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Under Stone & Webster



HERE is never a time when a public utility can say that its plant is complete. There is never a time when the utility is not extending its lines or power plants or making some other additions to its service.

When the public demands service, the utility must provide facilities for that service even though capital be scarce and the cost of money, labor and material high.

More, the progressive utility must anticipate the demand for service. It must be a pioneer.

STONE & WEBSTER, INC., is a pioneer in successfully
financing, building and operating public utilities.
Broader fields of usefulness are constantly being
opened; new territories are daily being developed. New
and more efficient methods are being tested and adopt-
ed. The business of giving the public better service
demands sound judgment and knowledge.

Behind every company under STONE & WEB.
STER management, are the engineering, financial
and executive resources of a national organization
whose reputation is built on 38 years of service.

Twenty-five thousand Stone & Webster men know
that the growth of a public utility company de.
pends on its success in serving the public.




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as Sunshine

for the winter home

New color effects, introduced by Lloyd, -iest rooms. Decidedly inexpensive to create entrancing transformations.

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Lloyd Products

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win you compliments for good taste is an easy matter. Your dealer will gladly help.

Why Lloyd finishes are
so rich and enduring

Lloyd furniture takes color tones beautifully because it is made of specially prepared, smooth, durable fabric which is woven to the consistency of wood on marvellous looms invented in the Lloyd factories. This fabric becomes literally impregnated throughout with each coloring that is used.

As further assurance of durability, each upright strand of Lloyd fibre is bulwarked bulwark with an invisible core of tested steel wire -woven in when the fabric is woven at a speed 250 times faster than human hands-effecting such savings in production cost that prices for a whole suite are frequently less than you would expect

to pay for a single piece.

Go to any good store and see the displays

Before another week goes by, make sure to visit your favorite furniture store or department and see the appealing new Lloyd creations that are on display. Bear in mind that you can actually change the color effect of any room in your home simply by introducing the right one of the endless Lloyd colors that are obtainable. For information by mail, write Lloyd Loom Products, Dept. F.A.9, Menominee, Mich. or Orillia, Ont., Can.

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THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, October, 1928, Vol. 142, No. 4. Published monthly. Publication Office, 10 Ferry Street, Concord, New Hampshire. Editorial and General Offices, 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Massachusetts. 40c a copy, $4.00 a year; foreign postage $1.00. Entered as second-class matter July 15, 1918, at the Post Office at Concord, New Hampshire, U. S. A under the Act of March 3, 1879. Printed in the U. S. A.

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