INTRODUCTORY. To all Free and Accepted Masons in particular, and to the Public in general. BROTHERS AND FRIENDS, THE principles on which the institution of Free Masonry is founded, and the respect to which it is entitled, need no other comments, than that it has stood the test of experience, and has brightened by use, through a long series of ages; that it has at all times been embraced and defended by some of the greatest, and best of men, and that it now presents, throughout the civilized world, a greater body of talent, virtue, and respectability, than was ever united in any other social institution of human invention. No apology can therefore be necessary, for devoting a periodical publication to so important an interest. To the Mason, conducted, it will furnish the ancient landmarks of our order, and the rules by which he is to SQUARE his conduct with a brother, and with all mankind; it will brighten and refresh his intellect, and present his mind with many valuable materials for that edifice, on which it is his delight to labour; and when labour shall give if well POPE. [VOL. I.] place to refreshment, it will even render the festive and convivial hour instructive, by teaching him to "mingle the useful with the sweet." The first pages of each number of occupied with matter, strictly and orithe Masonic Register, shall always be ginally Masonic; among which will be found constitutions and laws, by which the fraternity are governed in various parts of the world, and parbiographical and historical sketches, ticularly in North America; Masonic sermons, addresses, orations, odes, &c. The remainder will be devoted to geography, history, politics, natural and moral philosophy, agriculture, the useful arts, poetry, and amusing frag ments. In geography and history, we shall endeavour to confine ourselves to such communications as most nearly concation is devoted. In politics, we discern the interests to which our publiclaim all attachment to any party which has not for its foundation the and we solemnly promise, that no porequal rights, and good of mankind; tion of our paper shall ever be devoted to the service of a demagogue. In all our researches we shall make truth our object, reason and justice our A |