Puslapio vaizdai

Speak Up!

LMOST every other person

you meet today is grumbling at something connected with ernment and almost every other or woman you meet neglected ote on last Presidential ElecDay.

n you hear them say, "What's use of voting? My vote won't ige the result." Many of the and women who should have their ballots in 1924 must have ed like that, for only 52 percent

hem voted.


By failing to vote, you offer encouragement to the political plunderer and other unscrupulous persons who are eager to profit by the opportunity you give them. Only by voting can the majority of Americans holding like opinions dictate their wishes and save themselves from the danger of being governed by a minority holding opposite opinions.

Your next President will not be a despot or a dictator. He will not make or unmake laws, but he has great power and influence and will go into office bound to use them to bring about the kind of government wanted by those who elected him.


erica has faced many crises.
has made laws, amended laws,
ished laws. She has kept step
changing world conditions.
many old problems remain
olved. New ones will
. Your government will
as sound and wise as
and other Americans
e it. You have great re-
asibility and great power.
3 your duty to exercise
power. And the way to
cise it is through your
:. Do not neglect it.

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Once in four years you are called upon to vote for a President and thereby help to solve great problems. Let no private affairs prevent you from doing your duty to your country on Election Day.

Be a good citizen. Go to the polls on November 6th and


When about one-half of the voters neglect their duty the country is governed not by a majority of the people but merely by a majority of the minority.

In 1928 America needs every possible vote so that the will of the real majority may be known. No one else can speak for you on Election Day. Speak for yourself. Vote. HALEY FISKE, President.

TROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-NEW YORK est in the World, More Assets, More Policyholders, More Insurance in force, More new Insurance each year

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MORE than three hundred studies are being carried on constantly by the research, engineering and business staffs of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the associated - companies of the Bell System to accomplish definite improvements in telephone service.

In 1927 the number of local calls not completed on the first attempt was reduced by 5 per cent. This means the better handling of 200,000,000 calls

a year.

In 1926 the average time of handling toll and long distance calls was 2 minutes. In 1927 this average was reduced to 1/2 minutes, with further improvements in voice transmission.

On 6,820,000 long distance and toll

calls made in Kansas in 1927 an average reduction of a minute and a half was made on each call-a total of twenty years saved. These more than three hundred special studies have as their goal definite improvements in local, toll and long distance service. It is the policy of the Bell System to furnish the best possible service at the least cost to the user.

The American Telephone and Telegraph Company accepts its responsibility for a nation-wide telephone service as a public trust. It is fundamental in the policy of the company that all earnings after regular dividends and a surplus for financial security be used to give more and better service to the public.

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