Another Headache এ FASmith 1928 M. L. I. CO. O LANG! Clang! Clang!" rang the bell in place in the foot or a toxic condition from a dis CLANG the old town-hall and at once the whole countryside was alert. The bell meant danger-usually FIRE! "Bang! Bang! Bang!" goes the pain in your head and it also ang goes the danger, perhaps nu grave danger, somewhere in your body. and not Can you imagine any villager being stupid enough to cut the bell-rope because the clang alam while the raged? When you take a pl or powder, fire rager to stop a headache, cl you may deaden the nerves which are carrying animportant message of danger to your brain d, but the "fire" goes on. wir Hadaches are ts are usually symptoms of unheated physical part of the body. There is almost stallment which does heat some stage manifest not at some lifter and intestinal difficulties, as well as nervous stain, infectious and contagious diseases often cause headache. fr Futunately the causes of the vast majority of hadaches-indigestion, eye-strain, sinus and teth infections and wrong posture can be Causes of headache can be found only by patient, lazted promptly. But some of the obscure lful search. The trouble may come from a Cause so remote from the head as a bone out of eased gall-bladder. It is risky to attempt to diagnose your own headache. You may guess wrong and waste precious time prescribing for an imagined ailment while the real trouble grows steadily worse. To still the voice of pain without finding its source is like cutting the bell-rope and ignoring the fire. which may injure the digestion, destroy red corpuscles of the blood, undermine the nervous composed of habit-forming drugs system, depress or over-excite heart action, and at best may give only temporary relief. the cause. While he is searching for cause something to relieve the pain, if Give your doctor a chance to find you must have relief. A booklet giving helpful informa tion about headache may be obt tained free on request to Booklet Department, Metropolitan Life Avenue, New York City. Ask Insurance Company, 1 Madison for Booklet No. 78-T. Haley Fiske, President. LIGHT THAT NEVE METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-NEW YORK Biggest in the World, More Assets, More Policyholders, More Insurance in force, More new Insurance each year |