Puslapio vaizdai

It's not our business to "create styles."

It is our business to know all styles, to choose the best and then skillfully cut our clothing.

No extremes, no freaks, no clothes that are funny on Fifth Avenue.

But always clothes for gentlemen and their sons-well cut, well made, and moderately priced.

Spring styles now at our own New York retail stores and at

one progressive clothier's in many other cities.

Rogers Peet & Company

New York City

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ishes the teeth and keeps POWDER

them white. Its antiseptic
properties destroy germs
-prevent decay-tone up
the gums and purify the

It is delightful to use





Mistress:-"Mary, be sure and get me another jar of this Pond's Extract
Company's Vanishing Cream. You know I can't do without it.

Pond's Extract


Vanishing Cream

is so wholesome and pure that it has been recommended by physicians as a safe and effective cream to put on a baby's face. The tender skin, which may be chapped or roughened by the winds, is made soft and smooth again by Pond's Extract Company's Vanishing Cream. A better evidence of its purity and its healing qualities could not be given.

It is delightfully fragrant, and when applied to the face with the tip of the fingers, sinks at once into the skin (vanishes); feeds it; builds it up and beautifies it. Its enormous sale is justified by its inherent goodness.

It is enough for those who have used Pond's Extract to know that Vanishing Cream is manufactured by the same concern.

The Pond's Extract Company was founded in 1846. Throughout the subsequent sixty odd years it has taken pride in maintaining in all its specialties a standard of quality unattained by any other manufacturer. Skilled supervision, close scrutiny of raw materi als and model laboratories insure the nearest possible approach of perfection.

[blocks in formation]

Pond's Extract Company has given its full name to its toilet prepa
rations as a protection against imitations, therefore be sure to get
the genuine by insisting on the name "Pond's Extract Company's."
The Pond's Extract Company is also making a remarkably fine
Soap and Talcum Powder which are sold under its name. They
are, of course, still producing that fine old family stand-by for cuts,
burns, bruises, etc., Pond's Extract itself, which enjoys greater
popularity than ever. Pond's Extract should always be kept on
hand for use by the entire family.

Samples of any of the above preparations will be sent to those
who ask for them. Those who send 4 cents will receive a larger
tube of Vanishing Cream.

Pond's Extract Company

96 Hudson Street




The Ceneral Family Remety


New York

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Why Should I Use Cuticura Soap?

"There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap was only for skin troubles." True, it is for skin. troubles, but its great mission is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its delicate, emollient and prophylactic properties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and refreshing fragrance give to it all the advantages of the best of toilet soaps. It is also invaluable in keeping the hands soft and white, the hair live and glossy, and the scalp free from dandruff and irritation.

Sold throughout the world. Depots: London, 27, Charterhouse Sq.: Paris, 10. Chaussee d'Antin; Australia, R. Towns & Co., Sydney: India, B. K. Paul, Calcutta; So. Africa, Lennon, Ltd., Cape Town, etc.; U. S. A., Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., 133 Columbus Ave., Boston.

Free, from Boston or London depots, a sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, with 32-p. booklet.

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What the doctors take.


OU may have heard of the man who called to see his doctor about a bad cold, and got an elaborate prescription. Noticing the doctor sipping something from a glass, he asked what it was.

"Oh, that's hot lemon-juice and sugar," said the doctor, absentmindedly. "I find there's nothing like it for a cold."

One striking fact about Buffalo Lithia Springs Water is the great number of physicians who TAKE IT THEMSELVES.

Dr. Edward McGuire, of Richmond, Va., Professor of Gynecology in University College of Medicine, says, "The best evidence I can give of my estimate of the value of Buffalo Lithia Water is that I drink it myself for a uric acid diathesis. I frequently advise it in all such conditions."

Dr. John T. Metcalf, of New York, Emeritus Professor of Clin-
ical Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York,
says, "I have for years prescribed Buffalo Lithia Water for patients,
and used it in my own case for gouty trouble, with decided benefi-
cial results, and I regard it certainly as a very valuable remedy."

Dr. Hunter McGuire, M.D., LL.D., ex-President University
College of Medicine, Richmond, Va., and the unanimous choice of
the American Medical Association as its President, said, "Buffalo
Lithia Water, as an alkaline diuretic, is invaluable. In Uric Acid
Diathesis, it is a remedy of extraordinary potency. I have pre-
scribed it in cases of Rheumatic Gout, which had resisted the ordi-
nary remedies, with wonderfully good results. I have used it also
in my own case, being a great sufferer from this malady, and have
derived more benefit from it than from any other remedy. I pre-
scribe this water ten times where I prescribe any other once."
And there are many others. Shall we send you their names?

[blocks in formation]

It is put up in new sterilized halfgallon bottles, which are never refilled. Each cork bears a SEAL with this TRADE-MARK stamped on it.

It is sold everywhere by leading druggists, grocers, and mineral water dealers.

Write TO-DAY for booklet telling what this water has done for people with your trouble.

If not on sale near you, write us, giv. ing your dealer's name, and we will see that you are supplied.

Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug act, June 30, 1906. Serial No. 15,055.



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