Where Coal and Water Meet For every ton of coal burned in generating electricity one hundred and seventy-five thousand gallons of water pass through the condensers. An efficient power plant must stay as close to water as a cottonwood tree. So, when an engineer finds a place where a coal mine underlies the bank of a wide river, he does not look any further for a good location for a power plant. The modern way to use coal is to convert it into electricity; the best place to make electricity is where the raw materials are found on the premises. This is well illustrated at our Springdale plant on the Allegheny River, with its coal mine under the bank. An Industry That Never Shuts Down AMERICAN WATER WORKS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY INCORPORATED 10 E AMERICA Via HAVANA and Direct 18 Days to 3 Months Sailings Every Two Weeks HE famous "Santa" fleet including new motorships Santa Maria and Santa BarJa offers fascinating tours via Havana or ect. PANAMA-18 days-$250. PERU 2 days-$495. PERU-CHILE-46 days 585. AROUND SOUTH AMERICA-60 S-8765. Excellent All-Year Climate. For Booklets TM address TRACE LINE 10Hanover Sq. Make HAWAII's world famed Hole-in-One this winter! LF YOUR WAY around Hawaii's lovely islands this winter- es in Hawaii. But then, there's putrigger-canoeing and surfboardWaikiki-the morning swim in e surf that's cool in summer and 1 in winter-the days of loafing coral beach. nd there are little cruises, too, that you to sightseeing voyages among lands of Maui, Oahu, Kauai and ii. Game-fishing expeditions in a ese sampan. Shopping in quaint ital and Hawaiian bazaars. Morips to old Hawaiian villages, forests of giant tree-ferns, stupendous canyons and idyllic beaches. Magical evenings when the moonlight dances on the palms, and Hawaiian hula girls portray the legends of an ancient race. HAWAII Stay long enough to see it all! Hawaii is only 2,000 miles (four to six day's delightful voyage) from the Pacific Coast; and all-inclusive tours range upward from $400 to $500 including all steamer fares, hotels and sightseeing, for a month's trip with two or three weeks ashore. De luxe accommodations, also, that are equal to those of Europe's most renowned re ESSCO LINE from LOS ANGELES gs every Saturday over the delightful Southern route on To luxury liners and popular cabin cruisers. De luxe accomtions; also economy tours on all-expense tickets. Ask at any rized travel agency or at Los Angeles Steamship Company 8: 730 South Broadway, Los Angeles; 505 Fifth Avenue, York City; 140 South Dearborn Street, Chicago; 685 set Street, San Francisco; 217 East Broadway, San Diego, ornia. sorts. Your local railroad or travel agent knows exactly how to plan your trip via Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle or Vancouver. No passports or formalities-Hawaii is U. S. A. MATSON LINE from SAN FRANCISCO Sailings every Wednesday and every other Saturday over smooth HAWALI TOURIST BUREAU Address 2 |