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The Book-of-the-Month Club has a group of five critics to select the most readable and important new books each month -Henry Seidel Canby, chairman; Heywood Broun, Christopher Morley, Dorothy Canfield, and William Allen White. They also choose the most outstanding book amongst these, and this is sent to all subscribers, unless they want some other book which they may specify. Or they need take none at all! Over 85,000 discriminating people now use this sensible and convenient service, to keep themselves from missing the best new books. It has, however, met with this interesting criticism: "I don't want anyone to select what books I shall read. I want to choose my own books." What force is there in this objection?

[blocks in formation]

month" and usually they select
from fifteen to twenty other books,
which they consider worthy of being
recommended for one reason or

What is the effect of this? You
will readily admit that books so
chosen are likely to be ones you
would not care to miss. Certainly,
they will have as strong a recom-
mendation behind them as behind
the books you are influenced to
read through other sources.

Nevertheless, tastes differ. This combined vote of the judges is not considered infallible, and you are not compelled, willy-nilly, to accept it.

Before the "book-of-the-month" comes to you, and a month before it is published, you receive a carefully written report describing the sort of book it is. If you don't want it, you specify that some

other book be sent instead. You make your choice from the other important new books, which are recommended by the Committee, and carefully described in order to guide you in your choice. If you want no bock at all, in any one month, if none of them appeal to you, you specify that none be sent. The only obligation you have as a member is to take as few as four books a year-out of from 150 to 200 that are reported upon by the Selecting Committee of the Bookof-the-Month Club!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

The ultimate result, therefore, is that you really choose your own books-but with more discrimination than heretofore and moreover, you are given a guarantee of satisfaction with every book you obtain upon the recommendation of our Committee.

The cost of this thorough-going, sensible and convenient service is-nothing! The cost of the books is the same as if you got them from the publisher himself by mail!

Send for our prospectus which explains how smoothly this service is operating for over 85,000 discriminating people. Your request willinvolve you in no obligation to subscribe.


ublishers of the country subhat they themselves consider mportant books to the BookMonth Club, far in advance blication. Each member of Pommittee reads these books endently. Once a month they and choose the one they upon as being the most outng among those submitted is called the "book-of-the

Handed to you by
the postman-the
outstanding new
books you are anx-
ious not to miss!


218 West 40th St., New York, N. Y.

Please send me your prospectus outlining how the Book-of-the-Month Club operates. This request involves me in no obligation to subscribe to your service.






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in This Amazing Form!

12 New Books-the Outstanding Ones

One selected each month as the best by an eminent Board of Editors

12 Books of Established Reputation

Chosen by you in advance from a large list.

24 Books in all for $18 (Special time payment plan if you wish)

E Book League plan is tremely simple-so simIn fact, it is a wonder no ver thought of it before. of the first to join have said that in their opinion "the final perfection of whole book club idea." th year membership in Book League of America Vesyouto twenty-four books, mplete year's reading. Velve of these will be the best s of the year, including fiction, aphy, history and drama, se1 for you from the maze of itles by a distinguished Board litors, and sent to your door Before they are in the bookshops.

new books like these

re you an idea of the type of current which will be selected, books such Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton 1, The Life of Christ by Papini, Death for the Archbishop by Willa Cather, -apoleon by Emil Ludwig might have hosen in the past if The Book League hen been in existence. Books like are sent to members each month in ial paper-covered volume, similar to Jontinental type of edition so popproad. It is called The Book League ply and is printed on high-grade paper from large readable type,

sewed like a regular book, and containing,
in addition to the complete book itself, a
number of vital literary departments that
would in themselves constitute a magazine
of high value.

And equally as important

In addition, your membership in the Book
League entitles you to select twelve books
from a list of twenty-four titles of accepted
merit. This is one of the unique features
of the whole Book League idea, differ-
entiating it completely from every other
so-called book club. For new books alone
can never constitute in themselves a well-
balanced reading program. There must be
included those worth while books of the
past history, biography, fiction, phil-
osophy, science-which have retained,
and probably always will retain, their vi-
tality, power and influence. Not only
such classicsas Vanity Fair, Huckleberry
Finn, Don Quixote, Tom Jones and Moby
Dick! But also such more recent works

The BOOK LEAGUE of America


80 Fifth Avenue, New York City

Outstanding "Buy" in the Book World Today.

as Robinson's Mind in the Making, Wells' Outline of History, The Way of All Flesh, and Green Mansions.

These standard books are published exclusively for members, in beautiful private editions, with specially designed type pages, the best board bindings.

An unique opportunity

You have always realized the vital importance of reading good books.

Not only is it a matter of culture deeply enjoyable, satisfying and worth while in itself-but it is also perhaps the most stimulating of all pursuits, the prerequisite of a well-balanced, successful life.

But what happens? The days rush along; you are busy with your workaday affairs. A book you may occasionally want is not conveniently available to you, and you never get around to making that "special effort" required to obtain it.

The Book League of America solves this whole problem for you. As a member, you receive twenty-four books delivered post free to your door for $18.00, an average of 75c per book-a price made possible only through the whole unique plan that The Book League represents.

Mail the coupon today for full information and a free copy of "Living Literature."

[blocks in formation]

A happy Christmas thought


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The Atlantic Monthly Company
announces with pleasure
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(This rate also applies on your own sub-
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The Atlantic Monthly

8 Arlington Street, Boston

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