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In fact, the use of Mosaic corridors and washrooms of colored Mo saic Tiles. In the Apartment Building, Mosaic Tiled kitch ens and bathrooms bring increased rental charges. Mosaic Tiles in Cheerfulness, sanitation and low cost cleaning, make Mosaic Tiles the Preferred ma terial for the floors and walls of hospitals. Dust, chemical stains and septic matter re main on the surface and are easily removed. Mosaic Tiles for Every Building new Mosaic Hispania Tiles reflects the Tiles often permits a reduction in Bathroom in the modern style in the cleaning force. real Mosaic Tiles Because of the variety in colors, designs, and types Mosaic Tiles have a place in every type of building Banks, Schools, Churches, Theatre Lobbies and Fronts, Locker Rooms Swimming Pools, Stores, Beauty and Barber Shops, Cafeterias, Hotel Lob bies, Corridors and Dining Rooms Engine Rooms, Refrigerating and Heating Plants find attractiveness, cleanliness and economy in the use of Mosaic Tiles. 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