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music in one form or another plays an increasing part in home life and public entertainment with the approach of the Christmas season.

Throughout the coming months it promises to gladden and enrich the lives of greater numbers than ever before.

Not only are the facilities for enjoying fine music within the reach of greater multitudes but the desire among all classes to share its pleasures and benefits are greater than ever before.

The evidence is abundant that music in its

finer forms is steadily advancing its appeal to the general public and gaining recruits from young and old in all walks of life. Volumes could be written of the various influences contributing both directly and indirectly to the broadening and deepening of this appeal.

The radio is but one of these and its general use of such comparatively recent origin that no one as yet can fully estimate the extent of its influence, though there can be little doubt it has been great. While there is probably no one thing in the world about which every one will share the same opinion, it is generally agreed that the degree of perfection that has been reached both in the art of broadcasting fine music and in the facilities for its reception within the home has placed the radio on a plane of great service and usefulness in the music field.

At a cost of millions of dollars the best music, by leading symphony orchestras, singers and instrumentalists of exceptional standing is being broadcast to every part of the country and into the humblest of homes where fine music in its more expensive forms may be beyond reach.

It would require pages to tell of the splendid music programs that will be broadcast on a national scale in these coming weeks. While the radio has been perfecting and expanding its service the same has been true of the phonograph. Not only in the instrument itself but in the methods of re

cording fine music there have been won

The phonograph of today is not only a great popular favorite but has entered a new era among discriminating music lov ers the country over.

viding delightful entertainment in many In its improved form it is not only prothousands of homes but is doing much within these homes to increase the love and appreciation of fine music.

It is, however, in the modern reproducing piano that music in recorded for achieves its highest artistic success. In the marvelous reproduction of playing by master artists on this oldest and finest of our musical instruments perfection itse has been reached.

For more than two centuries the piano has been regarded as the musical instrument of pre-eminent value yet its wonderf possibilities as a reproducing instrument are being revealed to thousands for the first time.

As an instrument for self-expression an enjoyment its superior advantages he long been recognized and have richly paid even the least gifted of players. And now in these later years the pi combines to a superlative degree for thos who so desire improved facilities for suc self-expression and the great privilege d enjoying without effort the work of gre artists at their very best, and in one's on home.

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ADIOLA 60-Beautifully designed del of new Radiola Super-Heterith A. C. electric operation. Single with illuminated dial. Two-toned jeneered cabinet. An instrument of ul musical range and tone fidelity. $175 (less Radiotrons).



The Radiola de luxe Super-Heterodyne 64
is the finest receiving and reproducing
instrument that has ever come from the as-
sociated Research Laboratories of General
Electric, Westinghouse and RCA. It em-
bodies all the world's knowledge of the radio
art. With amazing musical range and
realism, it provides a fidelity of tone hitherto
unknown. Exclusive features such as auto-
matic volume control, and meter to insure
accurate tuning. Simplified operation from
house current. Finely finished cabinet of
rich design, with ingeniously arranged doors!
$550 (less Radiotrons).

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RCA LOUDSPEAKER 103-De luxe model of the famous 100A. The new design and tapestry covering make it highly decorative. 837.50.


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you could wrap lighter house-tasks in a
nice little box and close them with a not-to-
be-opened-till-Christmas seal, wouldn't you
like to send them to some one you know?
Well, you can come pretty close to doing
just that. A General Electric Refrigerator is
one sure way of making life easier for the
woman who runs the house.

It cuts marketing trips, it simplifies menu-
planning, it gives new ease and variety to
cooking. It keeps foods healthfully fresh.

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And now that you've decided on an electric refrigerator, consider especially this new-day General Electric. It is radically different from all others really "years ahead" in design. It is so completely automatic that it never even needs oiling. All its machinery is safely sealed in an air-tight steel casing, on the top, away from floor dirt.

These revolutionary refrigerators are developed, produced and guaranteed by General Electric.... a strong assurance of their truly superior quality. Write for Booklet B-12.



"Makes it Safe to be Hungry"


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