| Charles Gildon - 1718 - 394 psl.
...fufier all. alike. " Erin. Ibid. Loyahy. Mine Honefty, and I, begin to fquare ; The Loyalty wel^held to Fools, does make Our Faith meer Folly ; yet he...can endure To follow with Allegiance a fall'n Lord, ftDo's conquer him that did his Mafter conquer, And earns a Place f th' Story. Eno. Ibid, \ On Gold.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1733 - 480 psl.
...faid, that his Honeliy and he begin to quarrel, (ie that his Reafoij {hews him fo be miftaken in ' loyalty, well held, to fools does make .. . Our faith...that did his matter conquer, .And earns a place i'th' ftory. Enter Thyreus. Cleo. Ctfar's Will ? Thyr. Hear it apart. Cles. None but friends } fay boldly.... | |
 | William Oldys - 1740 - 348 psl.
...thofe brutes are loft. Denbam. L or ALT r. Tho' loyalty, well held, to fools does make Our faith mere folly : Yet he that can endure To follow with allegiance a fall'n lord, ' Doei conquer him that did hii mafter conquer. And earns a place in the ftory.. Sbakefp tar's... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - 548 psl.
...kneel'd unto the buds. Admit him, Sir. JEno. Mine honefty and I begin to fquare ; [Afide. 9 'Tho'^ loyalty well held, to fools does make Our faith meer...allegiance a fall'n lord, Do's conquer him that did his mafter conquer, And earns a place i' th' ftory. Enter Thyreus. Cleo. C<efar's will ? Ibyr. Hear it... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 psl.
...Thít That kneel' d unto the buds. Admit him, Sir. JEns. Min?, honeíty and I begin to fquare j Tho' loyalty well held, to fools does make Our faith meer...yet he that can endure To follow with allegiance a fjll'n lord, Do's conquer him that did his mafter conquer, And earns a place i'th'flory.. Entir Thyreus.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 psl.
...Tho' (24) Afine Ifontfty and I hegin to fquare \ The Loyalty, well btld tt fools, dets make Our Tho' loyalty, well held, to fools does make Our faith meer...can endure To follow with allegiance a fall'n lord, Does conquer him that did his mafter conquer, And earns a place i' th' flory. Enter Thyreus. Cleo.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1758 - 114 psl.
...kneel'd unto the buds. Admit him, fir. [Exit Attendant. ENo. "Minehonefty, and I, begin to fquare." " The loyalty, well held to fools, does make " « Our...endure " " To follow with allegiance a fall'n lord," " Does conquer him that did his matter conquer," " And earns a place i'the ftory." Enter THYREUS. CLE.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1762 - 440 psl.
...Loyalty, -uitll held n Foils, decs mj£t Tho' loyalty, well lield, to fools does make Our faith mere folly : yet he, that can endure To follow with allegiance a fall'n Lord, .V Does conquer him that did his mafter conquer, ''.' And earns a place i'th' ftory. Enter Thyreus.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 psl.
...their nofe, That kneel'd unto the buds. Admit him, Sir. Eno. Mine honefty and I begin to fquare ; 7 The loyalty, well held to fools, does make Our faith...can endure To follow with allegiance a fall'n Lord, Does conquer him that did his mafter conquer, And earns a place i' th' ftory. Eater Thyreus. Cleo.'... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 psl.
...Sir. Eno. Mine honefty and 1 begin to fquare ; 7 The loyalty, well held to fools, does make Our fairh meer folly : yet he, that can endure To follow with allegiance a fail'n Lord, Does conquer him that did his matter conquer, And earns a place i* th' ftory. Enter Thyreus.... | |
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