INDEX To find the principal subjects treated of in this Book, by reference to the page. Page. Day of the Lord Agency explained Avarice Babylon, populous Benefits of Christianity 82 Fate of Babylon 157 A supposed case 128 Existence of God 35 Advent of Christ 49 Essence or nature of God 35 Agency 139 Exaltation of Christ 45 143 Endless Hell 65 Account of Universalists 165 Endless Woe 65 80 Explanation of Prayer 102 67 Eternal fire 147 78 Everlasting 147 59 Ever, forever 148 Carnal mind, the Devil Christ a conqueror Christ an universal Saviour 33 Fire, brimstone, unquencha- 48 Foundations of Babylon 58 Gospel Shoes 58 Godhead, one person 68 God, Father of Christ 71 God superior to Christ 27 Gospel preach'd to all nations 10 64 Hell, tophet 5 150 152 Infinite evil 64 |