Your Own Cruise Round the World Go Round the World as you please, stopping where, when and as long as you choose. The palatial liners in this service sail every week from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Honolulu, Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai and Hong Kong with fortnightly sailings from Manila, Singapore, Penang, Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles to New York. Stopover where you like. Your ticket is good for two years. Arrange in advance for these stopovers, with identical accommodations on subsequent liners. Magnificent liners. Outside rooms, with beds, not berths. Luxurious public rooms. Spacious American Mail Liners sail every fortnight from Fortnightly sailings from New York for Ha- A similar service returning from the Orient to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle. COMPLETE INFORMATION FROM ANY STEAMSHIP OR RAILROAD TICKET AGENT OR MERICAN MAIL LINE DOLLAR STEAMSHIP LINE THE Glorious ADVENTURE AROUND WORLD JOU live on "The Voyage of Your Dreams." One day, on the Riviera of Africa, at Algiers the second day after, on the French Riviera, Monte Carlo, Mentone a week later, in the Holy Land. Egypt next and golden days in old Cairo ~a month later, India for 12 of the most absorbing days of your life. You cross the Equator-with CRUISE SUPREME Steamships." It is your home, a on the specially chartered s. s. HOMERIC Let us send you full particulars regal floating palace with 30 Countries 63 Cities 140 Days S. S. RESOLUTE Eastward from New York Jan. 7, 192 Rates, $2,000 and up, including the extraordinary program of shore excursions in all countries visited. Illustrated Cruise Booklet sent on request THOS COOK & SON HAMBURG-AMERICAN LIN 39 Broadway, New York Branches in Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Fra cisco, Los Angeles, Montreal, Winnipeg, or local tourist agen ONLY NLY in your own home could you find beds as deep and drowsy, with linen as snowy and soft. Only in your own home could you find chairs so restfully inviting, lamps so thoughtfully placed. And food!homely dishes cooked just as you long for them, or epicurean dishes you've always wanted to try. Of course no hotel could ever be quite like home, but hundreds of men and women find in Hotel Cleveland a "home away from home" -and they come here and are comfortable, they come back and are remembered by name, and their favorite room is ready. Here at Hotel Cleveland the Servidor makes for prompt but unobtrusive service, the floor clerk is your private secretary, and everyone from bellboy to manager is your friendly host, genuinely interested in your comfort and wellbeing. HOTEL CLEVELAND PUBLIC SQUARE CLEVELAND 1000 rooms with bath, 150 at $3 Servidor Service HOTEL CLEVELAND Frank's Mediterranean Egypt - Palestine And the most comprehensive itinerary of romantic and historic cities surrounding this ancient sea. 2 2 Sailing from New York, Jan. 29th Cunard Line's Finest First Class Cuisine and Service. Limited to 390 Guests-Half Capacity 67 days of glorious adventure with free stopover in Europe including return via S.S."Berengaria"or any Cunard Steamer. Rates from $950 including shore excursions. Full particulars on request. [EARLY RESERVATION ADVISABLE] FRANK TOURIST CO. [Est. 1875] New York 1529 Locust Street . 175 No. Michigan Avenue 83 Devonshire Street 29 Geary Street 756 So. Broadway scarlet cloak ... subtle-hued sarongs Painted in the varying hues of the rainbow moves the East... on Algiers' shimmering desert rim appears a Cäid, his scarlet cloak flaming against snowy buildings..."the white radiance of eternity", the Taj, rises majestically beside the tawny Jumna, with the prismatic reflections of jewelled walls... the golden Shwe Dagon vies with the polychromatic silks of the smiling Burmese... in Malaysia, fringed on the jungle's verdancy, subtle-hued sarongs,-amethyst, vermilion, emerald, primrose, sapphire, enhance superb bronze Gia-Dinh-Thanh, as Saigon was once called, a mixture of humanity brown, yellow and white... Everywhere a harmony of tints on the Cruise Supreme Franconia .... Sailing from New York January 15th, next ...a Neven was there a voyage like this... the most complete world panorama. including all the well-known places.. as well as lands not visited by any other cruise super-ship with the cruising viewpoint built into her... two of the outstanding leaders in travel linking their 175 years of prestige, experience and efficiency for this cruise. Literature and full particulars on application to your local agent or CUNARD LINE |