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tion is largely a result of a confined power supply. Early

water power where Nature had put it. Steam power could not be transmitted; it was necessary that the worker come to the power. The distinctive value of electric power lay in the possibility of transmitting it; but at first it, too, could be supplied economically only to compact populations within. close reach of the generating station. Small remote communities were served, if at all, by inadequate and uneconomical plants; sparsely populated areas had no electric service.

had to be used

farms, quarries, mines, and other power-using activities. Among modern industrial accomplishments, this diffused power supply takes a high place. It puts to effective industrial use the vast areas outside of the cities, fitting the small communities for factories, giving industry lower costs and workers more pleasant living conditions. It conserves the advantages of mass production while providing an escape from such unpleasant consequences as congestion of population. It places power at the hand of the farmer and the miner, and diffuses the benefits of modern efficiency far and wide over the countryside.



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High Line

service across prairies and mountains to small towns and scattered farms has been the electric industry's achievement of the decade.

We represent public utility companies operating in 30 states. More than 3000 communities, together with intervening farms and industries, are served. Prosperity, based on the economies of increasing electric service and spurred on by American enterprise, is enjoyed by customer, company, and investor. Send for list of security offerings yielding over 6%.

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The Co-operative Marriage




HE Young-Weds who start with a BUDGET for chart are bound on a safer voyage, toward a pleasanter haven, than they who take a more haphazard financial course.

The BUDGETED Income, however small, can usually take care of the Needs, including Savings and Insurance, and leave something over for those Wants which have been approved by time.

Chart your course with a John Hancock Home Budget Sheet. Sent on request. Please enclose a two-cent stamp to cover the cost of mailing. Address:


John Hancock



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New Straus


FOR nearly half a century in

vestors have come to S. W. STRAUS & Co. for safe investments. They have not been disappointed, for the first mortgage real estate bonds underwritten and safeguarded by us have earned a place in the market and a reputation for soundness. The steady growth of our clientele, now numbering into the hundreds of thousands, is testimony to the satisfaction of our customers.

Now, these clients, and
all other investors, may
obtain not only safety but
wide diversification in our

These include carefully selected railroad, public utility, municipal, industrial, foreign, and real estate bonds, ranging in yields from about 4 to 7%. Investors will find it to their interest to take advantage of this new STRAUS service. We suggest that you write us, telling us what your investment requirements are, and asking us for our current offerings. Specify


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is the great department store for the mail. order buyers, and Edison Service enables many of these gigantic mail-order houses to operate on a day-and-night schedule to serve their customers more quickly. Commonwealth Edison Company The Central Station Serving Chicago

Commonwealth Edison Company has paid 155 consecutive dividends to its stockholders. Stock listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange. Send for Year Book.

"Interesting Facts." A booklet giving graphic informatio concerning the properties and the investment opportuniti offered in the enterprises of the Associated Gas and Electr Company, Offered by Associated Gas and Electric Securiti Corporation, 61 Broadway, New York City.

"Investment Review." A booklet giving current inform tion on the selection of securities for investment is offered b Hornblower & Weeks, 60 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusett

"Water, the Indispensable Utility." An interesting bool let, giving a detailed description of a water company's plant an operations, with special reference to the investment qualities securities of water companies. Offered by G. L. Ohrstrom Company, 44 Wall Street, New York City.

"What Most Men Forget." A folder explaining the ac vantages of investing safely in real estate mortgage bonds whic carry an independent surety company guarantee of paymen of principal and interest. Offered by the Empire Bond & Mor gage Corporation, National City Building, 42nd Street Madison Avenue, New York City.

"Guaranty Service." A book describing the work of variou departments and outlining services available to customer through these departments. Offered by the Guaranty Trus Company of New York, 140 Broadway, New York City.

"Foreign Dollar Bonds." A booklet containing valuabl suggestions for bond buyers and presenting the record of foreig loans in American markets. Offered by National City Company 55 Wall Street, New York City.

"Public Utility Investments." The Utility Securitie Company offers the securities of well-known public utilit enterprises in 21 states. A Monthly Savings Plan of buyin is one of their sales features. Lists of securities, yielding a high as 7 per cent., will be sent upon request. Address: Utilit Securities Co., 72 W. Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois.

"The Ideal Investment. A booklet showing ten reason for the safety of Electric Power and Light Bonds as a basis for investment, is offered by Thompson Ross & Company, 29 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois.

"Two-Continent Investment Service." A circular out lining the facilities which an international investment house can furnish to American investors while in the United States as well as while they are traveling in foreign countries. Offered by de Saint Phalle & Company, 11 Wall Street, New York City.

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