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again behold a parent's smile? God forbid!" This is no unnatural soliloquy.

Thirdly. You object to the proposed plan of governing your family, because of the promise it calls on you to make to those children who might be so fortunate as to obtain your approbation. To them you must promise, that they shall have and enjoy the privilege of seeing those whom you shall disinherit, forever in want and misery. This, you say, is diabolical. "Can I, who love all my children, and desire them to love each other, outrage my own feelings, and theirs too, by making such a promise? God forbid!"-Parents, you have come to a right conclusion. You have proved this scheme of doctrine false. You cannot reduce its principles to practice.

People may go to the house of devotion; they may hear learned ministers hold forth such doctrines as we have put to the test; they may admire the beautiful oratory, and the flowery rhetoric, in which such sentiments are dressed up; but they must leave it all behind them when they go home with their beloved families. They can never practice the domestic virtues and duties on those prinples of doctrine.

Kind hearers, the doctrine of Jesus is a practicable doctrine; and we can never do our duties in our families unless we live and conduct according to it. What this doctrine is, we have seen in this discourse; and it alters nothing by whatever name we call it; its nature and its requirements are LOVE. It requires us to love our enemies, by teaching us that our Father in heaven loves the just and the unjust.

The examples which we have noticed in the conduct of Jesus toward unbelievers, teach us how to treat them ourselves, and what to expect from our Father in heaven for them. If this doctrine is good, if you can prove it so by reducing it to practice in your families, and in every relation to mankind in which you live; if it fills you with hope, with joy, with comfort and peace, hold it fast, as our text directs. Prize it above all things on earth; part with every thing here below, rather than with this. While we live, let us live in this blessed doctrine; and when we die, may we enjoy its glorious hope.


Delivered in the Lombard street Church, Wednesday evening, November 5, 1834.


"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad."-2 COR. v. 10.

Notice having been given from this desk, on a previous occasion, that this passage of scripture would be attended to this evening, no doubt is entertained by the speaker, that many of you are present for the express purpose of ascertaining how we explain it, and how it can be understood consistently with the doctrine we profess and teach. It is therefore due to the expectations of the congregation, that we attend to this work in a way, if possible, to give satisfaction to every hearer; and we ought either to satisfy you, that the passage does not, in its legitimate use, make against the doctrine we profess; or by our investigations make the discovery, that it does absolutely stand opposed to our views.

Let it be distinctly understood, that our interest is precisely the same. However dissimilar our ideas may be, in relation to the text, we are all equally interested in the truth of it. Should we succeed in making any one believe that it belongs to a subject to which it does not belong, we shall do as much in

justice to ourselves as to those whom we delude. So that we have no more interest in deceiving any one, than we should have in being deceived ourselves.

It is well known that the passage before us has been made use of by the opposers of what is called Universalism, as a direct proof against that doctrine; and we do not hesitate to accord to those opposers the credit of being honest and sincere. They really believe that this single text, without the aid of any other, is amply sufficient to disprove our doctrine, and to establish theirs. We, however, entertain a widely different opinion-so different, indeed, that were we desired to select a special passage in proof of our views of judgment, we certainly should refer to the text before us. This may appear very strange, and yet it is a solemn fact. Your humble servant knows of no passage which stands more directly opposed to the popular doctrine of the day of judgment in a future world, than the text just read for consideration. We wish to be distinctly understood; we believe that divine revelation teaches us, that in this world God judges man, and renders unto him according to his works. Our opposers deny this doctrine, and contend, that the text refers to a day of judgment, not in the present world, but in a future state. They hold that the outward universe will be dissolved before this judgment takes place; and they assert that the whole Adamic family, from the first created to the last born of the race, will at one time be assembled before the judgment seat of Christ in eternity, and there be judged according to the tenor of the text. presume that you will bear me record, that I have fairly stated the views of our opposers. I do


not believe there is a doctor of divinity, or a cler gyman of any grade, who stands in opposition to the doctrine we profess, who will say that I have not fairly represented his opinions on this subject. I have heard these views preached over and over again, by the clergy of the church; and they uniformly contend, that the judgment to which we have referred, is not in this world, but in the world to


Having made these plain statements, I invite the attention of my hearers to what may have the appearance of bearing hard upon our opponents; and yet nothing is more foreign from our intention, than to cause them to think that we feel unkindly towards them. Uncharitable feelings are totally inconsistent with the spirit of our doctrine. We look upon our opposers as our brethren. They are children of our heavenly Father; we believe they are heirs of eternal life, equally with ourselves; that they are embraced in the blessed covenant which Christ sealed with his blood; and that they are entitled to all the blessings of the Gospel of heaven; and we have no interest in conflicting with their opinions, aside from their own good. We could enjoy our sentiments in comfort, and avoid reproach, were we to conceal our views-but our regard for the happiness of mankind, will not allow us to hold our peace. We believe that false doctrines take away the consolations which men ought to enjoy as the disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe that the effect of those doctrines has been, to rob human society of the enjoyment which would have resulted from correct views of the gospel of heaven. Benevolent principles prompt us to speak; and a desire

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