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A TELEGRAM had been received in the morning, which kept Valetta and Fergus on the qui vive all day. Valetta was an unspeakable worry to the patient Miss Vincent, and Fergus arranged his fossils and minerals.

Both children flew out to meet their father at the gate, but words failed them as he came into the house, greeted the aunts, and sat down with Fergus on his knee, and Valetta encircled by his arm.


Yes, Lilias is quite well, very busy and happy with her first instalment of children.'


'I am so thankful that you are come,' said Adeline. ventured to augur that you would, but I thought it too much to hope for.'

There was no alternative,' said Sir Jasper.

'I infer that you halted at Avoncester.'

'I did so; I saw the poor boy.'

'What a comfort for his sister!'

'Poor fellow! Mine was the first friendly face he had seen, and he was almost overcome by it'-and the strong face quivered with emotion at the recollection of the boy's gratitude.

He is a nice fellow,' said Jane. I am glad you have seen him, for neither Mr. White nor Rotherwood can believe that he is not utterly foolish, if not worse.'

A boy may do foolish things without being a fool,' said Sir Jasper. Not that this one is such another as his father. I wish he


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I suppose he is more of the student scholarly nature.'

"Yes. The enlistment, which was the making of his father, was a sort of moral suicide in him. I got him to tell me all about it, and I

VOL. 16.


PART 91.


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