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" Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream, Goes to and back, lackeying the varying tide, To rot itself with motion. "
The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;– In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with Cuts - 2763 psl.
autoriai: William Shakespeare - 1709
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The Works of Shakespeare, 7 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 psl., was wi(h'd, until he were : And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream, Goes to, and back, lacquying the varying tide, (6) To rot itfelf with motion. (S) It bath heen...
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Antony and Cleopatra;– An Historical Play,, 1 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1758 - 114 psl., was wifh'd, until he were ; And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd, 'till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream, Goes to, and back, lacquying the varying tide, To rot itfelf with motion. Enter another Meflenger....
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The Plays of William Shakespeare– In Eight Volumes, with the ..., 7 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 psl.
...ltdgt, till ne'er <vuortb live, require tnat we read Let us examine the fenie of this in 'Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream, 1 Goes to, and back, lacquing the varying tide, To rot itfelf with motion. ' Mef. C<efar, I...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, 7 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 484 psl., was wifti'd, aptil he were : And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the itream, Goes to, and back, lacquying the varying tide, (ir} To rot it felf with motion. Mrf. Cafar^...
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The works of Shakespeare, with corrections and illustr. from ..., 9 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 334 psl., was vifh'd, until he were: And the ebb'd'man, ne'er lov'd till ne'er worth love; 'Comes -dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream, Goes to, and back, lacquing * the varying tide, To rot itfelf with motion. Meff. Csefar, I...
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The Works of Shakespeare– Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., 7 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 482 psl., was wiih'd, until he were: And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd", by being lack'd. This common body,. Like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream, < Goes to, and back, lacquying the varying tide, (iz) To rot it felf with motion. Mef. Cafar,...
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Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays,– As They are Now Performed ..., 6 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1774 - 392 psl.
...was wi(h'd, until be were ; And the ebb'd man, ne'er lovM, 'till ne'er worth love, 1 Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream, Goes to, and back, lackying the varying tide, To rot itfelf with station. Enter another MefTtnger....
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The Beauties of Shakespear: Regularly Selected from Each Play. With a ...

William Shakespeare - 1780 - 288 psl., was wifh'd, until he were ; And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd, till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the (trearn, Goes to, and back, lackying the varying tide, To rot itfelf with motion. Then was the time...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare– Accurately Printed from the Text ..., 6 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1786 - 502 psl., was wifh'd, until he were ; And the ebb'd man, ne'er lov'd, till ne'er worth love, Comes dear'd, by being lack'd. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the ftream; Goes to, and back, lackying the varying tide, To rot itfelf with motion. Mef. Caefar, I bring...
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Shakspeare's Dramatic Works– With Explanatory Notes, 2 tomas

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 558 psl., was wifh'd, until he were ; And theebb'd man, ne'er lov'd till ne'er worth love Comes dear'd,by being lack'd. This common body Like to a vagabond flag, upon the ftream, Coes to, and back, lackying the varying tide, To rot itfelf with motion. Mfj\ Cafar) 1 bring...
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