IME affects the comfort of your shave, of course. Lots of men have to "race" it. Slow shaving is a luxury, which we can't always afford. But the smooth, kind, thorough job that the Gillette Blade does on its easy path is something you can't afford to pass up-for it's the smoothest shave per second in the world. Gillette hones and strops every blade on instruments so fine that variation of one tenthousandth of an inch sends out a tell-tale signal. Gillette "coaxes" perfect shaves into every blade as no human hands could possibly hone and strop it. And nearly half of Gillette's people are special inspectors, paid double when they find a single blade that won't do a superb job of shaving. THREE MINUTES, Ideal It has cost twelve million dollars in the last ten years alone to keep this blade doing its job so uniformly and so well that eight out of ten men prefer it. Gillette keeps faces smooth and comfortable; men of sixty look twenty years younger; young men are starting right, and staying young. No man ever gave the Gillette Blade the identical task two days in succession. Shaving conditions may change, but the blade meets every man's conditions. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO., BOSTON, U. S. A. Gillette TRADE Gillette MARK To be sure of a smooth, comfortable shave under any conditions, slip a fresh Gillette Blade in your razor. FIFTH AVENUE BUILDING、、、 A buying center of the modern world JUST as camels and donkeys carry far-eastern merchants on their golden journey to Samar kand, so ocean liners and limited trains hasten buyers from far and near, to the commerce of New York. In this great market-place, the goal of experienced buyers is The Fifth Avenue Building a worldfamous headquarters for leading lines of merchandise, and a meeting place of suc cessful businesses. Here are represented established manufacturers of glassware, pot tery, toys, novelties, fine laces, men's and women's wear. . . of almost everything that buyers seek in New York. The renown of The Fifth Avenue Build ing is largely due to its convenient location in the city. It is situated at the crossing of two of the world's most famous streetsBroadway and Fifth Avenue. It is but thir teen minutes from Grand Central Terminal, and ten from the Pennsylvania Station. Busses and surface cars pass the door. An elevated line is within a block. Manhattan's shop ping district is a few minutes in one direc tion, its financial district in another. A location more central or more easy of access can scarcely be imagined. In addition, office holders in The Fifth Avenue Building enjoy the prestige of an address long famous in the world of fashion. For, upon this site-200 Fifth Avenuestood the Fifth Avenue Hotel, a meeting place of cosmopolitan importance through the "gay nineties" up until recent years. It is by no means surprising, then, that The Fifth Avenue Building, with its central location and its all-familiar address, should have become a buying and business headquarters renowned to the ends of the mercantile world. When you are in New York, we should be glad to show you through this building. he big summer "trek" is on. Many of you will travel thousands of miles, often over wet, slippery cement, blistering asphalt and rock strewn detours. Weak tires will blow, cheaply made tires will show "yellow", while too light tires will demonstrate their false economy. Why expose your dear ones to needless inconveniences and even dangers by careless tire attention. Get good tires and be sure they are big enough. Ask the LEE of Conshohocken dealer in your town what kind of tires your car and your driving require. LEE dealers know tires. The LEE Shoulderbilt is a Heavy Duty masterpiece, not only ideal for those little giantsFords and Chevrolets-but also for the bigger cars whose weight and power necessitate, for safety sake, thick and wide treads, sturdy side walls and generous air space. Oversize, even for balloons, these Shoulderbilts are so big, so thick, so strong, that any car tired with them will carry on where most others give up. Make the summer trek on Tires by LEE of Conshohocken. LEE dealers all over the country are ready to serve you, and in other countries too, if your trek extends that far. LEE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY COST NO MORE TO BUY MUCH LESS TO RUN of ELECTROL OWNERS would read like a Social Register of America! Names you know well make up the roster of those who have chosen Electrol oil heat for their homes...Literally, a cross-section of social America... People who judge things at their true value; who are experts in excellence. Men of prominence...Heads of great busi- They have selected the Electrol for their dependable automatic heat with never th need to turn a hand. And because of TH Master Control which stands watch ove every phase of the burner's operation like living sentinel always at your furnace doo Wherever Electrol is sold, you will find complete oil heating service backed by sound, large and growing manufacturir organization. ELECTROL ... No home is too large for Electrol to heatnone is too small. Can be purchased c an attractive budget payment plan if desire .Write today for a copy of "Th Master Furnace Man," a bookl which contains full details of Ele trol and comments of owner ELECTROL INC. of MISSOUF 187 Dorcas St. St. Louis, U.S. The Master |