Puslapio vaizdai
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Godfrey, Thomas, 198.

Godwin, Mr. 317. 353.

Gower, 174. 181. 202.
Goldsmith, Dr. 279.
Greswell, Rev. Wm. 64.
Grandval, M. 277.
Gronet, Captain, 88. 89.
Guarini, 369.
Guignard, 381.

Hall, Captain, 338.
Hall's, J. Emblems, 139.
Hatton, Sir Christopher, 259.
Hammond, 270, 271.
Henry VIII. 179. 198. 217.
Heury IV. 181. 192, 193. 197.
Henry III. 216, 217, 218, 222.
Henry V. 197.

Henry 111. of France, 378. 379.
Henry IV. of France, 379. 381.
Henry VII. 197.

Henry 11. 201.

Hill, Aaron, 287.

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Hugonis Emblemata, reviewed, 123.
Hutton, Sergeant, 253.

James II. 63. 292.
Jay, Le, 58.
Jefferson, Mr. 306.
Jerningham, 141.
Jekyll, 141.

Jesuits, History of the, 370. 385.
Jesuites, Histoire Impartiale des, 370.
Jesuites, Morale pratiques de, 370.
Innocent VIII. 64.

Jonson, Ben, 21. 27. 161. 169. 201. 352.
353, 354, 355. 358. 367.

John III. of Portugal, 53.
Joddrell, Sir Paul, 142, 159.
John, KING, 188.

Johnson, Dr. 272. 279. 281, 282, 283.
Johnston, Arthur, 358.

Irving Washington, 315, 316.

Julian, Emperor, 8.

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Meggot, Sir George, 144.

Rochester, Lord, 23.

Meggott, Mrs. 144.

Menander, 121. 201.

MILTON, JOHN, his Areopagitica reviewed,

Milton, 121. 175. 264. 280. 287. 302. 310.

358. 360. 366. 388.

Montesquieu, 290.
Moore, Thomas, 22.
Moody, Mr. 93.

Morgan, Sir Henry, 334. 342, 343, 344,

345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350.

More, Sir Thomas, 254.

Mortimer, Ralph, 218.

Nadal, Jerome, 59.

Navarre, Prince of, 378.
Neville, 217.
Nicholas Hendy, 183.
North, Lord, 153, 154.
Northampton, John of, 191.

Oldcorn, the Jesuit, 260.
Orange, Prince of, 380.
Ormerod, Mr. 210. 230.
Ortelius, Abraham, 207.
Ovid, 174. 273.

[blocks in formation]

Rodriguez, 61.

Romilly, Sir Samuel, 258.
Rose, Mr. 285, 286. 288, 289.
Rouet, Philippa, 196.
Rouet, Catherine, 196.
Rousseau, 262. 291.
Rosella, Isabella, 59.

Sacheverel, 293.

Saints, Lives of, 41.
Salisbury, Lord, 260.
Sallust, 290.

Salmeron, 375.

Schetachides, Simeon, 66.

Scobell, Henry, Esq. 97.
Scogoun, 174.

Scot, 337.

Scott, Sir Walter, 1.237.295.
Selden, 259.

Selkirk, Alexander, 95.

Shakspeare, 1. 2. 21. 188, 189. 201. 203.

291. 310.

Sheridan, R. B. 154.

Siborn, Mr. 227.

SOUTH, ROBERT, his Sermons reviewed,

Southcote, Joanna, 65.

Sidney Sir Philip, 370.
Sophocles, 201.

Southampton, Lord, 310,

Speght, 175. 182. 185, 186. 188. 190. 198.

Spenser, 175-291.

Sprague, Sir Edward, 77.

Spurling, Mr. 154.

Stanley, Thomas, Lord.

Statius, 272. 289.

Sterne, Laurence, 205.

Stewart, Dugald, 66.
Stowe, 198.

Strafford, Lord, 20.

Stutevill, William, 252.

SUCKLING, Sir JOHN, his Poems, Letters,

and Plays reviewed, 19-38.

Surtees, Mr. R. 210, 229, 230.
Symmachus, 209.

Swift, Dean, 375.

Swinford, Lady, 196.

Tacitus, 209.

Tasso, 274. 289. 369.
Taylor, Jeremy, 355.
Terence, 290.

Theocritus, 202.

Thuanus, 369.

Thucydides, 290. 357.

Thynne, 175-178. 198. 200.

Timms, Colonel, 148. 151.
Tomkins, 115.

Tooke, Horne, 141. 200.

Topham, Captain Edward, 141.

Tyrrwhitt, Mr. 178, 179, 180. 182. 184.

186, 187. 191. 192. 194. 198. 199.

Urrey, 186. 191.

Vane, Sir Henry, 302.
Verres, 12.

Virgil, 176. 264. 272. 290.
Virgil, Polidore, 179.

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