Puslapio vaizdai

Of the New Testament. Remembring this - with thanks ful giving up thy felf to obey all the Commands of the New Teftament Seal'd with his Blood; and stedfaft believing that God will then give thee the forgiveness and grace, and all other mercies promis'd in the New Teftament Seal'd with his Blood. e Give the greatest, thanks thou canft in the Thanksgings that follow, for the Infinite Mercy of Chrift's Dying for us, and for all the Benefits we receive thereby.

Make holy. g It` is not the faying the words, that bleffes or makes holy the Bread and the Cup; but the declaring that they are taken according to thefe

If the confecrated Bread and Wine be all fpent before all have communicated; the Priest is to confecrate ƒ more according to the form before prefcribed, beginning at (Our Saviour Christ in the fame night, &c g.) for the bleffing of the Bread; and at (Likewife after fupper, &c.) for the bleffing of the Cup.


> When all have communi

From the rails.cated, the Minifter fhall return b to the. Lord's Table, and reverently place upon it

See the Rubrick before the Exhortation begin

ning with Dearly beloved in the Lord, note Bread and Wine.


what remaineth of the confecrated elements i, covering the fame with a fair linnen cloth. Now take care, in faying the Lord's Prayer with an earnest, defire of Grace, to give up thy felf to obey all the Commands of the New Teftament fealed with Chrift's Death; And in heartily praying for, and forgiving all men, to follow his Great Example of Charity in Dying for all Men, that he might forgive them, and give them his Mercies.

Then fhall the Prieft fay the Lord's Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.


See the Lord's Prayer in the Order of Confirmation. k Accord

ing to the Commands of the New Teftament fealed with thy Son's

Death. 1 Matth. 4

Our Father which art in beaven k Hallowed be thy Name 1. Thy Kingdom come m. Thy will be done in earth n, As it is in heaven o Give us this And

day our daily bread_p
forgive us our trefpaffes, As we
forgive them that trefpafs, a-
gainst us q. And lead us not
into temptation r: But deliver
For thine is
us from evil s.
the Kingdom, The power and
the glory, For ever and ever t

10. Ch. 5. 33 to 38.
Mark 11. 15, 16.
1 Theff. 2. 13. Ch. 5.
12, 13. Heb. 12. 28,
29. m Matth. 6. 33.
n. Matth. 7. 21, Ch.
19. 17. • According
to the Promifes of the
New Teftament fealed
with thy Son's Death.
Matth. 6. 33.・ Luke.·
11. 13. 9 Matth. 6.
14, 15.1 Cor. 19. 13.
Prayer, 19 2

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Here fay Amen, believing that God will grant all thou prayeft for, according to the Promifes of the New Testament fealed with Chrift's Death. See the Lord's Prayer, 22 2

And the fame do at the end of the other Prayers.

In the next Prayer we humbly pray for a merciful acceptance of our duty in the holy Communion; and that by our believing the Promises of the New Teftament bought and feal'd with Christ's Death, we may obtain the mercies promised.

And then we earneftly give up our felves to obey all the Commands of the New Teftament feal'd with Chrift's Death; and pray that God will fill us with his grace to obey them, and mercifully accept this our giving up our felves to his Service.

This Prayer we conclude with Thanksgiving. After the Lord's Prayer fhall be faid as followeth."

Therefore willing to grant what we pray for. Who give up our felves to ferve thee

with all our power; without which we hope for no good. w Wholly trufting in thy Fatherly goodnefs, not in any righteouf

nefs of our own. x With forgiving all our failings in this fervice. Be pleafed with. z Holy fervice. This whole Com


munion fervice, of

O Lord and heavenly Fa ther u, we thy bumble fervants v entirely w defire thy Fatherly goodnefs mercifully x to accept y this our facrifice z of praife and thanksgiving a most humbly b beseeching thee to grant, that by the merits c and Death of thy Son Jefus Chrift d, and through faith in his Blood e, we and all thy whole Church may obtain remiffion of our fins, and all other benefits of his passion f.

which Thanksgiving is great part. Confeffing our felves moft unworthy to receive any good by the Death of thy Son. Defervings. d Who by his Death hath deserved all good for us. e Believing that thou wilt grant us the pardon and grace, and all the other mercies promis'd in the New Teftament fealed with his Blood, that is with his Death. f Grace, increase of grace, everlasting life, all we have need of in this world, and deliverance from evils. See the Lord's Supper 4 2

And here we offer and prieg To ferve thee according to true reafon, fent unto thee, O Lord, our and with all our pow- felves, our fouls and bodies, to er. Confeffing our be a reasonable, boly, and lively felves unworthy of thy facrifice unto thee g; humbly h grace. i Bleffing of grace. Whereby all befeeching thee, that all we whe our facrifices are full of are partakers of this holy Comblemishes. Levit.22.20. munion, may be fulfilled with thy grace and heavenly benediction i. And altho' we be unworthy, through our manifold fins k, to offer


/ Holy


m Be pleafed with.
7 This our offering

our felves. • Evil de-
By his
pardoning our offen
ces, and granting all

we pray for, for the

fake of his Dying for

us. 9 For the fake of whofe Dying and Pray ing for us. r Toge


ther with.
thanks of all good.

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unto thee any facrifices 1; yet we beseech thee to accept m this our bounden duty and service/ʼn ; not weighing our merits o, but pardoning our offences, through Jefus Christ our Lord p; by

and with


whom 4,
in the unity r of the Holy Ghost,
all honour and glory s be unto
thee, O Father Almighty, world
without end t Amen u.

t. We give all thanks for the Infinite Mercy of Chrift's dying for us; and for all good to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghoft, as receiving all for the fake of Chrift's Dying and Praying for us. u I pray, and give up my self to God's Service, and give thanks, according to all this Prayer.

According as our devotion fhall direct, we may ufe either the former, or the following Prayer. In this Prayer we give most earneft thanks for the Benefits of our Saviour's Death, received by our duly receiving this Sacrament. And we moft earneftly pray that we may for ever do all that is required of us. And we conclude with Thankfgiving.

vw Therefore, as the everlasting Giver of all good, we give thanks and pray to him. With believeing the Promises of the New Teftament, and thankful giving up our felves to obey all the Commands of the New Teftament fealed with thy Son's Death.

Almighty v and everlasting God w, we moft heartily thank thee, for that thou dost vouchfafe to feed us, who have dulyx received thefe holy mysteries y, with the Spiritual food z of the most precious Body and Blood a of thy Son b, our Saviour Jefus Christ; and doft affure us thereby cof thy favour Souls.

Signs of holy things. z Food for our fits of the Body broken and Blood fhed. therefore his Body broken and Blood fhed and a fufficient price for all thy mercies.

a The Bene! As he is thy Son, are most precious, By fo feeding us. and

d In the forgiveness of our fins, for which his Body was broken and his Blood shed. e. By the fame forgive nefs, and thy grace another Benefit of his Body and Blood. Eph. 5. 25, 26, 27. fGraft ed. g. The Church, 1 Cor. 12. 27. b Ano

ther Benefit of his Body and Blood, that is

of his Death. John 3. 14, 15.

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Defervings. k Sufferings, which have deferved all

good for us. / How great was God's love to us, in giving his Dear Son to fuffer fuch a Death for us!

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the Benefits we receive thereby, which are all

And we most humbly m befeech thee, O Heavenly Father, So to affift us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship n, and do all fuch good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in, through Jefus Christ our Lord o: to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory p world without end. Amen q.

Benefits whatsoever. See the Creed, 44, 53 29 thanks and pray according to all this Prayer.

I give

As Chrift and his Apoftles fang an Hymn after they received this Sacrament: fo is the following Hymn.

In this Hymn we give all poffible thanks for the Infinite Mercy of Chrift's Dying for us, and the Infinite Benefits we receive thereby.

And then having performed the Duty of this


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