| William Shakespeare - 1733 - 480 psl.
...The Grown o'th' earth doth melt my Lord ! Oh, wither'd is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n : young boys and girls Are level now with men ; the odds is gone j And there is nothing left remarkable, Beneath the vifiting Moon. [She faints. Char. Oh, quietnefs,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - 548 psl.
...The crown o' th' earth doth melt > my Lord Oh, wither'd is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n : young boys and girls Are level now...gone, And there is nothing left remarkable, Beneath thevifiting moon. [She faints. Char. Oh quietnefs, Lady. Iras. She is dead too, our Sovereign. Char.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 psl.
...crown o'th' earth doth melt my Lord* « Oh, wither'd is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n : young boys and girls Are level now...nothing left remarkable, Beneath the vifiting moon. [SbtfmA Char. Oh quietnefs, Lady. Oar, Lidy ! Iras. Madam 4 Char. Oh Madam, Madam ! Irat. Royal... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 psl.
...Lord! i Oh, wither'd is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n : young boys and gïtls Are level now with men ; the odds is gone, And there...nothing left remarkable, Beneath the vifiting moon. [Sbe faeB, Ciar. Oh quietnefs, Lady. Jr<a. She ia dead too., our Sovereign, Ciar. Lady! Iras. Madam... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 psl.
...The crown o' th' earth doth melt my Lord I Oh, wither' J is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n : young boys and girls Are level now...remarkable, Beneath the vifiting moon. [She faints Char. Oh, quicenefs, Lady ! Iras. She's dead too, oar fovereign. Char. Lady.! Iras. Madam ! Char. Oh Madam, Madam,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1758 - 114 psl.
...dies. The crown o'the earth doth melt: _My lord !_ O, wither'd is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n ; young boys, and girls, Are level...nothing left remarkable Beneath the vifiting moon. CHA. O, quietnefs, lady. [Cleopatra/iyw»/. CHA. Lady, IR A. Madam, i:/i .;. O madam,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1762 - 440 psl.
...garland -of- the -war, ( : --nifc . i".i The foldier's pole it fall'n: yotang beys 'and- giris .-'* Are level now with men ; the odds is gone ; And there...nothing left remarkable, Beneath the vifiting moon. [She faiutt. C&ar. Oh, quietnefs, Lady ! Jras. She's dead too, our fovereign. Char, Lady t Iras. Madam !... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 psl.
...The crown o' th' earth doth melt my Lord ! Oh, wither'd is the garland of .the war, 1 The ioldier's pole is fall'n ; young boys and girls Are level now with men ; the odds is gone ; 8 Quicken milk kij/ing.'] That * The Soldier's pole ] He is, Revive ly my kifi. at whom the fbldicrs... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 484 psl.
...The crown o'th' earth doth melt my Lord I- Oh, wither'd is the garland of the war, The foldier's pole is fall'n : young boys and girls Are level now...Char. Oh, quietnefs, Lady ! Iras. She's dead too, our fovereign. Char. Lady ! Irai. Madam! Char. Oh Madam, Madam, Madam Iras. Royal jEgypt ! Emprefs ! Char.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 334 psl.
...war, The foldier's pole is fall'n ; young boys and girls Are levefnow with men -, the odds is goue; And there is nothing left remarkable Beneath the vifiting moon. [She faints* Char. Oh, quietnefs, lady ! frar. She's dead too-; our fovereign. Char. Lady ! Iras. Madam \ : Iras. Royal iEgypt ! Emprefs !... | |
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