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in Investing

SATISFACTION in present day invest

by the common sense attitude of the large investment house which carries an extensive list of securities from which unbiased recommendations can be made.

To the layman investigating these securities, the wide variation in yields may seem somewhat confusing and perhaps not justifiable. However, the factors controlling this situation can be definitely distinguished and their influence demonstrated.

It is the earnest desire of this institution to eliminate any element of mystery surrounding security values, and to acquaint you with the principles controlling these values which will result in a more intelligent selection and a corresponding degree of satisfaction.

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MUST Come First

IF YOU can't afford to speculate-you can have

the solid-rock safety assured by Empire Bonds and also enjoy the liberal yield of 52% to 6%. Every issue of Empire Bonds carries a strong guarantee as to principal and interest and is legal for trust funds. Every Empire Bond issue is secured by income-earning property. You cannot find greater safety. Why accept a smaller yield?


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mong the advantages the South gives her industries... oil and natural gas

With America's oil industry now ranking econd only to its agriculture, the South ccounts for over half this country's oil roduction and over 60% of its natural as. In value, these Southern products now pproximate a billion dollars annually.

Dil production and refining are among the outh's great industries; gas lines are now rowing apace ... spreading cheap fuel; il tankers are ever adding to the increasing vorld trade borne from Southern ports.

With boundless resources of oil and gas, he South affords numerous other industries Economic advantages not found elsewhere. n the South industry naturally belongs.

for such reasons the South provides investment opportunities exceptionally sound ind attractive. Caldwell & Company have ong been familiar with Southern security Values. We shall be pleased to answer your nquiries or make suggestions.

We Bank on the South




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New York Minneapolis


St. Louis Milwaukee Indianapolis



scintillates with electric signs! More
than 25,000 of them are attached to the
power lines of this company, which also
maintains a special Sign Division for de-
signing, renting, installing and servicing
electrical advertisements.

Commonwealth Edison Company

The Central Station Serving Chicago

Commonwealth Edison Company has paid 155 consecutive dividends to its stockholders. Stock listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Send for Year Book.

HE search for information

signs of the times.

on the part d on the

The Atlantic Monthly, in connection with its Financial Adver tising Department, wishes to encourage this by the publication of the following list of booklets, which, it is believed, should prove useful to those readers who are concerned over the prob lems of the investment of their surplus funds.

It is recommended that readers write directly to the invest ment houses, making request for such booklets as seem mos likely to be useful, or for such information as the booklets may suggest. Our banker friends will be glad to be of service to Atlantic Monthly readers.

"Successful Investing." An interesting booklet for invest ors. Offered by William R. Compton Company, 7th and Locust Streets, St. Louis, Missouri.

"Bonds of American Industries." A booklet of valuabie information sent free on request. A. C. Allyn & Co., 67 Wet Munroe St., Chicago, Illinois.

"Investors List." A monthly list of various securities, with comments, useful to investors. Offered by Paine, Webber & Company, 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

"Water Service the Aristocrat of Utilities," is an interesting booklet describing water bonds as a sound form of investment offered by P. W. Chapman & Company, Inc., 170 West Monroe Street, Chicago, or 42 Cedar Street, New York City.

"Securities Backed by Modern Road Building." The largest road-building organization in the United States, Warren Brothers Company, of Cambridge, Mass., offers an illustrated booklet giving interesting facts about the Company and its work. Apply to Paine, Webber & Co., 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

"Insuring Your Intentions." A booklet giving much interesting information about the life insurance trust. service and its possibilities is offered by the Guardian Trust Company (Allan B. Cook, Vice-President), Cleveland, Ohio.

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opportunity to gain ideas and information that may be
used to develop his business. The various sources of in-
formation available to this Company regarding general
trade conditions and the specific needs of particular busi-
nesses enable our officers to be of material assistance to
our commercial customers.

The benefits of these contacts are only a part of the
service rendered by this organization to our commercial
banking customers. We invite executives to discuss their
problems with us.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

We suggest that any
investor who wishes to
work out a systematic
plan of accumulation and
investment may profit-
ably call and consult one
of our officers.

We will be pleased to aid
in the selection of sound
investments and the de-

velopment of such a plan.

Our current offerings are so
widely diversified that they af-
ford bonds to meet the require-
ments of every investor. They
include railroad bonds, utilities,
municipals, industrials, and
foreign bonds, yielding about

4 to 7%. Then there are first
mortgage real estate bonds,
originated and safeguarded by
us, yielding about 5.75%-fa-
vorites of most of our clients.
Call or write and ask for



Investment Bonds

565 Fifth Avenue

at 46th St.


Michigan Ave.
at Jackson Blvd.


79 Post Street, SAN FRANCISCO


"Interesting Facts." A booklet giving graphic information concerning the properties and the investment opportunities offered in the enterprises of the Associated Gas and Electric Company. Offered by Associated Gas and Electric Securities Corporation, 61 Broadway, New York City.

"Investment Review." A booklet giving current information on the selection of securities for investment is offered by Hornblower & Weeks, 60 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

"Water, the Indispensable Utility." An interesting book. let, giving a detailed description of a water company's plant and operations, with special reference to the investment qualities of securities of water companies. Offered by G. L. Ohrstrom & Company, 44 Wall Street, New York City.

"What Most Men Forget." A folder explaining the advantages of investing safely in real estate mortgage bonds which carry an independent surety company guarantee of payment of principal and interest. Offered by the Empire Bond & Mort gage Corporation, National City Building, 42nd Street & Madison Avenue, New York City.

"Guaranty Service." A book describing the work of various departments and outlining services available to customers through these departments. Offered by the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 140 Broadway, New York City.

"Foreign Dollar Bonds." A booklet containing valuable suggestions for bond buyers and presenting the record of foreign loans in American markets. Offered by National City Company, 55 Wall Street, New York City.

"Public Utility Investments." The Utility Securities Company offers the securities of well-known public utility enterprises in 21 states. A Monthly Savings Plan of buying is one of their sales features. Lists of securities, yielding a high as 7 per cent., will be sent upon request. Address: Utility Securities Co., 72 W. Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois.

"The Ideal Investment." A booklet showing ten reasons for the safety of Electric Power and Light Bonds as a basis for investment, is offered by Thompson Ross & Company, 29 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois.

"An Industry That Never Shuts Down." A Review o Recently Published Institutional Advertisements of the Amen can Water Works and Electric Company, Incorporated, 50 Broad Street, New York City. Copies will be mailed upon request.

"Stock and Bond Register." A record showing the im portant features of each security which is held by investors Offered by Otis & Company, 216 Superior Street, N. E., Cleve land, Ohio.

"Survey of the South." A booklet showing the wide range of the South's natural resources as a basis for sound investments. Offered by Caldwell & Company, 300 Union Stree Nashville, Tennessee.

"Investing for Safety." The newest publication of S. W. Straus & Co., 565 Fifth Avenue, New York City, describes detail the methods followed by this organization in underwriting first mortgage real estate bond issues.

"Looking Ahead Financially." A helpful booklet on a very interesting subject - visualizing the factor of age in the financial affairs of men and women, and intended to help vestors to build out of current income an accumulation property to provide permanent income. Offered by Halsey Stuart & Company, 201 So. La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois.

"Chain Store Securities." A booklet containing a thorough discussion of chain store systems explaining why they furnish an excellent basis for investment securities. Offered by George H. Burr & Company, 57 William Street, New York City.

"Foreign Dollar Bonds." Pertinent information regarding nearly 400 foreign issues offered in the United States is presented in the tenth edition of this booklet on international investments, issued by Brown Brothers & Co., 59 Wall Street, New York A new feature of the booklet this year is the inclusion of genera statistical information on certain of the countries covered. A limited supply of these booklets is available for distribution to investors on application.

"How Much Should I Save?" A booklet explaining two well-worked-out systems of accumulating money. Of particular interest to those who wish to build up an income by systematic saving. Offered by the Old Colony Corporation, which is owned by the Old Colony Trust Company, 17 Court Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

"Why a National Union for Safety." A booklet describing National Union Mortgage Bonds showing how securities are safeguarded through insurance of principal and interest by outside surety companies. Offered by the National Union Mortgage Company, 111 E. Redwood Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

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