Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye, To know his pleasure; and in that behalf, Tell him, the daughter of the king of France, [ Exit. PRIN. All pride is willing pride, and yours is fo. Who are the votaries, my loving lords, Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye, Not utter'd by bafe fale of chapmen's tongue :] So, in our author's 102d Sonnet: "That love is merchandiz'd, whofe rich efteeming MALONE. Chapman here feems to fignify the feller, not, as now commonly, the buyer. Cheap or cheaping was anciently the market; chapman therefore is marketman. The meaning is, that the estimation of beauty depends not on the uttering or proclamation of the feller, but on the eye of the buyer. JOHNSON. 6 Bold of your worthiness,] i. e. confident of it. STEEVENS. 1. LORD. Longaville is one. PRIN. Know you the man? MAR. I know him, madam; at a marriage feast, Between lord Perigort and the beauteous heir Of Jaques Faulconbridge folémnized, In Normandy faw I this Longaville: 9 8 A man of fovereign parts he is esteem'd; * Longaville. we ought to read For the fake of manners as well as metre, 8 A man of fovereign parts he is efteem'd;] Thus the folio. The first quarto, 1598, has the line thus: "A man of fovereign peerele, he's efteem'd." I believe, the author wrote — sovereign, peerless, he's esteem'd." A man of extraordinary accomplishments, the speaker perhaps would have faid, but fuddenly checks him felf; and adds "fovereign, peerless he's efteem'd. So, before: Matchlefs Navarre.' 66 "So perfed, and fo peerless are created. " " In the old copies no attention feems to have been given to abrupt fentences. They are, almoft uniformly printed corruptly, without any mark of abruption. Thus, in Much ado about nothing, we find both in the folio and quarto,' but for the ftuffing well, we are all mortal. " See Vol. IV. p. 400. See also p. 209, ibid." Sir, mock me not: - your ftory. MALONE. Perhaps our author wrote 66 "A man, a fovereign pearl, he is efteem'd.' i. c. not only a pearl, but fuch a one as is pre-eminently valuable. In Troilus and Creffida Helen is called beth the nobles of Scotland are ftyled The phrafe 116 "a pearl;" and in Mac-the kingdom s pearl. a fovereign pearl" may alfo be countenanced by captain jewels in a carcanet, an expreffion which occurs in onę of our author's Sonnets. STEEVENS. 9 Well fitted in the arts, Well fitted is well qualified. JOHNSON. The, which is not in the old copies, was added for the sake of the metre, by the editor of the fecond folio. MALONE. (If virtue's glofs will ftain with any foil,) PRIN. Some merry mocking lord, belike; is't fo? MAR. They fay fo moft, that moft his humours know. PRIN. Such fhort-liv'd wits do wither as they grow. Who are the rest? KATH. The young Dumain, a well-accomplish'd youth, Of all that virtue love for virtue lov'd: Moft power to do moft harm, least knowing ill; ROSA. Another of these ftudents at that time 8 match'd with ] Is combined or joined with. JOHNSON. 9 And much too little, &c.] i. e. And my report of the good I faw, is much too little compared to his great worthiness. НЕАТН. PRIN. God blefs my ladies! are they all in love; That every one her own hath garnished With fuch bedecking ornaments of praise? MAR. Here comes Boyet. PRIN. Re-enter BOYET. Now, what admittance, lord? BOYET. Navarre had notice of your fair approach; And he, and his competitors in oath, Were all addrefs'd to meet you, gentle lady, To let you enter his unpeopled house. Here comes Navarre. [The Ladies mafk. Enter King, LONGAVILLE, DUMAIN, BIRON, and Attendants. KING. Fair princefs, welcome to the court of PRIN. Fair, I give you back again; and, welcome I have not yet; the roof of this court is too high to be yours; and welcome to the wide fields too bafe to be mine." KING. You fhall be welcome, madam, to my 2 court. competitors in oath, ] i. c. confederates. So, in Antony and Cleopatra: "It is not Cæfar's natural vice to hate "Our great competitor." STEEVENS. 3 Were all address'd — ] To address is to prepare. So, in Hamlet : it lifted up its head, and did address แ Itfelf to motion." STEEVENS. PRIN. I will be welcome then; conduct me thither. KING. Hear me, dear lady; I have fworn an oath. PRIN. Our Lady help my lord! he'll be forfworn. KING. Not for the world, fair madam, by my will. PRIN. Why, will shall break it; will, and nothing elfe. KING. Your ladyship is ignorant what it is. PRIN. Were my lord fo, his ignorance were wife, But pardon me, I am too fudden-bold; [ Gives a paper. 3 Where -] Where is here used for whereas. So, in Pericles, A& I. fc. i: "Where now you're both a father and a fon." See note on this paffage. STEEVENS. 4 And fin to break it:] Sir T. Hanmer reads: "Not fin to break it:" I believe erroneously. The princefs fhows an inconvenience very frequently attending rafh oaths, which, whether kept or broken, produce guilt. JOHNSON. 5 Rof. Did not I dance with you in Brabant once?] Thus the folio. In the first quarto, this dialogue paffes between Catharine and Biron. It is a matter of little confequence. MALONE. |