WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, ESQ. AUTHOR OF PRACTICAL VIEW OF CHRISTIANITY. AMHERST: PUBLISHED BY J. S. & C. ADAMS, AND CO. S. BUTLER AND SON, NORTHAMPTON: AND JONATHAN LEAVITT, NEW YORK. INTRODUCTORY ESSAY. Ir is a trite remark, but a remark which, from its importance, no less than from our too general disposition to forget it, we should strive to keep continually present in our remembrance, that, as every state of life, so every condition of Christianity has its own peculiar dangers. And in the one case, no less than in the other, those circumstances are not always the least favourable, which may appear so on the first view; especially to an inexperienced observer. Times of persecution press severely on the weak and timid; but experience has decisively proved, that so far from these being the circumstances from which true religion has the most to apprehend, the very contrary is undeniable. The constancy with which the victims of bigotry bore their bodily sufferings, though heightened by all the ingenious devices which the most devilish malignity could invent, and the divine support which they manifestly experienced under the severest tortures, operated more powerfully in favour of Chris |