IF thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven, Then, to the measure of that heaven-born light, Shine, Poet ! in thy place, and be content : The stars pre-eminent in magnitude, And they that from the zenith dart their beams, (Visible though they be to... The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine - 186 psl.redagavo - 1892Visos knygos peržiūra - Apie šią knygą
 | William Wordsworth - 1840 - 464 psl.
...the Poems ....... 339 First Lines - - - - - . - 397 POEMS SENTIMENT AND REFLECTION. VOL. V. IF them indeed derive thy light from Heaven, Then, to the...light, Shine, Poet ! in thy place, and be content : The stars pre-eminent in magnitude, And they that from the zenith dart their beams, (Visible... | |
 | 1887 - 890 psl.
...great star in the zenith or burn like an untended watch-fire on the ridge of some dark mountain : " If thou. indeed, derive thy light from Heaven, Then,...light, Shine, Poet ! in thy place, and be content." Few of Wordsworth's poems of Jater date than 1832 can be said to dart their beams with planetary influence... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1845 - 660 psl.
...EDITION. LONDON: EDWARD MOXON, DOVER STREET. LONDON : aRAD BU К Y AND EVANS, riUNTRIW, WHlTUFHlAHs. IF thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven, Then, to the measure of that heaveu-horn light, Shine, Poet ! in thy place, and be content : The stars pre-eminent in magnitude,... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1849 - 672 psl.
...WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, DCL, POET LAUREATE, ETC. ETC. A NEW EDITION. LONDON: EDWARD MOXON, DOVER STREET. IF thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven, Then, to the measure of that heaveu-born light, Shine, Poet ! in thy place, and be content : The stars pre-eminent in magnitude,... | |
 | Christopher Wordsworth - 1851 - 544 psl.
...the lines prefixed to the later editions of his poems, the author apostrophizes himself, and says, ' If thou indeed derive thy light from heaven, Then,...light, Shine, POET, in thy place, and be content.' These and the following lines were suggested by the view of the starry heavens, as seen at Rydal Mount.... | |
 | Henry Frank Lott - 1851 - 126 psl.
... ONE HUOBED SONNETS, ONE HUNDRED SONNETS; BY HENRY FRANK LOTT. " If thou indeed derive thy light from' Heaven, Then,...measure of that Heaven-born light Shine, Poet ! in thy sphere, and be content." WOEDSWORTH. LONDON: WILLOUGHBY AND CO., WARWICK LANE, AND SMITHFIELD. LONDON... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1851 - 750 psl.
...in the joyous air That to their long-loved Poet's spirit bear A nation's promise of undying fame. Ir ligh^ Shine, Poet, in thy place, and be content: The stars pre-eminent in magnitude, And they that... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1854 - 444 psl.
...Court of the District of Massachusetts. CAMBRIDGE: METCALP AND COMPANY, STEREOTYPERS AND PRINTERSIF thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven, Then, to...light, Shine, Poet ! in thy place, and be content : The stars pre-eminent in magnitude, And they that from the zenith dart their beams, (Visible... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1854 - 786 psl.
...in the joyous air That to their long-loved Poet's spirit bear A nation's promise of undying fame. Is thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven, Then, to...light, Shine, Poet, in thy place, and be content: The stars pre-eminent in magnitude, And they that from the zenith dart their beams, (Visible though... | |
 | William Rounseville Alger - 1867 - 420 psl.
...the future. How well he knew his own place ! If thou indeed derive thy light from heaven, Then, in the measure of that heaven-born light, Shine, poet ! in thy place, and be content. Since his estimate was the simple truth, and not unaccompanied with devout humility, it is a shame... | |
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