the shore, plucking himself away from embraces that held him to the land like some deep-rooted oak, for the sail-wings were ready to bear him to the realm of sea and sky. He soon reached the wharf, and as the dawn broke in the east the flag-ship majestically ran inshore to take the new Argonaut on board. The fluttering sails, the hurried manoeuvers of the crew, the boatswain's whistle, and the cries of the sailors as the ships got under way, announced a speedy departure, and attracted the early risen villagers to the shore in their natural desire to witness the scene, and to bid farewell to departing friends and loved ones. When Columbus sprang from the skiff on board the caravel, and the anchors were weighed, a shudder ran alike through authorities, the name of caravel was generically given in Columbus's time to any vessel of burden, whatever its size and strength. "A long and narrow single-decked vessel, with a beak at the prow," says our dictionary of Castilian authorities, to which we turn as to an oracle in the matter of national idioms. This definition, in truth, cannot be bettered in its first part, if able nautical treatises are to be trusted. But when that classical dictionary adds that a caravel has three masts of nearly equal size, with three large lateen yards and sails, some emendation seems needful; for though the three ships of Columbus were called caravels, only one of them carried the kind of sail thus described, and that was the smallest and the frailest of them, the departing sailors and the leave-takers on the strand. Where they were going they knew, but as their westward course after leaving Cadiz and the Canaries was to take them far beyond those lately won islands, none knew whither they were bound or the duration of the voyage. The cross floated above the flag-ship, which bore seaward toward the unknown, seeking mysteries perchance impenetrable and inaccessible to the human mind and unconquerable by human will. As we have elsewhere said, the caravel was better fitted for the task of discovery than any other bark of that day. Stout and big enough to withstand the shock of waves, it was at the same time sufficiently light and shallow of draft to enter the mouths of rivers and to tack with ease in narrow channels. According to nautical the Niña. Our dictionary is also in conflict with the classic texts of seamanship when it asserts caravels to be dangerous because of their shallow draft, being easily capsized unless their sails were quickly trimmed, when unimpeachable masters of maritime science and experience declare them to have been stanch and stout enough for the needs of those times. The Columbian caravels were at most of eighty tons burden, and had a square poop surmounted by a high castle, to match the smaller castle at the bow. Squaresails were sometimes carried, but caravels were generally lateen-rigged. Nevertheless, the definition of one versed in those matters makes the caravels of larger size than is commonly supposed, and describes them as stanch and fleet, with high castles at stem and THE windings of the shore soon hid the fleet from the sight of the villagers, but Fray Perez and his companions watched it for three hours longer, until it sank beneath the distant horizon. During the first few days' run, these barks, laden with bright promises for the future, were sighted by other ships, laden with the hatreds and rancors of the past; for it chanced that one of the last vessels transporting into exile the Jews expelled from Spain by the religious intolerance of which the recently created and odious Tribunal of the Faith was the embodiment passed by the little fleet bound in search of another world, where creation should be new-born, a haven be afforded to the quickening principle of human liberty, and a temple be reared to the God of enfranchised and redeemed consciences. As though the sun were not to shine for all, as though the will of heaven had not made us equal, the accursed spirit of reaction was wreaking one of its stupendous and futile crimes in that very hour when the genius of liberty was searching the waves for the land that must needs arise to offer an unstained abode for the ideals of progress. Following their narrow views, the powers of the middle ages denied even light and warmth to the Jews, at the same time that they revealed a new creation for a new order of society that was predestined by Providence to put an end to all intolerance, and to dedicate an infinite continent to modern democracy. stern, with three vertical masts and a bowsprit, workmen and farm-laborers from the inland the foremast and mainmast being square-rigged provinces, Estremadura, Andalusia, La Manand the mizzenmast carrying a lateen sail. Some cha, and even Old Castile. assert that they could make but 28 leagues in a day's run, others as high as 72 leagues. With my own eyes I have seen in the Columbian Library at Seville the caravels of Columbus admirably portrayed. The discoverer himself has sketched them faithfully, with the steady hand long trained by his trade of map-drawing. They are found traced in the first decade of Angleria's treatise, which is preserved as one of the priceless books of Ferdinand, the second son of Columbus. The disproportion of size between the ships at once strikes the eye, and therewithal the very great diversity of rig. The Santa Maria has the advantage of her consorts in build and size. Her rigging appeared more complicated than the others. Squaresails were on the fore and mainmasts, a lateen yard on the mizzen. The contrast in the height of the prow and the poop was startling. The Pinta was shown in the sketch as a sort of compromise between the Santa Maria and the Niña, but sparred and tackled more like the former. The Niña looked very like the modern fishing- and trading-luggers, while her lateen sails recalled those nimble skiffs, so common in the waters of the Mediterranean, whose white sails, bathed in the rays of the southern sun, show gaily between blue sea and bluer sky like gulls skimming over the softly rippling surface. Each of the vessels was manned in accordance with its capacity and importance. In the flagship the admiral was accompanied by a mate, Juan Cosa, a native of the Cantabrian sierras, deep-tanned by the unresting Biscayan sea; a physician of Moguer, Maestre Alonso, well versed in all the experience permitted by the primitive means of observation in his day; a chief alguacil of Cordova; a purveyor of the royal household; a page; a scrivener; a convertite Jew as interpreter; and a veedor, or inspector, so called because appointed in towns and cities to enforce the building regulations. Thus, in the second book of the Royal Ordinances, veedor is used in the sense of overseer, for it is there declared to be the king's will to depute each year as many discreet men as might be needed as veedores to inspect the provinces. The Pinta carried a large crew, most of them natives of Palos, with a few from Moguer. The character of the various crews denoted that the Santa Maria bore the command, while the Pinta carried the greatest possible number of expert seamen. The little Niña was also manned by able sailors like those whom Martin Alonso Pinzon had gathered about him in the Pinta. Besides the skilled mariners, she carried a surgeon, a silversmith, an Irish guide, and also another of English birth, with several Columbus bent his course toward Cadiz, and thence to the Canaries. The prow of the flagship being resolutely headed to the west, he descended to the cabin and began his journal. A religious soul, he wrote at the head of such a transcendent record the sacred name of Christ. The divine protection being thus invoked upon his task, he associated the work he had begun with such as had gone before, and, as though he had the power to perceive by intuition how mankind would link the conquest of Granada with the discovery of America, he recorded how he had beheld the cross brought from Toledo shining upon the Vela tower, and had seen the Moorish kings driven from their conquered Eden-city and doing homage to the Christian sovereigns who in that supreme hour wrought the unity of Spain. I recall not now who it is that speaks of the opening pages of that journal as pompous and inflated because of these reminiscences, but surely there is no more potent incentive to grand emprises in the future than the example of great achievements in the past. The invocation of Catholicism and of the sovereign fitly marks the whole discovery, for these two great unities were the necessary nucleus about which to garner the innumerable harvest of new lands amid the waves, and the bright constellations of new beliefs in the human soul. He notes how the sovereigns had granted him the style of Don, with the titles of Admiral and Viceroy, to descend to his heirs and successors forever. The journal serves not alone to disclose the motives of his undertaking; it also exhibits its course day by day. The first three days at sea were favorable. Having set sail on Friday, by the following Sunday they had run some fifty Castilian leagues. But on the fourth day the Pinta was imperiled by a defect in her steeringgear, and although the admiral ran up within speaking distance, he could not assist her, fearing a collision, for the wind and the waves were rising. The two owners of the vessel had designedly weakened the rudder, in order to disable her, and to prevent her from going on and being lost, as they deemed the other caravels must surely be, in the storms of the Shadowy Sea. Columbus confided the repairs to his skilful captain, who took temporary command of her. The injury called for workmanship superior to any at command in the watery wastes, and so there was no recourse but to head for the Canaries. They sighted the nearest of the group, Lanzarote, and went on to the Grand Canary, whence they were constrained to go to Gomera, only to return again to the Grand Canary. The first idea of Columbus was to fit out another caravel, in view of the unseaworthiness of the Pinta, but none could be found at Gomera. He was obliged to fit a new rudder to the Pinta, and to supply the Niña with squaresails in place of her lateen rig, before they were enabled to proceed. Their departure was indeed urgent, for a most untoward mishap was to be feared in the expected arrival in the outlying islands of the group of a fleet fitted out by the king of Portugal, and despatched to the furthest limits of the sea then known for the purpose of preventing the passage of Columbus. Yet, despite the tireless activity of the discoverer in hastening the work, the repairs and the procurement of provisions occupied a whole month. At last, on September 16, the explorers turned their backs upon the known seas and launched forth into the unknown. The Pinta led the way, closely followed by the Santa Maria flying the standard of command, and lastly came the Niña. The little fleet seemed a living poem, and the obstacles now past, like those hurled against the heroes of olden epics by adverse gods, became mere symbols of the evil inherent in our nature and spreading as a subtle venom through all creation. There is a lack of agreement as to the part the Genoese pilot and the mariner of Palos respectively played toward the discovery of the New World. Columbus excelled his helpmate in the abstract sciences, in intuitive imagination, and in inspiration, but Pinzon assuredly excelled Columbus in experience, in shrewdness, in administrative ability, in aptness to command, in power of discipline and organization, in everything executive, effective, and practical. Pinzon was a skilful financier in controlling the expenses of the little fleet, a good administrator in equipping the ships, a consummate commander in enrolling and disciplining the crew; but he was in no wise a revealer, such as Columbus is proclaimed to have been by the voice of all peoples and all ages. When we see Pinzon assembling the crews after the royal deputies and alcaldes had failed; equipping the fleet in but fifteen days when Columbus and his agents had not been able to do so in three months; supplying from his own purse the deficiency in the royal contribution; navigating the dangerously damaged Pinta from Cadiz to the Canaries; and when later we are to behold him rising to greater achievements than all these, bringing resolute decision to the accomplishment of his purposes, we may truly say, without detracting from the splendid height to which Columbus rose, that there is still a place in the epic of this titanic exploration for the grand figure of the pilot and shipbuilder of Palos, who not only rendered the departure of the expedition possible, but who, the voyage once begun, was perhaps the most resolute and powerful of will in preventing its failure. Early in September they left the Canaries behind, and plunged into the abyss of ocean. It was growing urgent that Columbus should do this, for in the eyes of his companions the most ordinary phenomena became celestial warnings. In the clear, half-Andalusian, halftropical nights of the Canaries rose the deepfurrowed violet cone of the volcano of Teneriffe, in crimson eruption, like a new sun springing into birth, shooting its iris-tinted flames through clouds of smoky ashes, with torrents of stony fragments like falling meteors or glowing like an incandescent milky way-all this filled them with dread, for they deemed the flaring mountain some vast Cyclops, imprisoned there by the divine hand at the uttermost portals of the known earth, to bar the pathway to the unknown world. Columbus showed them the error of their superstition, and how the selfsame phenomena were repeated on the familiar shores of Etruria, Italy, Sicily, and Greece. But although their dread was speedily tranquilized by his marvelous eloquence, any unforeseen and fortuitous occurrence threatened to revive their fears and to wreck the plan through uncontrollable panic. At length a favoring easterly breeze sprang up, and the ships sped arrow like on their course. The land soon sank from view, and the explorers found themselves alone with sea and sky. As the astute Genoese well divined the dread which the ever-increasing distance was certain to arouse, he kept two log-books, one for himself and the other for the crew. In the former he recorded the actual run, in the latter a lesser distance; by which device he diminished the fears and restrained the impatience of his susceptible shipmates. But in doing this an unforeseen complication arose. Their sure guide, the compass, that ever had pointed fixedly to the north, began to waver. Although this phenomenon had been known for two centuries,though many say it had never been observed until then, the crew gave themselves up for lost, and imagined that for them even the one fixed point was shifting, as though God had cast them off. Columbus recognized the necessity of explaining this phenomenon as he had explained the volcanoes. But the explanation was not easy, for while the volcanoes were like others already known, it was impossible to understand or explain the variation of the needle by any familiar fact or experience. It seems strange that these pilots of Palos and Genoa should have been ignorant of a fact like the variation of the compass, touching which, as some assert, there then existed dissertations in the library of the Vatican, that storehouse of astronomical and nautical treatises indispensable to one who, like the pontiff, aspired through his religious power and universal authority to dominate all the earth. But this deviation, which is noticed in each latitude until it becomes an oscillation at the equator and is reversed in the southern hemisphere, may possibly have been observed before that time, although it remained without plausible explanation; and so it remains, even in our day, one of those occult mysteries which surround the countless facts recorded in the tables of intellectual progress. Sailors call this inexplicable deviation of the needle "nor'-nor'westing." Columbus accounted for it partly by the shifting of the polar star, partly by the center of attraction not being in that star, but in some other opaque body near the pole, and by countless other specious reasons evolved from his fecund fancy. The crew, however, remained incredulous, unsatisfied by the persuasive words of the discoverer. In the southern temperament nervous impatience predominates. A northerner generalizes less than a southron. We Spaniards cannot see a thing begun without instantly deducing all its consequences, nor hear a thing planned without fancying it already done. To such plastic imaginations fancies appear as solid realities. The admiral's earnest attention was now given to signs of land, which to his anxious mind seemed to be so near. On the spur of the moment, when Pinzon, who was best able to comprehend him, came within hailing distance, he would converse with him through the speaking-trumpet, or exhibit imaginative charts, drawn by himself, on which appeared the island of Cipango, set in those very latitudes through his erroneous conception of ocean's limits. At times in some insignificant object he would discern a trace of the vanished Atlantis of Plato merged in the watery abysses. Soon after quitting the Canaries, a broken mast floated by, which to the malcontents seemed an omen of the punishment reserved for their temerity, the proof of some terrible wreck suffered by others who had dared to clutch at old ocean's secrets, and to violate the mystery wherewith the inscrutable will of Providence had shrouded the sea. Passing patches of sea-wrack served to confirm a statement in Aristotle's "Natural History" touching the abundance of tunny-fish beyond the Fortunate Isles. Any stray bird was a prophecy. Columbus was especially encouraged by the small size and frailness of those he saw, for they could live only on land, near human habitations or among cultivated fields where they could find proper food. With singular acumen he remarked that these birds did not appear to be exhausted, and consequently could not have flown far from these inhabited spots. Whales, too, afforded him like encouragement. Several of these cetaceans suddenly appeared, spouting high as they basked on the gentle swell; and he at once reverted to his pilot's experience and knowledge of natural history, declaring that such creatures never ventured far from the coast, because they love the land. On one occasion, espying a crab clinging to a broken bough, he carefully netted and guarded it as a positive sign that fluvial waters must be near. When all else failed, he dipped up water from the vessel's wake, and, tasting it, compared it to water he had tested in other times and places, estimating from its greater or less saltiness the amount of admixed fresh water from neighboring mountains or plains. A pelican plunged him into a fever of hope. These birds resemble swans, but are of heavier build, with plumage of pearly whiteness, long and flexible necks, serrated beaks, and webbed feet. Being equally adapted to live on shore or on water, they stow the sea-caught fish in their capacious pouches, and carry them to the land, there to devour them at leisure among the trees. All around them was bright; the calm sea smelt as sweet as the Guadalquivir overhung by arching orange-bloom; the trade-wind fanned their brows and refreshed their frames; shoals of leaping dolphins played beside the hulls; and flocks of land-birds followed the sails aloft, while the splendors of the day widened the circle of the sky the primitive state of knowledge at that time in an incomparable and infinite transparency. it was hard to make them understand such The very loveliness and calm, while buoy- phenomena. Geology was not yet even imaging up the hopes of Columbus, disheartened ined. Beyond the record of Genesis, and the the doubting crew still more, for they deemed scholastic commentaries thereon; beyond the the sea brightened with treacherous gleams to narrow teachings of the erudite literati, the natwile them, siren-like, before destroying them. uralistic poem of "Lucrece," the writings of The unchanged direction of the wind, now fa- Hesiod, and Ovid's "Metamorphoses," none vorable for their continued advance, but an had searched the fountainhead of things, still invincible obstacle to their return; the varia- less divined the endless chain of cause and eftion of the needle, as though the very north fect which gives birth to systematic existences were abandoning them to chance; the dis- in logical and eternal evolution. Had you told tance sailed without sighting land; the endless them that the work of creation is still going on, and changeless horizons, and the environment and shown them that vegetative rock, having of naught but sea and sky, seemed to them like power to generate other infusorial plants to the surroundings of some other planet, devoid of turn likewise to stone in the lapse of time, and any firm and solid element; and hence sprang with their madreporic cells build up islands the belief, befitting their mental capacity, that and archipelagoes and continents, they would life in this ambient medium of air and water have called you mad, and visited your incurbelonged to birds or fishes, not to man. How able insanity with mockery or blows. Europe strange, then, that their ships should straight- was once joined to Africa where the Strait of way encounter excessively solid obstacles! On Gibraltar now interposes, as Africa, until yesterreaching a certain spot, great masses of vege- day, was joined to Asia by the Isthmus of Suez, tation filled the ocean, some resembling the pierced under our own eyes. The chain of island mosses of the crags and others purely aquatic, groups stretching westward to the New World is stretched and interwoven in knotty tangle, doubtless a series of signal-stations whose sumforming vast labyrinths of densely matted foli- mits point out the Atlantean land preserved in age floating at hazard. Growths like the land poesy though vanished in reality, even as those plant we call starwort, rootless and stemless tangled forests of giant vegetation, half terresfor better floating, laden with scarlet berries trial, half aquatic, so appalling to these first like the mountain mastic, spread over the sea, explorers, typify the universality of life, ascendmaking it a pathless prairie, as though by magic ing from the lower vegetative organism to the art its fluidity had been turned to wondrously higher animal existence in unbroken sequence. thick and solid vegetation. To sailors already But on encountering this unexpected phenomfilled with distrust, forced unwillingly upon this enon, wherein they beheld only an unfathomvoyage, far out upon a boundless sea, and driven able mystery, the men murmured exceedingly, before an unchanging wind, weary of fruitless while Columbus remained calm and unmoved. watching for some other sign of life than the At length they passed through the herbaceous birds and fishes that came only to disappear sea, and left it far behind. But the dread of again, that thick tapestry about their ships must the sailors, more or less real, abated not, for in truth have seemed a snare spread by demons as the waves had long slumbered beneath their to entangle them, and to hold them forever leafy screen, so now the winds slumbered in a in its treacherous meshes. Their discontent portentous calm. The miserable men watched found vent in those ominous murmurings that their dwindling store of food in dread of starforebode some terrible outbreak of fury. When vation, and the lessening stock of water with they struck this obstacle their sails for eleven fears of thirst. But their greatest terror lay in the days had been bellied by the unchanging wind. prolonged calm, and in the prospect of drifting Although the sounding-lead had often pierced indefinitely upon the infinite deep, to waste and the waters no bottom had been found, even at fall and perish. No agony so sharp as that which the depth of more than two hundred fathoms. heralds hopeless death by hunger and thirst. What with the steadiness of the wind, the fail- The apprehension of such tortures drove them ure to strike soundings, and the density of the frantic. The recollection of so many shipsargasso, there was ample cause for the old wrecked men, clinging to a frail plank on ocean's dread to waken anew, and for the timid to expanse, gnawing their own flesh and sucking shrink back. their own veins in their delirium, begat in them such a dread of these unspeakable torments that in their overwrought state they seemed actually to endure them. It stood to reason that any long-continued delay in sighting land must so work upon their fears as to make them turn back. No man among them had ever be Familiar with the current fables of maritime disaster, they dreaded lest they might meet the fate of San Amaro, caught in the clutches of the ice-pack, and perishing in his floating prison, when he daringly invaded the frozen ocean, less terrible than the Shadowy Sea. In |