1 Cor. 8. 6.

By whom is all Bleffing. 1 Cor. 8. 6. Job 33.4.


The peace of God p which
palleth all understanding q
keep your hearts and minds in
the knowledge r and love of God,
and of his Son Jefus Christ our
Lord. And the bleffing of God
Almighty s, the Father t, the
Son u, and the Holy Ghoft v,
be amongst you, and remain
you always. Amen.

Epb. 3. 9. In whom is all bleffing.

When thou goeft out of the Church, if thou be not one of the poor, remember to do at home thy part of thofe Feafts of charity, which were done in the Church in the days of the Apoftles. Take with thee one or more of the poor Communicants; or in want of fuch, call fome of thy honeft poor neighbours, and feaft them foberly at thy table. See the Lord's Supper, 11 2; h.

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Collects to be faid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every fuch day one or more. And the fame may be faid alfo, as often as occafion fhall ferve, after the Collects either of morning or evening Prayer, Communion or Litany, by the difcretion of the Minifter.

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Childhood, youth, health, fickness, riches, poverty, marriage, widowhood, fervice, freedom, authority, fub jection, &; the temp ges. Bad company, bad example, misfortunes, temptations, & That will die, and accordingly weak to re

manhood, old age,

'tations of all thefe chan


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Affift us mercifully, O Lord, in thefe our fupplications and prayers: and difpofe the way of thy fervants towards the attainment of everlasting falvation; that among all the changes w and chances x of this mortal y life, they may ever be defended z by thy most gracious and ready help, through Jefus Christ our Lord a. Amen.

fift temptations. z From fin. a By Chrift's giving us thy grace, and for his fake. Tit. 2. 14. Heb. 7. 25.

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O Almighty Lord b, and O Lord the Migh-everlasting God c, vouchsafe d, ty Ruler of all: therewe beseech thee, to direct, fanify e, and govern both our bearts and bodies in the ways of tby Laws, and in the works of thy Commandments; that through thy most mighty proteEtion f, both here and ever, we may be preferved g in body and foul, through our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift h. Amen.


fore we pray for grace to serve thee. There fore we pray for grace to ferve thee all our Make holy. f Defeuce against fin, and neglect of duty. g In our duty, and from fin. See the Collect before.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the words which we have heard this day with our outward ears, may through thy grace be fo grafted inwardly in our hearts, that they bring forth in us the fruit of good living, to the honour and praise of


And let us give thee the thanks and praife of our goodliving.

k From evil to good. /According to m Obey, thy Law. and thank for thy grace. Thee who requireft, and giveft all holiness. • By Chrift's giving us grace (2 Theff. 2. 16, 17) and everlasting life, (John 10. 28) (and for his fake. Tit. 2. 14 John 3. 145 15.

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thby Name i, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prevent us k, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favour and further us with thy continual help that in all our works begun, continued and ended in thee I, we may glorify m thy Holy Namen; and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jefus Christ our Lord o. Amén. Heb. 7. 25.

Almighty God p, the fountain of all wisdom q, who knowest our neceffities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking r; we befeech thee to have compaffion upon our infirmities s: and those things which for our unworthinefs we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, vouchJafe to give us for the worthiness of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lordt. Amen.

all our neceflities, and our ignorance. r Rom. 8. 26. Our ignorance in asking, and all our failings in Prayer. Who by his precious: Death hath abundant ly deferv'd and paid for all thy mercies too See the Creed, 44 2


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20. Notwith standing our fins and the failings of our PrayBelieving thy promises to hear us for


us, that have made now our prayers and fupplications" unto And grant that thofe things which we have faithful


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Chrift's fake.. Markly x asked according to thy willy,

11. 24. Heb. 11. 6, II. y Praying for what thou wilt have us pray for, and pray ing with reverence and humility, and pure hearts. 1 John 5. 14.


may effectually be obtained, to the relief of our neceffity, and to the fetting forth of thy glory z, through Jefus Christ our Lord a. Amen.

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Heb. 12. 28, 29. See the Commandments, 18, 19, 20 2 z By our thanksgivings for thy mercies. a By his doing all we pray for; (John 14. 13, 14. Eph. 39.) and for the fake of his obtaining all by his Dying for the forgiveness of our fins, (See the Creed 44, 53 2) and praying for us. Heb. 9. 24: Upon the Sundays and other holy days (if there be no Communion) fhall be faid all that is appointed at the Communion, until the end of the general Prayer For the whole State. of Chrift's Church militant in earth b, together with one or more of thefe Collects laft bebelieve the Promifes of fore rehearsed.

That where the Communion cannot be every Sunday and other holy Feast day, as it ought to be, we may be put in mind of it; and prepare for it, by folemnly giving up our felves to obey the Commandments, and


the New Teftament Sealed with the Death of Chrift, and to follow that his great Example of Charity. For the Ten Commandments, the fourth being taken in the Gospel-meaning of it, are all of them the Commandments of the New Teftament. Matth. 5. 17. Ch. 19. 17.

And there fhall be no celebration of the Lord's Supper, except there be a convenient number to communicate with the Prieft, according to his dif cretion.

And if there be not above twenty perfons in the Parish, of difcretion to receive the Communion;


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