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The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company wishes to emphasize the importance of getting clean milk and keeping it clean after it reaches the home. Much of the difficulty in bringing babies safely through their second summer comes from the dangers which lie in impure milk or milk improperly cared for-milk left uncovered or without sufficient ice-protection.

Find out whether or not the milk you buy comes from a dairy where every scientific precaution has been used to keep the milk free from contamination-from the time of milking to its delivery.

Many of the great dairies, realizing the difficulties of safe-guarding every bottle of milk during the hours in transit, take no chances and pasteurize it. Many cities and towns de

A quart of milk a day, in some form, shoul be the rule for every growing child. A fe children have a real or imagined aversion to mil But the doctor may find that they can take and enjoy it if served as cocoa or in soup sauces, custards, puddings, or frozen desserts.

Encourage your boys and girls to appreciat milk. Make them understand that for mo people it is the finest all-around food in th world. Tell them what it will do for the bodies. Children love games. Teach them th game of body-building. Protein "bricks" fo strong muscles; lime "bricks" for bones ar teeth; milk sugar "bricks" and fat "bricks" fo energy and warmth.

Not only is milk a builder it is a repairer, a well. That is why it is important that adul also should have a regular supply-not so muc as children-but a glass or two a day or th equivalent amount served with other food Milk is a great help to men and women wh want to keep strong, vigorous and youthfu But remember that milk has so much food valu that when added to the diet a smaller quantity of other foods may be sufficient. To take milk regularly is the surest and easiest way of making certain that you give your body the variety of food materials it needs to keep you in good physical condition. Give milk to the children andtake it yourself.


mand that practically all milk must be pas
teurized. In some cities special certificates of
quality are issued upon convincing evidence of
clean and safe handling and the testing of cattle
for tuberculosis. Dairies which have such
recognition are glad to show copies of dairy
reports upon which their special certificates are

If your milk supply is not pasteurized or cer
tified, it is advisable that you pasteurize your
milk at home. Complete and simple directions
together with other valuable information will
be found in our booklet, 88-T, "All About
Milk". It will be mailed free upon request to
the Booklet Department, Metropolitan Life In-
surance Company, 1 Madison Avenue, New
York City.

HALEY FISKE, President.


Published by

METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-NEW YOR Biggest in the World, More Assets, More Policyholders, More Insurance in force, More new Insurance each ye

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Publication Office, 10 FERRY STREET, CONCORD, N. H. Editorial and General Offic 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass. 40c a copy, $4.00. a year; foreign postage $1.00. Entered at Post Offices at Concord, N. and Ottawa, Canada, as second-class matter. Copyright 1928, by The Atlantic Monthly Company, Boston, Mass.

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4 lb. Chicken ANY OF THESE 8 Eggs

2 lbs. Potatoes

91⁄2 Oranges

41⁄2 lbs. Lobster

1⁄2 lb. Beefsteak

1828 M. L. I. CO.

Each of these foods has its own value. The comparison is only for "energy value"-the property which gives the body strength and power to carry on its activities.

A quart of milk a day, in some form, shoul be the rule for every growing child. A fe children have a real or imagined aversion to mill But the doctor may find that they can take and enjoy it if served as cocoa or in soup sauces, custards, puddings, or frozen desserts.

Encourage your boys and girls to appreciat milk. Make them understand that for mo people it is the finest all-around food in th world. Tell them what it will do for the bodies. Children love games. Teach them th game of body-building. Protein "bricks" fo strong muscles; lime "bricks" for bones an teeth; milk sugar "bricks" and fat "bricks" fo energy and warmth.

Not only is milk a builder it is a repairer,
well. That is why it is important that adul
also should have a regular supply-not so mu
as children-but a glass or two a day or tl
equivalent amount served with other food
Milk is a great help to men and women wl
want to keep strong, vigorous and youthfu
so much food valı

ROM the moment baby's eyes open upon
strange world his demand is for food- But remember that milk has




food that will build a sturdy body. Nature provides milk for his needs. In milk are found in right proportion all the many kinds of food required in the business of body-building. Throughout babyhood and youth the elements contained in milk are essential to sound growth. Milk contains minerals from which the bones and teeth are made, elements which produce strong muscles as well as vitamins to assist growth and to ward off disease.

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The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company wishes to emphasize the importance of getting clean milk and keeping it clean after it reaches the home. Much of the difficulty in bringing babies safely through their second summer comes from the dangers which lie in impure milk or milk improperly cared for milk left uncovered or without sufficient ice-protection.

Find out whether or not the milk you buy comes from a dairy where every scientific precaution has been used to keep the milk free from contamination-from the time of milk. ing to its delivery.

Many of the great dairies, realizing the difficulties of safe-guarding every bottle of milk during the hours in transit, take no chances and pasteurize it. Many cities and towns de

that when added to the diet a
smaller quantity of other foods may
be sufficient.
To take milk regularly is the surest
and easiest way of making certain
that you give your body the variety
of food materials it needs to keep
you in good physical condition.

Give milk to the children and-
take it yourself.

mand that practically all milk must be pas
teurized. In some cities special certificates of
quality are issued upon convincing evidence of
clean and safe handling and the testing of cattle
for tuberculosis. Dairies which have such
recognition are glad to show copies of dairy
reports upon which their special certificates are

If your milk supply is not pasteurized or cer-
tified, it is advisable that you pasteurize your
milk at home. Complete and simple directions
together with other valuable information will
be found in our booklet, 88-T, "All About
Milk". It will be mailed free upon request to
the Booklet Department, Metropolitan Life In-
surance Company, 1 Madison Avenue, New
York City.

HALEY FISKE, President.



Published by

METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-NEW YOR Biggest in the World, More Assets, More Policyholders, More Insurance in force, More new Insurance each ye

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Publication Office, 10 FERRY STREET, CONCORD, N. H. Editorial and General Offic 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass. 40c a copy, $4.00. a year; foreign postage $1.00. Entered at Post Offices at Concord, N. and Ottawa, Canada, as second-class matter. Copyright 1928, by The Atlantic Monthly Company, Boston, Mass.

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