ory? Natick, Mass. A College Preparatory School for Girls. Outdoor life. Athletics and winter sports. 17 miles from Boston. Established 1893. MISS FLORENCE BIGELOW, Principal The Mary A. Burnham SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Opposite Smith College Campus A SCHOOL of finest New England traditions established MISS HELEN E. THOMPSON, Principal NORTHAMPTON SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Regular College Preparatory Course. Special review for College Examinations for February High School graduates. Principals: Doothy M. Bement, Sarah B. Whitaker, Box A, Northampton, Mass. Near Boston. Thorough College Preparation, also Two Year Gradate Coarse. New Art Studio. French House. Household Arts. Masic Fine Riding Horses. Separate Junior School. Miss Gertrude E. Cornish, Principal, Norton, Mass. THE EAGLE WING SCHOOL Orleans, Mass. College preparatory and general courses for girls who have completed two years of high school work. Roxana H. Vivian, PD Principal; Mary Elida Rust, Warden. Write for booklet. Box A, Orleans, Mass. WALTHAM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Te miles from Boston. College Preparatory, General and Special Comes Outdoor activities. Homelike Atmosphere. Christian dance. 69th year. Moderate terms. Separate Residence for Girls to 12 years. LOUISE FAY, PRINCIPAL, Waltham, Mass. TOWARD SEMINARY H Where New England Traditions Count in the Girl's THE MISSES ALLEN SCHOOL College Preparatory, General and Cultural Courses. Each girl's A School for Home Efficiency TWO-YEAR course for the graduates A of Dana Hall and other secondary schools. Higher cultural studies, with emphasis on all subjects pertaining to the management of the home. Country life and sports. Fourteen miles from Boston. Catalog on application. MISS HELEN TEMPLE COOKE WILBRAHAM More than a century of service in preparing boys for college and for life. Gaylord W. Douglass, Headmaster, Wilbraham, Mass. WORCESTER ACADEMY WORCESTER MASS. THOROUGH COLLEGE PREPARATION OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG GIVES FULL DETAILS SAMUEL F. HOLMES, Headmaster GEORGE D. CHURCH, Registrar GRAY GABLES DEVITTE MILITARY $50. Monthly, Boys 6 to 14, modified military training, open 12 mos. 32 miles from N. Y. C. 60 acres, Summer camp. Maj. L. De Vitte, Box O, Morganville, N. J. MISS BEARD'S SCHOL College Preparatory, Cultural and Address: Assistant Principal, Orange, New Jersey PREPARATORY SCHOOL J. B. Fine, Headmaster Preparatory for all colleges. Rapid progress. Limited number of pupils and freedom from rigid class organization. Excellent equipment. Special attention to athletics and moral welfare. New gymnasium. 55th year. For catalog address Box A, Princeton, N. J. PRINCETON The KNOX for Girls COLLEGE preparatory, Junior College and cultural courses. Mrs. Russell Houghton, Box A, Cooperstown, N. Y. IRA A. FLINNER, Director, Lake Placid Club, N. RIVERDALE SA Country Athletics, Student Activities, Applied Music Fire-Proof Dormitory Telephone Kingsbridge 3123 REPTON SCHOL Meets the requirements of the young boy For Boys 6 to 15. English University Masters. Y.WALLOUGHBY BARRETT, Headmaster, Box A, TARRYTOWN, N. Y. RUSSELL SAGE COLLEGE Founded by Mrs. Russell Sage. Liberal Arts, Secretarial Work, Household Economics and Nursing. BA and B.S. degrees. Address SECRETARY of Horticulture Women Courses in Gardening, Landscape Design, 2-year Diploma Course; 4 weeks Summer Course -HARCUM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Thorough College Preparation. SECRETARY, Box A, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The Misses Kirk's School T college preparation. Two-thirds of students entered colyear. Exceptional facilities offered to graduates of high tequiring supplementary work to complete their preparation c and to students whose school work has been interrupted. Adoor sports. The Misses Kirk, Bryn Mawr, Pa. THE BALDWIN SCHOOL A COUNTRY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Prepares for Barnard, By Mawr, Mt. Holyoke, Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar and WellesColleges ELIZABETH FORREST JOHNSON, A.B., Head of Sol, Bryn Mawr, Pa. CHESTNUT HILL ratory School for Boys in the open hill country, 11 Miles of Philadelphia. Complete equipment. Senior and Junior ST. R. Hyde (Yale), Headmaster, Box A, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Quaker Co-educational. GEORGE SCHOOL College Preparatory, Faces woods and fields bordering the Neshaminy. Manual traindebating, household arts, all athletics. Own farm. Catalogue. GA Walton, A.M., Prin.. Box 315, George School, Pa. HIGHLAND HALL General Mx educational standards. College preparatory. PENNSYLVANIA-(Continued) FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL A Widely Recognized, Moderately Priced Preparatory School. A finishing school 25 minutes from Phila. Individual needs analyzed by psychologists and studies pursued in a healthful way. Estab. 1850. Rydal Hall, girls 7-14. Camp in White Mountains. Catalog. Abby A. Sutherland, Prin., Montgomery Co., Pa. Mary Lyon School Swarthmore, Pa. For girls. Suburban to Philadelphia. College preparation. General courses. Music and art. Catalog. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Crist, Principals, Box 1536. Rhode Island THE MARY C. WHEELER SCHOOL A Modern Town and Country School for Girls. College preparatory, general, and post-graduate courses. Art, Music, Dramatics. Riding, Swimming and Out-door sports. Country residence for younger girls. Providence, Rhode Island. OSES BROWN MOSES A century-old school of distinctive character for boys. Strict- LINCOLN SCHOOL GIRLS College preparatory and general courses. New science laboratory and new gymnasium. Outdoor sports. Frances E. Wheeler, Principal, Providence, R. I. Tennessee WARD-BELMONT FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN Offers 4 years preparatory, 2 years college work. Fully accredited. All Sports including Riding. Complete appointments. For information address The Secretary, Belmont Heights, Box 412, Nashville, Tenn. Texas EL PASO SCHOOL for GIRLS OUTDOOR classes in dry climate Lucinda de L. Templin, Ph.D. Box 578 Virginia El Paso, Texas One of the most distinguished schools in America preparing for Universities, Government Academies, Business. Superb disciplinary training equaled by academic excellence. Col. Thos. H. Russell, B.S., LL.D., Pres., Box K, (Kable Station) Staunton, Va. Warrenton Country School The school is planned to teach girls how to study, to bring them nearer nature, and to inculcate ideas of order and economy. College Preparatory and Cultural Courses. Separate cottage for young girls. French the language of the house. MLLE. LEA M. BOULIGNY Box 55, Warrenton, Va. Correspondence Schools SHORT STORY WRITIN Dr. Esenwein One pupil won a $2000 prize. Ano pupil earned over $5000 in spare t Hundreds are selling constantl leading publishers. Particulars of Dr. Esenwein's famous fortycourse in writing and marketing of the Short and sample copy of THE WRITER'S MON free. Write today. 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